#! /usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: false # # check-smart-tests.rb # # DESCRIPTION: # This script checks S.M.A.R.T. self-tests status and optionally time of last # test run # # OUTPUT: # plain text # # PLATFORMS: # Linux # # DEPENDENCIES: # gem: sensu-plugin # # USAGE: # check-smart-tests.rb # Use default options # check-smart-tests.rb -d /dev/sda,/dev/sdb -l 24 -t 336 # Check smart tests status for # /dev/sda and /dev/sdb devices, also check if short tests were run in last 24 hours and # extended tests were run in last 14 days(336 hours) # # NOTES: # The plugin requires smartmontools to be installed and smartctl utility in particular. # # smartctl requires root rights to run, so you should allow sensu to execute # this command as root without password by adding following line to /etc/sudoers: # # sensu ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/smartctl # # Tested only on Debian. # # LICENSE: # Stanislav Sandalnikov # Released under the same terms as Sensu (the MIT license); see LICENSE # for details. require 'sensu-plugin/check/cli' class Device attr_accessor :name, :pwh, :str def initialize(name, smartctl_executable) @name = name @exec = smartctl_executable @pwh = poweron_hours @str = selftest_results end def poweron_hours `sudo #{@exec} -A #{@name}`.split("\n").each do |line| columns = line.split if columns[1] == 'Power_On_Hours' return columns[9] end end end def selftest_results results = [] headers = %w[num test_description status remaining lifetime lba_of_first_error] `sudo #{@exec} -l selftest #{@name}`.split("\n").grep(/^#/).each do |test| test = test.gsub!(/\s\s+/m, "\t").split("\t") res = {} headers.each_with_index do |v, k| res[v] = test[k] end results << res end results end end class CheckSMARTTests < Sensu::Plugin::Check::CLI option :executable, long: '--executable EXECUTABLE', short: '-e EXECUTABLE', default: '/usr/sbin/smartctl', description: 'Path to smartctl executable' option :devices, long: '--devices *DEVICES', short: '-d *DEVICES', default: 'all', description: 'Comma-separated list of devices to check, i.e. "/dev/sda,/dev/sdb"' option :short_test_interval, long: '--short_test_interval INTERVAL', short: '-s INTERVAL', description: 'If more time then this value passed since last short test run, then warning will be raised' option :long_test_interval, long: '--long_test_interval INTERVAL', short: '-l INTERVAL', description: 'If more time then this value passed since last extedned test run, then warning will be raised' def initialize super @devices = [] @warnings = [] @criticals = [] set_devices end def set_devices if config[:devices] == 'all' `lsblk -plnd -o NAME`.split.each do |name| unless name =~ /\/dev\/loop.*/ dev = Device.new(name, config[:executable]) @devices.push(dev) end end else config[:devices].split(',').each do |name| dev = Device.new(name, config[:executable]) @devices.push(dev) end end end def check_tests(dev) if dev.str.empty? @warnings << "#{dev.name}: No self-tests have been logged." return end unless dev.str[0]['status'] == 'Completed without error' || dev.str[0]['status'] =~ /Self-test routine in progress/ @criticals << "#{dev.name}: Last test failed - #{dev.str[0]['status']}" end unless config[:short_test_interval].nil? dev.str.each_with_index do |t, i| if t['test_description'] != 'Short offline' if i == dev.str.length - 1 @warnings << "#{dev.name}: No short tests were run for this device in last #{dev.str.length} executions" end next else if dev.pwh.to_i - t['lifetime'].to_i > config[:short_test_interval].to_i @warnings << "#{dev.name}: More than #{config[:short_test_interval]} hours passed since the last short test" end break end end end # TODO: refactor me unless config[:long_test_interval].nil? # rubocop:disable Style/GuardClause dev.str.each_with_index do |t, i| if t['test_description'] != 'Extended offline' if i == dev.str.length - 1 @warnings << "#{dev.name}: No extended tests were run for this device in last #{dev.str.length} executions" end next else if dev.pwh.to_i - t['lifetime'].to_i > config[:long_test_interval].to_i @warnings << "#{dev.name}: More than #{config[:long_test_interval]} hours passed since the last extended test" end break end end end end def run @devices.each do |device| check_tests(device) end if @criticals.any? critical @criticals.join(' ') elsif @warnings.any? warning @warnings.join(' ') else ok 'All devices are OK' end end end