false © The Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium, Inc. – All rights reserved : TC       Warning for drafts This document is not a CalConnect Standard. It is distributed for review and comment, and is subject to change without notice and may not be referred to as a Standard. Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are aware and to provide supporting documentation. Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are aware and to provide supporting documentation. The Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium, Inc.  <!-- DEBUG contents= -->   © 6pt 8mm 0mm false true true true false <xsl:apply-templates select="xalan:nodeset($title)" mode="contents_item"/> 13pt 13pt 12pt 11pt 16pt fo:inline fo:block bold 12pt always 13.5pt H fo:inline fo:inline fo:inline fo:inline fo:block left 0pt 12pt 115% 0   blue underline false true false false true false 215.9 210 279.4 297 210 297 19 19 20.2 20.3 Contents Sommaire Contents Descriptors 第 # 部分: Sub-part # Partie de sub # List of Tables List of Figures Table of Figures List of Recommendations Summary (продолжение) (continued) (continué)   abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Noto Sans, Noto Sans HK, Noto Sans JP, Noto Sans KR, Noto Sans SC, Noto Sans TC Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono CJK HK, Noto Sans Mono CJK JP, Noto Sans Mono CJK KR, Noto Sans Mono CJK SC, Noto Sans Mono CJK TC Noto Serif, Noto Serif HK, Noto Serif JP, Noto Serif KR, Noto Serif SC, Noto Serif TC , STIX Two Math Sans 10.5pt , Noto Sans Noto Serif SC HK JP KR SC TC , , , always always always blue underline pre wrap Code 6pt always always 10pt 12pt 10pt 12.5mm always 12pt bold 14pt 10mm 0mm 0mm 10pt true fixed 0mm 0mm always bold center 6pt 4mm bold bold solid black 1pt 1mm 1mm center center solid black 1pt 1mm 1mm solid black 1pt 1mm 1mm 1mm 10pt 12pt 12pt 80% 5mm super 0 0 80% 5mm super justify 12pt 0pt 7mm always 6pt bold 2mm 12pt bold 12pt 12pt 10pt 8pt 8pt blue underline 10pt 12pt 10mm 5mm 6mm 2mm 12pt 10pt 12pt 12mm 12mm 12pt right 8pt always always bold bold center 12pt 12pt always 6pt 12pt center left 5mm right center 100% 100% uniform scale-to-fit 11pt bold center 12pt always 1.1 always bold 6pt rgb(0, 255, 0) red underline red line-through STIX Two Math 6.5mm 12pt always bold 135% 80% always always always 65% super normal normal 0 0 10pt 12pt always 60% super 12pt bold 0mm 0mm always 6pt 12mm 12pt 12mm 12pt always 65% super always 60% super 10pt 12pt 0pt #d73a49 #d73a49 #d73a49 #d73a49 #d73a49 #d73a49 #d73a49 #6f42c1 #6f42c1 #6f42c1 #6f42c1 #005cc5 #005cc5 #005cc5 #005cc5 #005cc5 #005cc5 #005cc5 #005cc5 #005cc5 #005cc5 #032f62 #032f62 #032f62 #e36209 #e36209 #6a737d #6a737d #6a737d #22863a #22863a #22863a #22863a #24292e #005cc5 bold #735c0f #24292e italic #24292e bold #22863a #f0fff4 #b31d28 #ffeef0 H1 always 2.5pt solid rgb(0, 176, 80) 2.5pt solid rgb(255, 0, 0) ace-tag_
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