//import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import burp.IBurpExtender;
import burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks;
import burp.IScanIssue;
import burp.IHttpRequestResponse;
import org.jruby.*;
import org.jruby.javasupport.JavaUtil;
import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
* This is an implementation of the BurpExtender/IBurpExtender interface
* for Burp Suite which provides glue between a Ruby runtime and Burp.
* This is a complete implementation of the Burp Extender interfaces available
* as of Burp Suite 1.4
public class BurpExtender implements IBurpExtender {
public final static String INIT_METH = "evt_extender_init";
public final static String PROXYMSG_METH = "evt_proxy_message_raw";
public final static String HTTPMSG_METH = "evt_http_message";
public final static String SCANISSUE_METH = "evt_scan_issue";
public final static String MAINARGS_METH = "evt_commandline_args";
public final static String REG_METH = "evt_register_callbacks";
public final static String CLOSE_METH = "evt_application_closing";
// Internal reference to hold the ruby Burp handler
private static IRubyObject r_obj = null;
* Sets an internal reference to the ruby handler class or module to use
* for proxied BurpExtender events into a ruby runtime.
* Generally, this should probably be called before burp.StartBurp.main.
* However, it is also possible to set this afterwards and even swap in
* new objects during runtime.
public static void set_handler(IRubyObject hnd) { r_obj = hnd; }
* Returns the internal Ruby handler reference.
* The handler is the ruby class or module used for proxying BurpExtender
* events into a ruby runtime.
public static IRubyObject get_handler() { return r_obj; }
* This constructor is invoked from Burp's extender framework.
* This implementation invokes the INIT_METH
* from the Ruby handler object if one is defined passing it Ruby
* usable reference to the instance.
public BurpExtender() {
if (r_obj !=null && r_obj.respondsTo(INIT_METH))
r_obj.callMethod(ctx(r_obj), INIT_METH, to_ruby(rt(r_obj), this));
* This method is invoked immediately after the implementation's constructor
* to pass any command-line arguments that were passed to Burp Suite on
* startup.
* This implementation invokes the method defined by
in the Ruby handler if both the handler
* and its ruby method are defined.
* It allows Ruby implementations to control aspects of their behaviour at
* runtime by defining their own command-line arguments.
* WARNING: Burp appears to have a bug (as of 1.2 and 1.2.05) which causes
* Burp to exit immediately if arguments are supplied regardless whether
* this handler is used.
* @param args The command-line arguments passed to Burp Suite on startup.
public void setCommandLineArgs(String[] args) {
if(r_obj != null && r_obj.respondsTo(MAINARGS_METH))
r_obj.callMethod(ctx(r_obj), MAINARGS_METH, to_ruby(rt(r_obj), args));
* This method is invoked on startup. It registers an instance of the
* burp.IBurpExtenderCallbacks
interface, providing methods
* that may be invoked by the implementation to perform various actions.
* The call to registerExtenderCallbacks need not return, and
* implementations may use the invoking thread for any purpose.
* This implementation simply passes a ruby-usable "callbacks" instance to
* the Ruby handler using the method defined by REG_METH
* both the handler and its ruby method are defined.
* @param callbacks An implementation of the
* IBurpExtenderCallbacks
public void registerExtenderCallbacks(IBurpExtenderCallbacks cb) {
if(r_obj != null && r_obj.respondsTo(REG_METH)) {
cb.issueAlert("[BurpExtender] registering JRuby handler callbacks");
r_obj.callMethod(ctx(r_obj), REG_METH, to_ruby(rt(r_obj), cb));
* This method is invoked by Burp Proxy whenever a client request or server
* response is received.
* This implementation simply passes all arguments to the Ruby handler's
* method defined by PROXYMSG_METH
if both the handler and
* its ruby method are defined.
* This allows Ruby implementations to perform logging functions, modify
* the message, specify an action (intercept, drop, etc.) and perform any
* other arbitrary processing.
* @param messageReference An identifier which is unique to a single
* request/response pair. This can be used to correlate details of requests
* and responses and perform processing on the response message accordingly.
* @param messageIsRequest Flags whether the message is a client request or
* a server response.
* @param remoteHost The hostname of the remote HTTP server.
* @param remotePort The port of the remote HTTP server.
* @param serviceIsHttps Flags whether the protocol is HTTPS or HTTP.
* @param httpMethod The method verb used in the client request.
* @param url The requested URL.
* @param resourceType The filetype of the requested resource, or a
* zero-length string if the resource has no filetype.
* @param statusCode The HTTP status code returned by the server. This value
* is null
for request messages.
* @param responseContentType The content-type string returned by the
* server. This value is null
for request messages.
* @param message The full HTTP message.
* @param action An array containing a single integer, allowing the
* implementation to communicate back to Burp Proxy a non-default
* interception action for the message. The default value is
. Set action[0]
to one of
* the other possible values to perform a different action.
* @return Implementations should return either (a) the same object received
* in the message
paramater, or (b) a different object
* containing a modified message.
public byte[] processProxyMessage(
int messageReference,
boolean messageIsRequest,
String remoteHost,
int remotePort,
boolean serviceIsHttps,
String httpMethod,
String url,
String resourceType,
String statusCode,
String responseContentType,
byte[] message,
int[] action )
if (r_obj != null && r_obj.respondsTo(PROXYMSG_METH)) {
Ruby rt = rt(r_obj);
// prepare an alternate action value to present to ruby
IRubyObject r_action = to_ruby(rt, action);
// prepare an alternate String message value to present to ruby
//String message_str = new String(message);
IRubyObject r_msg = to_ruby(rt, message);
IRubyObject pxy_msg[] = {
to_ruby(rt, messageReference),
to_ruby(rt, messageIsRequest),
to_ruby(rt, remoteHost),
to_ruby(rt, remotePort),
to_ruby(rt, serviceIsHttps),
to_ruby(rt, httpMethod),
to_ruby(rt, url),
to_ruby(rt, resourceType),
to_ruby(rt, statusCode),
to_ruby(rt, responseContentType),
// slurp back in the action value in-case it's been changed
action[0] = ((int[])r_action.toJava(int[].class))[0];
IRubyObject ret = r_obj.callMethod(ctx(r_obj), PROXYMSG_METH, pxy_msg);
if(ret != r_msg) {
return (byte []) ret.toJava(byte[].class);
return message;
* Added in Burp 1.2.09
* No javadoc yet but here's what the PortSwigger dev blog has to say:
* The processHttpMessage method is invoked whenever any of Burp's tools
* makes an HTTP request or receives a response. This is effectively a
* generalised version of the existing processProxyMessage method, and
* can be used to intercept and modify the HTTP traffic of all Burp
* tools.
public void processHttpMessage(
String toolName,
boolean messageIsRequest,
IHttpRequestResponse messageInfo )
if (r_obj != null && r_obj.respondsTo(HTTPMSG_METH)) {
Ruby rt = rt(r_obj);
IRubyObject http_msg[] = {
to_ruby(rt, toolName),
to_ruby(rt, messageIsRequest),
to_ruby(rt, messageInfo)
r_obj.callMethod(ctx(r_obj), HTTPMSG_METH, http_msg);
* Added in Burp 1.2.09
* The newScanIssue method is invoked whenever Burp Scanner discovers a
* new, unique issue, and can be used to perform customised reporting or
* logging of issues.
public void newScanIssue(IScanIssue issue) {
if (r_obj != null && r_obj.respondsTo(SCANISSUE_METH))
r_obj.callMethod(ctx(r_obj), SCANISSUE_METH, to_ruby(rt(r_obj), issue));
* This method is invoked immediately before Burp Suite exits.
* This implementation simply invokes the Ruby handler's method defined
if both the handler and its ruby method are
* defined.
* This allows implementations to carry out any clean-up actions necessary
* (e.g. flushing log files or closing database resources, etc.).
public void applicationClosing() {
if (r_obj != null && r_obj.respondsTo(CLOSE_METH))
r_obj.callMethod(ctx(r_obj), CLOSE_METH);
// Private method to return the ThreadContext for a given ruby object.
// This is used in the various event proxies
private ThreadContext ctx(IRubyObject obj) {
return rt(obj).getThreadService().getCurrentContext();
// Private method to return the ruby runtime for a given ruby object.
// This is used in the various event proxies
private Ruby rt(IRubyObject obj) {
return obj.getRuntime();
// private method to transfer arbitrary java objects into a ruby runtime.
// This is used in the various event proxies to pass arguments to the
// ruby handler object.
private IRubyObject to_ruby(Ruby rt, Object obj) {
return JavaUtil.convertJavaToUsableRubyObject(rt, obj);
* Causes Burp Proxy to follow the current interception rules to determine
* the appropriate action to take for the message.
public final static int ACTION_FOLLOW_RULES = 0;
* Causes Burp Proxy to present the message to the user for manual
* review or modification.
public final static int ACTION_DO_INTERCEPT = 1;
* Causes Burp Proxy to forward the message to the remote server or client.
public final static int ACTION_DONT_INTERCEPT = 2;
* Causes Burp Proxy to drop the message and close the client connection.
public final static int ACTION_DROP = 3;
* Causes Burp Proxy to follow the current interception rules to determine
* the appropriate action to take for the message, and then make a second
* call to processProxyMessage.
public final static int ACTION_FOLLOW_RULES_AND_REHOOK = 0x10;
* Causes Burp Proxy to present the message to the user for manual
* review or modification, and then make a second call to
* processProxyMessage.
public final static int ACTION_DO_INTERCEPT_AND_REHOOK = 0x11;
* Causes Burp Proxy to skip user interception, and then make a second call
* to processProxyMessage.
public final static int ACTION_DONT_INTERCEPT_AND_REHOOK = 0x12;