# encoding: utf-8 require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "spec_helper.rb") describe Teamocil::Layout do context "compiling" do before do # {{{ @layout = Teamocil::Layout.new(layouts["two-windows"], {}) end # }}} describe "handles bad layouts" do # {{{ it "does not compile without windows" do # {{{ @layout = Teamocil::Layout.new({ "name" => "foo" }, {}) lambda { @layout.compile! }.should raise_error Teamocil::Error::LayoutError end # }}} it "does not compile without splits" do # {{{ @layout = Teamocil::Layout.new({ "windows" => [{ "name" => "foo" }] }, {}) lambda { @layout.compile! }.should raise_error Teamocil::Error::LayoutError end # }}} it "does not compile with empty splits" do # {{{ @layout = Teamocil::Layout.new({ "windows" => [{ "name" => "foo", "splits" => [nil, nil] }] }, {}) lambda { @layout.compile! }.should raise_error Teamocil::Error::LayoutError end # }}} end # }}} describe "windows" do # {{{ it "creates windows" do # {{{ session = @layout.compile! session.windows.each do |window| window.should be_an_instance_of Teamocil::Layout::Window end end # }}} it "creates windows with names" do # {{{ session = @layout.compile! session.windows[0].name.should == "foo" session.windows[1].name.should == "bar" end # }}} it "creates windows with root paths" do # {{{ session = @layout.compile! session.windows[0].root.should == "/foo" session.windows[1].root.should == "/bar" end # }}} it "creates windows with clear option" do # {{{ session = @layout.compile! session.windows[0].clear.should == "clear" session.windows[1].clear.should be_nil end # }}} end # }}} describe "splits" do # {{{ it "creates splits" do # {{{ session = @layout.compile! session.windows.first.splits.each do |split| split.should be_an_instance_of Teamocil::Layout::Split end end # }}} it "creates splits with dimensions" do # {{{ session = @layout.compile! session.windows.first.splits[0].width.should == nil session.windows.first.splits[1].width.should == 50 end # }}} it "creates splits with commands specified in strings" do # {{{ session = @layout.compile! session.windows.first.splits[0].cmd.should == "echo 'foo'" end # }}} it "creates splits with commands specified in an array" do # {{{ session = @layout.compile! session.windows.last.splits[0].cmd.length.should == 2 session.windows.last.splits[0].cmd.first.should == "echo 'bar'" session.windows.last.splits[0].cmd.last.should == "echo 'bar in an array'" end # }}} it "handles focused splits" do # {{{ session = @layout.compile! session.windows.last.splits[1].focus.should be_true session.windows.last.splits[0].focus.should be_false end # }}} end # }}} describe "filters" do # {{{ it "creates windows with before filters" do # {{{ layout = Teamocil::Layout.new(layouts["two-windows-with-filters"], {}) session = layout.compile! session.windows.first.filters["before"].length.should == 2 session.windows.first.filters["before"].first.should == "echo first before filter" session.windows.first.filters["before"].last.should == "echo second before filter" end # }}} it "creates windows with after filters" do # {{{ layout = Teamocil::Layout.new(layouts["two-windows-with-filters"], {}) session = layout.compile! session.windows.first.filters["after"].length.should == 2 session.windows.first.filters["after"].first.should == "echo first after filter" session.windows.first.filters["after"].last.should == "echo second after filter" end # }}} it "should handle blank filters" do # {{{ session = @layout.compile! session.windows.first.filters.should have_key "after" session.windows.first.filters.should have_key "before" session.windows.first.filters["after"].should be_empty session.windows.first.filters["before"].should be_empty end # }}} end # }}} describe "targets" do # {{{ it "should handle splits without a target" do # {{{ session = @layout.compile! session.windows.last.splits.last.target.should == nil end # }}} it "should handle splits with a target" do # {{{ session = @layout.compile! session.windows.last.splits.first.target.should == "bottom-right" end # }}} end # }}} describe "sessions" do # {{{ it "should handle windows within a session" do # {{{ layout = Teamocil::Layout.new(layouts["three-windows-within-a-session"], {}) session = layout.compile! session.windows.length.should == 3 session.name.should == "my awesome session" end # }}} end # }}} end context "generating commands" do before do # {{{ @layout = Teamocil::Layout.new(layouts["two-windows"], {}) end # }}} it "should generate split commands" do #{{{ session = @layout.compile! commands = session.windows.last.splits[0].generate_commands commands.length.should == 2 commands.first.should == "tmux send-keys -t 0 \"export TEAMOCIL=1 && cd \"/bar\" && echo 'bar' && echo 'bar in an array'\"" commands.last.should == "tmux send-keys -t 0 Enter" session = @layout.compile! commands = session.windows.first.splits[0].generate_commands commands.length.should == 2 commands.first.should == "tmux send-keys -t 0 \"export TEAMOCIL=1 && cd \"/foo\" && clear && echo 'foo'\"" commands.last.should == "tmux send-keys -t 0 Enter" end # }}} it "should generate window commands" do #{{{ session = @layout.compile! commands = session.windows.last.generate_commands commands.first.should == "tmux new-window -n \"bar\"" commands.last.should == "tmux select-pane -t 1" end # }}} end end