module LightIO::Module extend Base::NewHelper define_new_for_module "IO" module IO include LightIO::Module::Base class << self # helper methods def convert_to_io(io) unless io.respond_to?(:to_io) raise TypeError, "no implicit conversion of #{io.class} into IO" end to_io = io.is_a?(LightIO::Library::IO) ? io : io.to_io unless to_io.is_a?(LightIO::Library::IO) raise TypeError, "can't convert #{io.class} to IO (#{io.class}#to_io gives #{to_io.class})" unless to_io.is_a?(::IO) # try wrap raw io instead of raise error wrapped_io = to_io.instance_variable_get(:@_lightio_wrapped_io) unless wrapped_io wrapped_io = LightIO::Library::IO._wrap(to_io) to_io.instance_variable_set(:@_lightio_wrapped_io, wrapped_io) end to_io = wrapped_io # raise TypeError, "can't process raw IO, use LightIO::IO._wrap(obj) to wrap it" end to_io end def get_io_watcher(io) unless io.is_a?(LightIO::Library::IO) io = convert_to_io(io) end io.__send__(:io_watcher) end end module ClassMethods include LightIO::Module::Base::Helper def open(*args) io =*args) return io unless block_given? begin yield io ensure io.close if io.respond_to? :close end end def pipe(*args) r, w = origin_pipe(*args) if block_given? begin return yield r, w ensure w.close r.close end end [wrap_to_library(r), wrap_to_library(w)] end def copy_stream(*args) raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments (given #{args.size}, expected 2..4)" unless (2..4).include?(args.size) src, dst, copy_length, src_offset = args src = src.respond_to?(:to_io) ? src.to_io :, 'r') unless src.is_a?(IO) dst = dst.respond_to?(:to_io) ? dst.to_io :, 'w') unless dst.is_a?(IO) buf_size = 4096 copy_chars = 0 buf_size = [buf_size, copy_length].min if copy_length if src_offset while (buf = size = dst.write(buf) copy_chars += size if copy_length copy_length -= size break if buf_size = [buf_size, copy_length].min end end copy_chars end def select(read_fds, write_fds=nil, _except_fds=nil, timeout=nil) timer = timeout && read_fds ||= [] write_fds ||= [] loop do # make sure io registered, then clear io watcher status read_fds.each {|fd| LightIO::Module::IO.get_io_watcher(fd).tap {|io| io.readable?; io.clear_status}} write_fds.each {|fd| LightIO::Module::IO.get_io_watcher(fd).tap {|io| io.writable?; io.clear_status}} # run ioloop once LightIO.sleep 0 r_fds = {|fd| io = LightIO::Module::IO.convert_to_io(fd) io.closed? ? raise(IOError, 'closed stream') : LightIO::Module::IO.get_io_watcher(io).readable? } w_fds = {|fd| io = LightIO::Module::IO.convert_to_io(fd) io.closed? ? raise(IOError, 'closed stream') : LightIO::Module::IO.get_io_watcher(io).writable? } e_fds = [] if r_fds.empty? && w_fds.empty? if timeout && - timer > timeout return nil end else return [r_fds, w_fds, e_fds] end end end end end end