class Marty::RpcController < ActionController::Base def evaluate res = do_eval(params["script"], params["tag"], params["node"], params["attrs"] || "[]", params["params"] || "{}", params["api_key"] || nil, params["background"], ) respond_to do |format| format.json { send_data res.to_json } format.csv { # SEMI-HACKY: strip outer list if there's only one element. res = res[0] if res.is_a?(Array) && res.length==1 send_data Marty::DataExporter.to_csv(res) } end end private # FIXME: move to (probably) agrim's schema code in lib def get_schemas(tag, sname, node, attrs) begin engine ='Schemas') result = engine.evaluate(node, attrs, {}) rescue => e use_message = e.message == 'No such script' ? 'Schema not defined' : 'Problem with schema: ' + e.message raise "Schema error for #{sname}/#{node} "\ "attrs=#{attrs.join(',')}: #{use_message}" end end def do_eval(sname, tag, node, attrs, params, api_key, background) return {error: "Malformed attrs"} unless attrs.is_a?(String) attrs_atom = !attrs.start_with?('[') start_time = if attrs_atom attrs = [attrs] else begin attrs = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(attrs) rescue JSON::ParserError => e return {error: "Malformed attrs"} end end return {error: "Malformed attrs"} unless attrs.is_a?(Array) && attrs.all? {|x| x =~ /\A[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\z/} return {error: "Bad params"} unless params.is_a?(String) begin params = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(params) orig_params = params.clone rescue JSON::ParserError => e return {error: "Malformed params"} end return {error: "Malformed params"} unless params.is_a?(Hash) need_input_validate, need_output_validate, strict_validate, need_log = [], [], [], [] Marty::ApiConfig.multi_lookup(sname, node, attrs).each do |attr, log, input_validate, output_validate, strict, id| need_input_validate << attr if input_validate need_output_validate << attr + "_" if output_validate strict_validate << attr if strict need_log << id if log end opt = { :validate_schema => true, :errors_as_objects => true, :version => Marty::JsonSchema::RAW_URI } to_append = {"\$schema" => Marty::JsonSchema::RAW_URI} validation_error = {} err_count = 0 if need_input_validate.present? begin schemas = get_schemas(tag, sname, node, need_input_validate) rescue => e return {error: e.message} end schemas.each do |attr, sch| begin er = JSON::Validator.fully_validate(sch.merge(to_append), params, opt) rescue NameError return {error: "Unrecognized PgEnum for attribute #{attr}"} rescue => ex return {error: "#{attr}: #{ex.message}"} end validation_error[attr] ={ |e| e[:message] } if er.size > 0 err_count += er.size end end return {error: "Error(s) validating: #{validation_error}"} if err_count > 0 auth = Marty::ApiAuth.authorized?(sname, api_key) return {error: "Permission denied" } unless auth begin engine = rescue => e err_msg = "Can't get engine: #{sname || 'nil'} with tag: " + "#{tag || 'nil'}; message: #{e.message}" err_msg return {error: err_msg} end retval = nil begin if background result = engine.background_eval(node, params, attrs) return retval = {"job_id" =>} end res = engine.evaluate(node, attrs, params) validation_error = {} err_count = 0 if need_output_validate.present? begin schemas = get_schemas(tag, sname, node, need_output_validate) rescue => e return {error: e.message} end pairs = do |(attr, res), (_, sch)| begin er = JSON::Validator.fully_validate(sch.merge(to_append), res, opt) rescue NameError return {error: "Unrecognized PgEnum for attribute #{attr}"} rescue => ex return {error: "#{attr}: #{ex.message}"} end validation_error[attr] ={ |e| e[:message] } if er.size > 0 err_count += er.size end if err_count > 0 res = do |attr, res| is_strict = strict_validate.include?(attr) the_error = validation_error[attr] Marty::Logger.error("API #{sname}:#{node}.#{attr}", {error: the_error, data: res}) if the_error is_strict && the_error ? {error: "Error(s) validating: #{the_error}", data: res} : res end end end return retval = (attrs_atom ? res.first : res) rescue => exc err_msg = Delorean::Engine.grok_runtime_exception(exc).symbolize_keys "Evaluation error: #{err_msg}" return retval = err_msg ensure error = Hash === retval ? retval[:error] : nil # FIXME: how do we know this isn't going to fail?? Marty::ApiLog.create!(script: sname, node: node, attrs: (attrs_atom ? attrs.first : attrs), input: orig_params, output: error ? nil : retval, start_time: start_time, end_time:, error: error, remote_ip: request.remote_ip, auth_name: auth, ) if need_log.present? end end end