@wire Feature: Wire protocol table diffing In order to use the amazing functionality in the Cucumber table object As a wire server I want to be able to ask for a table diff during a step definition invocation Background: Given a standard Cucumber project directory structure And a file named "features/wired.feature" with: """ Scenario: Wired Given we're all wired """ And a file named "features/step_definitions/some_remote_place.wire" with: """ host: localhost port: 54321 """ Scenario: Invoke a step definition tries to diff the table and fails Given there is a wire server running on port 54321 which understands the following protocol: | request | response | | ["step_matches",{"name_to_match":"we're all wired"}] | ["step_matches",[{"id":"1", "args":[]}]] | | ["begin_scenario",null] | ["success",null] | | ["invoke",{"id":"1","args":[]}] | ["diff",[[["a","b"],["c","d"]],[["x","y"],["z","z"]]]] | | ["diff_failed",null] | ["step_failed",{"message":"Not same", "exception":"DifferentException", "backtrace":["a.cs:12","b.cs:34"]}] | | ["end_scenario",null] | ["success",null] | When I run cucumber -f progress --backtrace And it should fail with """ F (::) failed steps (::) Not same (DifferentException from localhost:54321) a.cs:12 b.cs:34 features/wired.feature:2:in `Given we're all wired' Failing Scenarios: cucumber features/wired.feature:1 # Scenario: Wired 1 scenario (1 failed) 1 step (1 failed) """ Scenario: Invoke a step definition tries to diff the table and passes Given there is a wire server running on port 54321 which understands the following protocol: | request | response | | ["step_matches",{"name_to_match":"we're all wired"}] | ["step_matches",[{"id":"1", "args":[]}]] | | ["begin_scenario",null] | ["success",null] | | ["invoke",{"id":"1","args":[]}] | ["diff",[[["a"],["b"]],[["a"],["b"]]]] | | ["diff_ok",null] | ["success",null] | | ["end_scenario",null] | ["success",null] | When I run cucumber -f progress And it should pass with """ . 1 scenario (1 passed) 1 step (1 passed) """ Scenario: Invoke a step definition which successfully diffs a table but then fails Given there is a wire server running on port 54321 which understands the following protocol: | request | response | | ["step_matches",{"name_to_match":"we're all wired"}] | ["step_matches",[{"id":"1", "args":[]}]] | | ["begin_scenario",null] | ["success",null] | | ["invoke",{"id":"1","args":[]}] | ["diff",[[["a"],["b"]],[["a"],["b"]]]] | | ["diff_ok",null] | ["step_failed",{"message":"I wanted things to be different for us"}] | | ["end_scenario",null] | ["success",null] | When I run cucumber -f progress And it should fail with """ F (::) failed steps (::) I wanted things to be different for us (Cucumber::WireSupport::WireException) features/wired.feature:2:in `Given we're all wired' Failing Scenarios: cucumber features/wired.feature:1 # Scenario: Wired 1 scenario (1 failed) 1 step (1 failed) """