#!/usr/bin/env bats load 'test_helper' @test 'Tables - indented' { spec_mde_xansi_dname_doc_blocks_expect docs/dev/table-indent.md \ ' DEMONSTRATE TABLE INDENTATION__Table flush at left._Centered columns._| Common Name | Species | Genus | Family | Year Discovered |_| -------------------- | ------------------------- | ------------ | ------------- | --------------- |_| Tapanuli Orangutan | Pongo tapanuliensis | Pongo | Hominidae | 2017 |_| Psychedelic Frogfish | Histiophryne psychedelica | Histiophryne | Antennariidae | 2009 |_| Ruby Seadragon | Phyllopteryx dewysea | Phyllopteryx | Syngnathidae | 2015 |__ Table indented with two spaces._ Left-justified columns._ | Common Name | Species | Genus | Family | Year Discovered |_ | -------------------------- | -------------- | ------- | --------------- | --------------- |_ | Illacme tobini (Millipede) | Illacme tobini | Illacme | Siphonorhinidae | 2016 |__ Table indented with one tab._ Right-justified columns._ | Common Name | Species | Genus | Family | Year Discovered |_ | --------------- | ------------------- | --------- | ---------- | --------------- |_ | Spiny Dandelion | Taraxacum japonicum | Taraxacum | Asteraceae | 2022 |' }