## Challah 1.3.0 * Compatibility with Rails5 (beta3) ## Challah 1.2.10/11 * Adds an `email` parameter for sign-in in addition to `username`. [PR #18](https://github.com/jdtornow/challah/pull/18) @thewatts ## Challah 1.2.9 * Adds support for apps that do not contain an `ApplicationController` in the main rails app. For example, if all of the app logic is contained within engines. ## Challah 1.2.8 * Localize invalid email message [PR #15](https://github.com/jdtornow/challah/pull/15) @thewatts ## Challah 1.2.7 * Gem updates [PR #14](https://github.com/jdtornow/challah/pull/14) @philtr ## Challah 1.2.6 * Normalize email address before writing to database [PR #13](https://github.com/jdtornow/challah/pull/13) @thewatts ## Challah 1.2.5 * Modified audit tracker for Rails 4.2 `ActiveRecord::AttributeSet` * Added `timestamps null: true` to Authorizations table to remove deprecation warning ## Challah 1.2.4 * Modify `bcrypt` dependency [PR #10](https://github.com/jdtornow/challah/pull/10) @philtr ## Chalah 1.2.3 * Allow default techniques to be removed in the host app. [PR #9](https://github.com/jdtornow/challah/pull/9) @philtr ## Challah 1.2.2 * Bug fix for “A copy of User has been removed from the module tree but is still active!” error in Rails development mode. Fix was to not cache the `User` model reference from within the engine. ## Challah 1.2.1 * Bug fixed when loading `challah/test` in minitest. ## Challah 1.2.0 * Convert tests to RSpec * Remove use of `challah_user` and `challah_authorization` and replace with concerns * Internal clean up of included modules ## Challah 1.1.1 * Internal clean up of tests and gem dependencies * Enable compatibility with Rails 4.1.0.rc1 ## Challah 1.1.0 * Allow challah to authenticate with User and Authorization tables that using namespaces * Multiple accounts can be signed in at once using multiple user tables ## Challah 1.0.0 * Ruby 2.0 compatibility * Add option to disable built-in validations * Rails 4.0.0 is the only supported Rails version ## Challah 0.9.1 * Basic compatibility with Rails 4. Removed support for `attr_accessible` in newer versions of Rails. Testing and a few other operations not yet support, but the gem is functional on Rails 4. ## Challah 0.9.0 * Removed some legacy support for default login paths * Added authorizations table support. Shifting to flexible model for providers instead of always relying on username and password support. * Users no longer require usernames and passwords for creation. ## Challah 0.8.3 * Various internal cleanup and preparations for future flexabilty * Added `Authenticators` classes to ease transition for other authentication methods in the future * Added `Validators` classes to allow for more fine-tuned control over email and password validation. Note: Email addresses are now validated to look like emails. Override `Challah.options[:email_validator]` to use a different `ActiveModel::EachValidator` for specific needs. * Removed `User.search()` method. Leaving this detail up to the app instead of hiding it in a gem. ## Challah 0.8.2 * Removing default_scope from user model. ## Challah 0.8.1 * Use an unscoped finder to reduce load time looking for the current session. ## Challah 0.8.0 * Enabled plugin abilties with `Challah.register_plugin`. This restores the ability to use permissions and roles through the [challah-rolls gem](https://github.com/jdtornow/challah-rolls). ## Challah 0.7.1 * Ensure users can be looked up by username as case insensitive value. Allows logins posted from iOS devices (with initial caps) to be valid usernames even when stored as caps. ## Challah 0.7.0 * Removed roles and permissions functionality to keep the gem completely geared towards user authentication. In a future release this functionality will be added back into its own separate gem. * User model is automatically unpacked into the app upon install ## Challah 0.6.2 * Gem dependency updates * Don't increase session counter for non-persisted sessions. This is helpful for designing API requests that don't need a session count after each request. * Added `email_hash` column to users table. After a user record is saved the email address is hashed for use with services like Gravatar.com. Existing user tables without the `email_hash` column will not be affected. ## Challah 0.6.1 * Bug fix, `signed_in?` should be included in helper methods. ## Challah 0.6.0 * Gem dependency updates * Reduced application load time by eager loading ActiveRecord and ActionController modules once they are loading instead of on gem load. * Lots of cleanup * Added scoped User finders for `find_all_by_role` and `find_all_by_permission` * Added routes for "/sign-in" and "/sign-out" in addition to "/login" and "/logout" * Sign in form by default is styled using Twitter Bootstrap compatible markup. Override `views/sessions/new.html.erb` with your own view to modify the markup. * Added various rake tasks for unpacking the internals of the gem into an app. (run `rake -T challah:unpack` to see details) ## Challah 0.5.4 * Bug fixes for Rails v3.2.3 mass assignment defaults. ## Challah 0.5.3 * Updated tests to conform with Factory Girl 3.0 * Added `login_as` and `logout` test helper methods into `ActiveSupport::TestCase` by default. These methods can be used within functional tests to authenticate a user for a given test. * For each test run, all test sessions are cleared. * Removing support for Ruby 1.8.7, since Factory Girl does not support it anymore. ## Challah 0.5.2 * Created `SimpleCookieStore` and use it as the default storage method for Session. This varies from `CookieStore` only because the user agent and remote IP address are not used in the cookie. ## Challah 0.5.1 * Dependency updates for Shoulda 3.0 and Rails 3.2.2. * Added multiple Gemfile configurations for Travis CI. ## Challah 0.5.0 * Modified user permission key lookup to use caching of permission keys. * Added timestamps to roles migration. ## Challah 0.4.1 * Added User#protect_attributes to allow for the addition of app-specific protected attributes in User ## Challah 0.4.0 * Enabled api key access. Passing ?key=xxxx into any URL will authenticate a user for a single page load. This option is turned off by default in new apps and can be enabled using `Challah.options[:api_key_enabled]`. * Updated tests for API key access * Authenticate users on page load * Changed default api key length to 50 instead of 25 ## Challah 0.3.5 * Now using [Highline](https://github.com/JEG2/highline) for rake tasks instead of sloppy custom methods. ## Challah 0.3.4 * Added `challah/test` include to allow for testing in your app. ## Challah 0.3.3 * Added User#valid_session? method to check to see if this user is valid on each page load. ## Challah 0.3.2 * Moving translations to accommodate for new namespace. ## Challah 0.3.1 * Removed name spacing of controllers and default routes. * Added option to not include default routes ## Challah 0.3.0 * Documentation clean up. * Added rake tasks for creating role, permission and user records. ## Challah 0.2.0 * Initial build. Basic functionality for session persistence and authentication.