# frozen_string_literal: true require "active_support" require "active_support/core_ext" require "active_support/inflector" module Alchemy # = Alchemy::Resource # # Used to DRY up resource like structures in Alchemy's admin backend. # So far Language, User and Tag already uses this. # # It provides convenience methods to create an admin interface without further knowledge about # the model and the controller (it's instantiated with controller_path at least and guesses the model accordingly) # # For examples how to use in controllers see Alchemy::ResourcesController or inherit from it directly. # # == Naming Conventions # # As Rails' form helpers, path helpers, etc. and declarative authorization rely on controller_path even if the model # class is named differently (or sits in another namespace) model and controller are handled separatly here. # Therefore "resource" always refers to the controller_path whereas "model" refers to the model class. # # == Skip attributes # # Usually you don't want your users to see and edit all attributes provided by a model. Hence some default attributes, # namely id, updated_at, created_at, creator_id and updater_id are not returned by Resource#attributes. # # If you want to skip a different set of attributes just define a +skipped_alchemy_resource_attributes+ class method in your model class # that returns an array of strings. # # === Example # # def self.skipped_alchemy_resource_attributes # %w(id updated_at secret_token remote_ip) # end # # == Restrict attributes # # Beside skipping certain attributes you can also restrict them. Restricted attributes can not be edited by the user but still be seen in the index view. # No attributes are restricted by default. # # === Example # # def self.restricted_alchemy_resource_attributes # %w(synced_at remote_record_id) # end # # == Searchable attributes # # By default all :text and :string based attributes are searchable in the admin interface. # You can overwrite this behaviour by providing a set of attribute names that should be searchable instead. # # === Example # # def self.searchable_alchemy_resource_attributes # %w(remote_record_id firstname lastname age) # end # # == Resource relations # # Alchemy::Resource can take care of ActiveRecord relations. # # === BelongsTo Relations # # For belongs_to associations you will have to define a +alchemy_resource_relations+ class method in your model class: # # def self.alchemy_resource_relations # { # location: {attr_method: 'name', attr_type: 'string'}, # organizer: {attr_method: 'name', attr_type: 'string'} # } # end # # With this knowledge Resource#attributes will return location#name and organizer#name instead of location_id # and organizer_id. Refer to Alchemy::ResourcesController for further details on usage. # # == Creation # # Resource needs a controller_path at least. Without other arguments it will guess the model name from it and assume # that the model doesn't live in an engine. Moreover model and controller has to follow Rails' naming convention: # # Event -> EventsController # # It will also strip "admin" automatically, so this is also valid: # # Event -> Admin::EventsController # # If your Resource and it's controllers are part of an engine you need to provide Alchemy's module_definition, # so resource can provide the correct url_proxy. If you don't declare it in Alchemy, you need at least provide the # following hash (i.e. if your engine is named EventEngine): # # resource = Resource.new(controller_path, {"engine_name" => "event_engine"}) # # If you don't want to stick with these conventions you can separate model and controller by providing # a model class (for example used by Alchemy's Tags admin interface): # # resource = Resource.new('/admin/tags', {"engine_name"=>"alchemy"}, Gutentag::Tag) # class Resource attr_accessor :resource_relations, :model_associations attr_reader :model DEFAULT_SKIPPED_ATTRIBUTES = %w(id created_at creator_id) DEFAULT_SKIPPED_ASSOCIATIONS = %w(creator) SEARCHABLE_COLUMN_TYPES = [:string, :text] def initialize(controller_path, module_definition = nil, custom_model = nil) @controller_path = controller_path @module_definition = module_definition @model = (custom_model || guess_model_from_controller_path) if model.respond_to?(:alchemy_resource_relations) if !model.respond_to?(:reflect_on_all_associations) raise MissingActiveRecordAssociation end store_model_associations map_relations end end def resource_array @_resource_array ||= controller_path_array.reject { |el| el == "admin" } end def resources_name @_resources_name ||= resource_array.last end def resource_name @_resource_name ||= resources_name.singularize end def namespaced_resource_name @_namespaced_resource_name ||= begin namespaced_resources_name.to_s.singularize end.to_sym # Rails >= needs symbols in polymorphic routes end def namespaced_resources_name @_namespaced_resources_name ||= begin resource_name_array = resource_array.dup resource_name_array.delete(engine_name) if in_engine? resource_name_array.join("_") end.to_sym # Rails >= needs symbols in polymorphic routes end def namespace_for_scope namespace_array = namespace_diff namespace_array.delete(engine_name) if in_engine? namespace_array.map(&:to_sym) # Rails >= needs symbols in polymorphic routes end # Returns an array of underscored association names # def model_association_names return unless model_associations model_associations.map do |assoc| assoc.name.to_sym end end def attributes @_attributes ||= model.columns.collect do |col| next if skipped_attributes.include?(col.name) { name: col.name, type: resource_column_type(col), relation: resource_relation(col.name), }.delete_if { |_k, v| v.nil? } end.compact end def sorted_attributes @_sorted_attributes ||= attributes. sort_by { |attr| attr[:name] == "name" ? 0 : 1 }. sort_by! { |attr| attr[:type] == :boolean ? 1 : 0 }. sort_by! { |attr| attr[:name] == "updated_at" ? 1 : 0 } end def editable_attributes attributes.reject { |h| restricted_attributes.map(&:to_s).include?(h[:name].to_s) } end # Returns all attribute names that are searchable in the admin interface # def searchable_attribute_names if model.respond_to?(:searchable_alchemy_resource_attributes) model.searchable_alchemy_resource_attributes else attributes.select { |a| searchable_attribute?(a) } .concat(searchable_relation_attributes(attributes)) .collect { |h| h[:name] } end end # Search field input name # # Joins all searchable attribute names into a Ransack compatible search query # def search_field_name searchable_attribute_names.join("_or_") + "_cont" end def in_engine? !engine_name.nil? end def engine_name @module_definition && @module_definition["engine_name"] end # Returns a help text for resource's form or nil if no help text is available # # === Example: # # de: # alchemy: # resource_help_texts: # my_resource_name: # attribute_name: This is the fancy help text # def help_text_for(attribute) ::I18n.translate!(attribute[:name], scope: [:alchemy, :resource_help_texts, resource_name]) rescue ::I18n::MissingTranslationData nil end # Return attributes that should be viewable but not editable. # def restricted_attributes if model.respond_to?(:restricted_alchemy_resource_attributes) model.restricted_alchemy_resource_attributes else [] end end # Return attributes that should neither be viewable nor editable. # def skipped_attributes if model.respond_to?(:skipped_alchemy_resource_attributes) model.skipped_alchemy_resource_attributes else DEFAULT_SKIPPED_ATTRIBUTES end end private def searchable_attribute?(attribute) SEARCHABLE_COLUMN_TYPES.include?(attribute[:type].to_sym) && !attribute.key?(:relation) end def searchable_attribute_on_relation?(attribute) attribute.key?(:relation) && SEARCHABLE_COLUMN_TYPES.include?(attribute[:relation][:attr_type].to_sym) end def searchable_relation_attributes(attrs) attrs.select { |a| searchable_attribute_on_relation?(a) }.map { |a| searchable_relation_attribute(a) } end def searchable_relation_attribute(attribute) { name: "#{attribute[:relation][:model_association].name}_#{attribute[:relation][:attr_method]}", type: attribute[:relation][:attr_type], } end def guess_model_from_controller_path resource_array.join("/").classify.constantize end def controller_path_array @controller_path.split("/") end def namespace_diff controller_path_array - resource_array end def resource_relation_type(column_name) resource_relation(column_name).try(:[], :attr_type) end def resource_relation_class(association) class_name = association.options[:class_name] || association.name.to_s.classify class_name.constantize end def resource_column_type(col) resource_relation_type(col.name) || (col.try(:array) ? :array : col.type) end def resource_relation(column_name) resource_relations[column_name.to_sym] if resource_relations end # Expands the resource_relations hash with matching activerecord associations data. def map_relations self.resource_relations = {} model.alchemy_resource_relations.each do |name, options| relation_name = name.to_s.gsub(/_id$/, "") # ensure that we don't have an id association = association_from_relation_name(relation_name) foreign_key = association.options[:foreign_key] || "#{association.name}_id".to_sym collection = options[:collection] || resource_relation_class(association).all resource_relations[foreign_key] = options.merge( model_association: association, name: relation_name, collection: collection, ) end end # Stores all activerecord associations in model_associations attribute def store_model_associations self.model_associations = model.reflect_on_all_associations.delete_if { |a| DEFAULT_SKIPPED_ASSOCIATIONS.include?(a.name.to_s) } end # Returns activerecord association that has the given name def association_from_relation_name(name) model_associations.detect { |a| a.name == name.to_sym } end end end