class Jason::SubscriptionOld attr_accessor :id, :config def initialize(id: nil, config: nil) if id @id = id raw_config = $redis_jason.hgetall("jason:subscriptions:#{id}").map { |k,v| [k, JSON.parse(v)] }.to_h set_config(raw_config) else @id = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(config.to_json) configure(config) end end def set_config(raw_config) @config = { |k,v| [k.underscore.to_s, v] }.to_h end def configure(raw_config) set_config(raw_config) $redis_jason.hmset("jason:subscriptions:#{id}", * { |k,v| [k, v.to_json]}.flatten) end def destroy config.each do |model, value| $redis_jason.srem("jason:#{model.to_s.underscore}:subscriptions", id) end $redis_jason.del("jason:subscriptions:#{id}") end def add_consumer(consumer_id) before_consumer_count = consumer_count $redis_jason.sadd("jason:subscriptions:#{id}:consumers", consumer_id) $redis_jason.hset("jason:consumers", consumer_id, add_subscriptions publish_all end def remove_consumer(consumer_id) $redis_jason.srem("jason:subscriptions:#{id}:consumers", consumer_id) $redis_jason.hdel("jason:consumers", consumer_id) if consumer_count == 0 remove_subscriptions end end def consumer_count $redis_jason.scard("jason:subscriptions:#{id}:consumers") end def channel "jason:#{id}" end def publish_all config.each do |model, model_config| klass = model.to_s.classify.constantize conditions = model_config['conditions'] || {} klass.where(conditions).find_each(&:cache_json) update(model) end end def add_subscriptions config.each do |model, value| $redis_jason.hset("jason:#{model.to_s.underscore}:subscriptions", id, value.to_json) update(model) end end def remove_subscriptions config.each do |model, _| $redis_jason.hdel("jason:#{model.to_s.underscore}:subscriptions", id) end end def self.publish_all JASON_API_MODEL.each do |model, _v| klass = model.to_s.classify.constantize klass.publish_all(klass.all) if klass.respond_to?(:publish_all) end end def get(model_name)"jason:cache:#{model_name}", "") value = JSON.parse($redis_jason.get("#{channel}:#{model}:value") || '[]') idx = $redis_jason.get("#{channel}:#{model}:idx").to_i { type: 'payload', md5Hash: id, model: model, value: value, idx: idx } end def get_diff(old_value, value) JsonDiff.generate(old_value, value) end def deep_stringify(value) if value.is_a?(Hash) value.deep_stringify_keys elsif value.is_a?(Array) { |x| x.deep_stringify_keys } end end def get_throttle if !$throttle_rate || !$throttle_timeout || > $throttle_timeout $throttle_timeout = + 5.seconds $throttle_rate = ($redis_jason.get('global_throttle_rate') || 0).to_i else $throttle_rate end end # Atomically update and return patch def update(model) start_time = conditions = config[model]['conditions'] value = $redis_jason.hgetall("jason:#{model}:cache") { |v| JSON.parse(v) } .select { |v| (conditions || {}).all? { |field, value| v[field] == value } } .sort_by { |v| v['id'] } # lfsa = last finished, started at # If another job that started after this one, finished before this one, skip sending this state update if Time.parse($redis_jason.get("jason:#{channel}:lfsa") || '1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC') < start_time $redis_jason.set("jason:#{channel}:lfsa", start_time) else return end value = deep_stringify(value) # If value has changed, return old value and new idx. Otherwise do nothing. cmd = <<~LUA local'get', ARGV[1] .. ':value') if old_val ~= ARGV[2] then'set', ARGV[1] .. ':value', ARGV[2]) local new_idx ='incr', ARGV[1] .. ':idx') return { new_idx, old_val } end LUA result = $redis_jason.eval cmd, [], ["#{channel}:#{model}", value.to_json] return if result.blank? idx = result[0] old_value = JSON.parse(result[1] || '[]') diff = get_diff(old_value, value) end_time = payload = { model: model, md5Hash: id, diff: diff, idx: idx.to_i, latency: ((end_time - start_time)*1000).round } ActionCable.server.broadcast("jason:#{id}", payload) end end