require 'pathname' require 'open4' module SshForever ::SshForever::VERSION = '0.4.0' unless defined? ::SshForever::VERSION class SecureShellForever def initialize(login, options = {}) @login = login @options = options @username, @hostname = @login.split("@") cleanup_ssh_config cleanup_identity_files local_config_path initialization_run local_key_path end def initialization_run unless File.exists?(config_file_path) puts "You do not appear to have a config file. Expected one at #{config_file_path}" unless @options[:quiet] existing_ssh_config? ? append_ssh_config : write_ssh_config puts "Next: check for a public key." unless @options[:quiet] unless File.exists?(public_key_path) puts "You do not appear to have an identity file/public key. Expected one at #{public_key_path}" unless @options[:quiet] confirm_keygen generate_public_key end end args = ssh_args() copy_public_key(args) puts "Success. From now on you can just use plain old 'ssh'. Logging you in..." unless @options[:quiet] status = run_shell_cmd(ssh_login(args)) #cleanup_ssh_config # exitstatus 2 is when ssh-add can't find an agent on local machine. # We ought to switch to use Net::SSH libraries.... exit 1 unless status.exitstatus.to_i == 0 || status.exitstatus.to_i == 2 end def run_interactive system ssh_login_interactive(ssh_args) #cleanup_ssh_config end private def local_ssh_config_path @local_ssh_config_path ||= Pathname('~/').expand_path.realpath end def authorized_keys (local_ssh_config_path + '.ssh' + 'authorized_keys2').exist? ? 'authorized_keys2' : 'authorized_keys' end def append_ssh_config puts "Appending host entry in local ssh config with name #{@options[:name]}" unless @options[:quiet] Pathname(config_file_path).open("a") do |config| config << ssh_config end end def write_ssh_config puts "Creating host entry in local ssh config with name #{@options[:name]||'ssh-forever'}" unless @options[:quiet] Pathname(config_file_path).open("w") do |config| config << ssh_config end @cleanup_ssh_config = config_file_path end def existing_ssh_config? file = Pathname(config_file_path) config = file.exist? ? : "" chk1 = config[/IdentityFile #{public_key_path}/] ? true : false chk2 = config[/Host #{@options[:name]}/] ? true : false chk1 && chk2 ? true : false end def ssh_config host_config = <<-STUFF.gsub(/^ {6}/, '') Host #{@options[:name]||'ssh-forever'} HostName #{@hostname} User #{@username} Port #{@options[:port]||22} IdentityFile #{public_key_path} Protocol 2 PreferredAuthentications publickey PubkeyAuthentication yes Batchmode yes ChallengeResponseAuthentication no CheckHostIP yes StrictHostKeyChecking #{@options[:strict] ? 'yes' : 'no'} HostKeyAlias #{@options[:name] ? @options[:name] : @hostname} ConnectionAttempts 3 ControlMaster auto ControlPath #{local_ssh_config_path + '.ssh' + '%h_%p_%r'} ForwardAgent no ForwardX11Trusted no GatewayPorts yes GSSAPIAuthentication no GSSAPIDelegateCredentials no HashKnownHosts yes HostbasedAuthentication no IdentitiesOnly yes LogLevel #{@options[:debug] ? 'DEBUG3' : (@options[:quiet] ? 'QUIET' : 'INFO')} NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost yes PasswordAuthentication no PermitLocalCommand no RekeyLimit 2G ServerAliveCountMax #{@options[:intense] ? '1' : '3'} ServerAliveInterval #{@options[:intense] ? '1' : '15'} TCPKeepAlive yes Tunnel no STUFF end def run_shell_cmd(cmd) status = ::Open4::popen4('sh') do |pid, stdin, stdout, stderr| puts "debug: #{cmd}" if @options[:debug] stdin.puts cmd stdin.close puts "debug: #{}" if @options[:debug] end status end def cleanup_ssh_config file = "#{local_ssh_config_path + '.ssh' + 'ssh-forever-config'}" Pathname(file).delete if Pathname(file).exist? end def cleanup_identity_files file = "#{local_ssh_config_path + '.ssh' + 'ssh-forever-id'}" Pathname(file).delete if Pathname(file).exist? Pathname(file + '.pub').delete if Pathname(file + '.pub').exist? end def confirm_keygen unless @options[:auto] STDERR.print "Would you like me to generate one? [Y/n]" unless @options[:quiet] result = STDIN.gets.strip unless result == '' or result == 'y' or result == 'Y' cleanup_ssh_config() flunk %Q{\nFair enough, I'll be off then. You can generate your own by hand using\n\n ssh-keygen -t rsa} end end end def generate_public_key status = run_shell_cmd(ssh_keygen) flunk("Oh dear. I was unable to generate your public key. Run the command 'ssh-keygen -t rsa' manually to find out why.") unless status.exitstatus.to_i == 0 end def copy_public_key(args) puts "Copying your public key to the remote server." unless @options[:quiet] puts "Prepare to enter your password for the last time..." unless @options[:quiet] status = run_shell_cmd(ssh_keycopy(args)) exit 1 unless status.exitstatus.to_i == 0 end def ssh_args [ ' ', ("-F #{@options[:config_file]}" if @options[:config_file]), ("-p #{@options[:port]}" if @options[:port] =~ /^\d+$/), (@options[:strict] ? "-o stricthostkeychecking=yes" : "-o stricthostkeychecking=no"), (@options[:debug] ? "-vvv" : "-q") ].compact.join(' ') end def ssh_keygen "ssh-keygen -t rsa #{@options[:debug] ? "-v" : "-q"} -C '#{local_key_path} created by ssh-forever #{}' -N '' -f #{local_key_path.to_s}" end def ssh_keycopy(args) "ssh-copy-id '-i #{@options[:identity_file]}.pub #{args} #{@login}'" end def ssh_login(args) if @options[:name] append_ssh_config unless existing_ssh_config? #ssh-add #{@options[:identity_file]}; login_command = "ssh-add #{@options[:identity_file]}; #{ssh_keycopy(args)}; SSH_AUTH_SOCK=0 ssh #{@options[:name]}#{args} 'echo true;';" else login_command = "ssh-add #{@options[:identity_file]}; SSH_AUTH_SOCK=0 ssh #{@login}#{args} 'echo true;';" end login_command end def ssh_login_interactive(args) if @options[:name] append_ssh_config unless existing_ssh_config? login_command = "ssh #{@options[:name]} #{args}" else login_command = "ssh #{@login}#{args}" end login_command end def flunk(message) STDERR.puts message exit 1 end def local_key_path @options[:identity_file] ||= public_key_path if RUBY_VERSION =~ /^1\.8\.7/ @options[:identity_file] = Pathname(@options[:identity_file]).expand_path.to_s else @options[:identity_file] = Pathname(@options[:identity_file]).expand_path.realdirpath.to_s end end def local_config_path @options[:config_file] ||= config_file_path # public_key_path if RUBY_VERSION =~ /^1\.8\.7/ @options[:config_file] = Pathname(@options[:config_file]).expand_path.to_s else @options[:config_file] = Pathname(@options[:config_file]).expand_path.realdirpath.to_s @options[:config_file] end end def public_key_path File.expand_path(@options[:identity_file] || "#{local_ssh_config_path + '.ssh' + 'ssh-forever-id'}") end def config_file_path File.expand_path(@options[:config_file] || "#{local_ssh_config_path + '.ssh' + 'ssh-forever-config'}") end end end