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.resourcesNUnit.Gui.SettingsPages.AssemblyReloadSettingsPage.resourcesNUnit.Gui.SettingsPages.GuiSettingsPage.resourcesNUnit.Gui.SettingsPages.InternalTraceSettingsPage.resourcesNUnit.Gui.SettingsPages.ProjectEditorSettingsPage.resourcesNUnit.Gui.SettingsPages.RuntimeSelectionSettingsPage.resourcesNUnit.Gui.SettingsPages.TestLoaderSettingsPage.resourcesNUnit.Gui.SettingsPages.TestResultSettingsPage.resourcesNUnit.Gui.SettingsPages.TreeSettingsPage.resourcesNUnit.Gui.SettingsPages.VisualStudioSettingsPage.resourcesLogo.ico ({0})gCopyright (C) 2002-2012 Charlie Poole. Copyright (C) 2002-2004 James W. Newkirk, Michael C. Two, Alexei A. Vorontsov. Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Philip Craig. All Rights Reserved.OkButtonOK label1NUnit Version:versionLabel label2Developers: label3James W. Newkirk, Michael C. Two, Alexei A. Vorontsov, Philip Craig, Ethan Smith, Doug de la Torre, Charlie PoolelinkLabel1+ label4Information: label5Thanks to: label63Kent Beck and Erich Gamma label7Copyright:copyright label8clrTypeLabel%Framework Version:%dotNetVersionLabel label9$this.IconAboutBoxAbout NUnit!http://nunit.orgaddinListView Addin Status%descriptionTextBoxDescription:button1 Message:messageTextBoxAddinDialog#Registered Addins!nunit-gui_%p.log5Options.InternalTraceLevel%Starting NUnit GUI3Creating attached console+Error in command lineOPerforming cleanup of shadow copy cache'Setting culture to Adding Services+Initializing Services=Service initialization failed.;Service initialization failed=Initializing AmbientProperties#Constructing Form1Starting Gui Application!Application ExitCGui Application threw an excepion#Stopping Services'Press Enter to exit#Exiting NUnit GUI NUnitReason: okButtonstackTracemessage)ExceptionDetailsForm#Exception Details ----> : ... 5NUNIT [inputfile] [options] Runs a set of NUnit tests from the console. You may specify an assembly or a project file of type .nunit as input. Options: Options that take values may use an equal sign, a colon or a space to separate the option from its value. FullstatusBar &File&New Project...!&Open Project... &Close- &SaveSave &As...Re&load Project&Reload Tests# Select R&untime!Recent &Projects E&xit &View&Full GUI&Mini GUIGUI Fo&nt&Increase&Decrease&Change...&RestoreFi&xed Font&Status Bar&Project&ConfigurationsAdd Assembly...#Add VS Project...Edit... &Tests&Run AllRun &SelectedRun &FailedS&top Run T&ools'&Test Assemblies.../&Save Results as XML...+&Exception Details...-Open &Log Directory...&Settings...Addins... &HelpNUnit &Help...&About NUnit...treeSplitterrightPanelgroupBox1suiteNamerunCountstopButton &StoprunButton &RunprogressBarresultTabstestTreeleftPanelNUnitForm#Gui.DisplayFormat#Gui.MainForm.Left!Gui.MainForm.Top%Gui.MainForm.Width'Gui.MainForm.Height-Gui.MainForm.Maximized#Gui.MainForm.Font Mini#Gui.MiniForm.Left!Gui.MiniForm.Top%Gui.MiniForm.Width'Gui.MiniForm.Height#Gui.MiniForm.FontGui.FixedFont&{0} {1}&Add...&Edit...MOptions.TestLoader.VisualStudioSupportEGui.RecentProjects.CheckFilesExist/Options.LoadLastProject=Options.TestLoader.ReloadOnRunInvalid Setting5Gui.MainForm.SplitPosition-Gui.MiniForm.MaximizedsA test is running, do you want to stop the test and exit?Gui.TextOutput..ContentODo you want to cancel the running test?%Project Not LoadedLoading...Reloading...{This assembly was not built with any known testing framework.OOptions.TestLoader.ClearResultsOnReload#Test load failed!'Test reload failed!The assembly could not be loaded by NUnit. PossibleProblems include:c1. The assembly may not be a valid .NET assembly.#2. You may be attempting to load an assembly built with a later version of the CLR than the version under which NUnit is currently running ({0}).3. You may be attempting to load a 64-bit assembly into a 32-bit process.+NUnit Test Run FailedPassed: {0} Failed: {1} Errors: {2} Inconclusive: {3} Invalid: {4} Ignored: {5} Skipped: {6} Time: {7}TestResult.xml'Saved result to {0}AUnable to save result to {0} {1}{0} - NUnit!New Test ProjectqNUnit Test Project (*.nunit)|*.nunit|All Files (*.*)|*.* nunitOpen ProjectProjects & Assemblies(*.nunit,*.csproj,*.vbproj,*.vjsproj, *.vcproj,*.sln,*.dll,*.exe )|*.nunit;*.csproj;*.vjsproj;*.vbproj;*.vcproj;*.sln;*.dll;*.exe|All Project Types (*.nunit,*.csproj,*.vbproj,*.vjsproj,*.vcproj,*.sln)|*.nunit;*.csproj;*.vjsproj;*.vbproj;*.vcproj;*.sln|Test Projects (*.nunit)|*.nunit|Solutions (*.sln)|*.sln|C# Projects (*.csproj)|*.csproj|J# Projects (*.vjsproj)|*.vjsproj|VB Projects (*.vbproj)|*.vbproj|C++ Projects (*.vcproj)|*.vcproj|Assemblies (*.dll,*.exe)|*.dll;*.exeProjects & Assemblies(*.nunit,*.dll,*.exe)|*.nunit;*.dll;*.exe|Test Projects (*.nunit)|*.nunit|Assemblies (*.dll,*.exe)|*.dll;*.exe[This file has been modified outside of NUnit.3Do you want to reload it?[Loaded project contains no configuration dataULoaded project has no active configurationWActive configuration contains no assemblies3Add Assemblies To Project Projects & Assemblies(*.csproj,*.vbproj,*.vjsproj, *.vcproj,*.dll,*.exe )|*.csproj;*.vjsproj;*.vbproj;*.vcproj;*.dll;*.exe|Visual Studio Projects (*.csproj,*.vjsproj,*.vbproj,*.vcproj)|*.csproj;*.vjsproj;*.vbproj;*.vcproj|C# Projects (*.csproj)|*.csproj|J# Projects (*.vjsproj)|*.vjsproj|VB Projects (*.vbproj)|*.vbproj|C++ Projects (*.vcproj)|*.vcproj|Assemblies (*.dll,*.exe)|*.dll;*.exeIAssemblies (*.dll,*.exe)|*.dll;*.exeThe project being added may contain multiple configurations; Select Yes to add all configurations found. No to add only the } configuration. Cancel to exit without modifying the project./The project being added may contain multiple configurations; Select OK to add all configurations found. Cancel to exit without modifying the project.%Invalid VS ProjectAdd Assembly3Add Visual Studio ProjectAll Project Types (*.csproj,*.vjsproj,*.vbproj,*.vcproj)|*.csproj;*.vjsproj;*.vbproj;*.vcproj|C# Projects (*.csproj)|*.csproj|J# Projects (*.vjsproj)|*.vjsproj|VB Projects (*.vbproj)|*.vbproj|C++ Projects (*.vcproj)|*.vcproj|All Files (*.*)|*.*#Save Test ProjectmFile {0} is write-protected. Select another file name.uProject {0} has been changed. Do you want to save changes?1Save Test Results as XMLWXML Files (*.xml)|*.xml|All Files (*.*)|*.*xml)Results saved as {0}-Unable to Save Results]Unable to locate the specified Project Editor:AOptions.ProjectEditor.EditorPathuVerify that you have set the path to the editor correctly.Verify that nunit.editor.exe is properly installed in the NUnit bin directory.The project has not yet been saved. In order to edit the project, it must first be saved. Click OK to save the project or Cancel to exit.There are unsaved changes. Do you want to save them before running the editor?!nunit-editor.exe"Gui.General!Gui.Tree Display!Gui.Test ResultsGui.Text Output%Gui.Project Editor=Test Loader.Assembly Isolation7Test Loader.Assembly Reload;Test Loader.Runtime Selection)Test Loader.Advanced3IDE Support.Visual StudioAAdvanced Settings.Internal Trace{0} {1}Test Assemblies {0} ( {1} ) 5 Framework Version: {0} ) CLR Version: {0}  {0} 5 ApplicationBase: {0} ) PrivateBinPath: {0}{1} ) ; Configuration File: {0}  {0} # Path: {0} E Image Runtime Version: {0}  Uses:  Shadow CopygroupBox3GenableShadowCopyCheckBox.HelpString1enableShadowCopyCheckBox%Enable Shadow CopyShadow copy should normally be enabled. If it is disabled, the NUnit Gui may not function correctly.Leave this blank to permit NUnit to select a location under your temp directory.+shadowCopyPathTextBoxCache Path:/principalPolicyCheckBoxQSet Principal Policy for test AppDomainsPolicy:!Principal Policy1UnauthenticatedPrincipalNoPrincipal!WindowsPrincipal-principalPolicyListBoxWarning:5AdvancedLoaderSettingsPageEOptions.TestLoader.ShadowCopyFilesCOptions.TestLoader.ShadowCopyPathKOptions.TestLoader.SetPrincipalPolicyEOptions.TestLoader.PrincipalPolicyAssembly ReloadIf checked, the last tests run will be re-run automatically whenever the assembly changes.+rerunOnChangeCheckBox+Re-run last tests runiIf checked, the assembly is reloaded before each run'reloadOnRunCheckBox7Reload before each test runIf checked, the assembly is reloaded whenever it changes. Changes to this setting do not take effect until the next time an assembly is loaded.-reloadOnChangeCheckBoxCReload when test assembly changes5AssemblyReloadSettingsPageCOptions.TestLoader.ReloadOnChangeAOptions.TestLoader.RerunOnChangeS DisplayRecent FilesgroupBox2files in menuThe maximum number of files to display in the Recent Files list./recentFilesCountTextBox ListkIf checked, most recent project is loaded at startup./loadLastProjectCheckBoxILoad most recent project at startup.If selected, the full Gui is displayed, including the progress bar and output tabs.%fullGuiRadioButtonUFull Gui with progress bar and result tabsIf selected, the mini-Gui, consisting of only the tree of tests, is displayed.%miniGuiRadioButton5Mini Gui showing tree only/checkFilesExistCheckBoxKCheck that files exist before listingGuiSettingsPageONumber of files must be from {0} to {1}?Number of files must be numericInternal TraceTrace Level:DefaultOff ErrorWarning InfoVerbose%traceLevelComboBoxLog Directory:#logDirectoryLabel3InternalTraceSettingsPage+Select Project Editor=Executable Files (*.exe)|*.exeProject Editor#editorPathTextBox9editorPathBrowseButton.Image-editorPathBrowseButton3useNUnitEditorRadioButton1Use NUnit Project Editor3useOtherEditorRadioButtonUse Program:3ProjectEditorSettingsPage#Runtime SelectionIf checked and no specific runtime is requested, NUnit examines each assembly and attempts to load it using the runtime version for which it was built. If not checked, the current runtime is used.1runtimeSelectionCheckBoxSelect default runtime version based on target framework of test assembly9RuntimeSelectionSettingsPageUOptions.TestLoader.RuntimeSelectionEnabledIf checked, tests in each assembly will be merged into a single tree./mergeAssembliesCheckBox;Merge tests across assembliesIf selected, all test assemblies will be loaded in the same AppDomain./singleDomainRadioButtonIUse a single AppDomain for all testsIf selected, each test assembly will be loaded in a separate AppDomain.-multiDomainRadioButtonKUse a separate AppDomain per Assembly+Default Process Model/multiProcessRadioButtonYRun tests in a separate process per Assembly5separateProcessRadioButtonMRun tests in a single separate process-sameProcessRadioButtonORun tests directly in the NUnit process)Default Domain Usage-TestLoaderSettingsPageEOptions.TestLoader.MergeAssemblies?Options.TestLoader.ProcessModel=Options.TestLoader.DomainUsageErrors TabIf checked, the Errors and Failures Tab will be displayed in the Gui#errorsTabCheckBox?Display Errors and Failures TabIf checked, a tooltip will be displayed when hovering over an error that does not fit the display.failureToolTips/Enable Failure ToolTipsIf checked, error messages will be word wrapped to subsequent display lines.enableWordWrap!Enable Word WrapIf checked, the Tests Not Run Tab will be displayed in the Gui.#notRunTabCheckBox3Display Tests Not Run TabNot Run Tab-TestResultSettingsPage?Gui.ResultTabs.DisplayErrorsTabQGui.ResultTabs.ErrorsTab.ToolTipsEnabledQGui.ResultTabs.ErrorsTab.WordWrapEnabled?Gui.ResultTabs.DisplayNotRunTabTree View/Initial display on loadSelects the initial display style of the tree when an assembly is loaded Auto ExpandCollapseHideTests-initialDisplayComboBoxqIf checked, any prior results are cleared when reloading)clearResultsCheckBox;Clear results when reloading.If checked, the visual state of the project is saved on exit. This includes selected tests, categories and the state of the tree itself./saveVisualStateCheckBoxCSave Visual State of each projectIf selected, the tree displays checkboxes for use in selecting multiple tests.-showCheckBoxesCheckBoxShow CheckBoxesIf selected, the tree will consist of a flat list of fixtures, without any higher-level structure beyond the assemblies.flatTestList3Flat list of TestFixturesIf selected, the tree will follow the namespace structure of the tests, with suites automatically created at each level.'autoNamespaceSuites5Automatic Namespace suitesTest Structure%successImage.ImagesuccessImage%failureImage.ImagefailureImage%ignoredImage.ImageignoredImage/inconclusiveImage.Image#inconclusiveImage%skippedImage.ImageskippedImageTree ImagesimageSetListBox!TreeSettingsPage?Gui.TestTree.InitialTreeDisplay9Gui.TestTree.SaveVisualState-Options.ShowCheckBoxes=Gui.TestTree.AlternateImageSetMOptions.TestLoader.AutoNamespaceSuitesSuccessFailureIgnoredInconclusiveSkipped .png .jpg Images TreeVisual StudioIf checked, Visual Studio projects and solutions may be opened or added to existing test projects.7visualStudioSupportCheckBox9Enable Visual Studio Support5useSolutionConfigsCheckBox_Use solution configs when opening VS solutions.label2.Text Note:1VisualStudioSettingsPageeOptions.TestLoader.VisualStudio.UseSolutionConfigs{C Pz\V4КJw!%)   - 159=AEIIMQ MQ UYU]a a a ea   (,imq?_ :u$y}  $   u       ($((       (  i  (( -        $$RSA1J 5Km 9@ j2v>-ri ^V<㓬=֢ gn&FhIaR_uF+J|1 ВQmR3GKOF c! 7:#1Vdz6!- 1 59= 9 - 9    M  Q U Y ] a E e  m qIu y } A   iA 5           M AM      a a  9  a   IE9 % -  5 Y1U-YYY e 9 aeae 9 = u Au9=AM"T DescriptionFixture to test0T DescriptionList of categories to include0T DescriptionList of categories to exclude0T DescriptionProject configuration to load3T Description Suppress loading of last project7T Description$Automatically run the loaded projectUT DescriptionBAutomatically run selected tests or all tests if none are selectedJT Description7Create console display for viewing any unmanaged output4T Description!Language to use for the NUnit GUI:T Description'Erase any leftover cache files and exit)TShort?T Description Display helpim y Q  U] ] a i  m I$    5  uu    } uu M       u9     Q   Q    y U          M M 99    } M I  5 55 5 5      a      !   %   1 5 - 9 = A -5aA  -a  a  EuI Item      ]uu e e ee1 9M  E E I ] a e i   A q u y       -../../nunit.snk NUnitCopyright (C) 2002-2012 Charlie Poole. Copyright (C) 2002-2004 James W. Newkirk, Michael C. Two, Alexei A. Vorontsov. Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Philip Craig. All Rights Reserved.&!NUnit is a trademark of J_CorDllMainmscoree.dll% @(H`xeh(i"a4VS_VERSION_INFO00?DVarFileInfo$TranslationStringFileInfo000004b04,FileDescription 8 FileVersion2.6.2.12296LInternalNamenunit-gui-runner.dllLegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2002-2012 Charlie Poole. Copyright (C) 2002-2004 James W. Newkirk, Michael C. Two, Alexei A. Vorontsov. Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Philip Craig. All Rights Reserved.l"LegalTrademarksNUnit is a trademark of NUnit.orgTOriginalFilenamenunit-gui-runner.dll,ProductNameNUnit< ProductVersion2.6.2.12296@ Assembly Version2.6.2.12296( @( ffffffffffffffff (@ :