define("dojox/geo/openlayers/GfxLayer", [ "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/connect", "dojo/dom-style", "dojox/gfx", "dojox/gfx/matrix", "./Feature", "./Layer" ], function(declare, connect, style, gfx, matrix, Feature, Layer){ return declare("dojox.geo.openlayers.GfxLayer", Layer, { // summary: // A layer dedicated to render dojox.geo.openlayers.GeometryFeature // description: // A layer class for rendering geometries as dojox.gfx.Shape objects. // This layer class accepts Features which encapsulates graphic objects to be added to the map. // All objects should be added to this group. // tags: // private _viewport: null, constructor: function(name, options){ // summary: // Constructs a new GFX layer. var s = gfx.createSurface(this.olLayer.div, 100, 100); this._surface = s; var vp; if(options && options.viewport){ vp = options.viewport; }else{ vp = s.createGroup(); } this.setViewport(vp); connect.connect(this.olLayer, "onMapResize", this, "onMapResize"); this.olLayer.getDataExtent = this.getDataExtent; }, getViewport: function(){ // summary: // Gets the viewport // tags: // internal return this._viewport; }, setViewport: function(g){ // summary: // Sets the viewport // g: dojox.gfx.Group // tags: // internal if(this._viewport){ this._viewport.removeShape(); } this._viewport = g; this._surface.add(g); }, onMapResize: function(){ // summary: // Called when map is resized. // tags: // protected this._surfaceSize(); }, setMap: function(map){ // summary: // Sets the map for this layer. // tags: // protected this.inherited(arguments); this._surfaceSize(); }, getDataExtent: function(){ // summary: // Get data extent // tags: // private var ret = this._surface.getDimensions(); return ret; }, getSurface: function(){ // summary: // Get the underlying dojox.gfx.Surface // returns: // The dojox.gfx.Surface this layer uses to draw its GFX rendering. return this._surface; // dojox.gfx.Surface }, _surfaceSize: function(){ // summary: // Recomputes the surface size when being resized. // tags: // private var s =; this._surface.setDimensions(s.w, s.h); }, moveTo: function(event){ // summary: // Called when this layer is moved or zoomed. // event: // The event var s = style.get(; var left = parseInt(s.left); var top = parseInt(; if(event.zoomChanged || left || top){ var d = this.olLayer.div; style.set(d, { left: -left + "px", top: -top + "px" }); if(this._features == null){ return; } var vp = this.getViewport(); vp.setTransform(matrix.translate(left, top)); this.inherited(arguments); } }, added: function(){ // summary: // Called when added to a map. this.inherited(arguments); this._surfaceSize(); } }); });