## 1.0.1 Bugfixes: - Removed `default_command` call to fix --version usage. ## 1.1.0 Bugfixes: - Fixed dependencies management. Features: - Added a question for choosing application language and integration with devise-i18n. ## 1.2.0 Bugfixes: - Fixed RSpec load with Zeus (by using rails_helper instead on spec_helper in .rspec). - Removed RSpec `--warnings` option. Features: - Added `aws-sdk` gem (< 2). - Added `activeadmin_addons` when using ActiveAdmin. - Added AngularJS support for ActiveAdmin. Chore: - Removed several questions for ActiveAdmin support. ## 1.2.1 Refactor: - Speed up `help` and `version` commands by lazily requiring rails dependencies. ## 1.2.2 Bugfixes: - Multiple changes to make it work correctly within rubygems. ## 1.2.3 Bugfixes: - Fix database name to use when dashes are present. Features: - Added optional API support that includes the following: - A concern that offer standard responses to common errors. - Versionist Support. - `simple_token_authentication`, `active_model_serializers` and `responders` gem. - A default responder for API common behavior.