h1. Pickle Stick this in vendor/plugins to have cucumber steps that create your models easily from factory_girl/machinist/active_record References to the models are stored, not for the purpose of checking the db (although you could use it for that), but for enabling easy reference to urls, and for building complex givens which require a bunch of models collaborating h2. Get Started script/generate pickle Now have a look at features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb h2. API h3. Regexps for us in your own steps For capturing english versions of model names you get *CaptureModel*
  Given /^#{CaptureModel} exists$/ do |model_name|
    model(model_name).should_not == nil

  Then /^I should be at the (.*?) page$/ |page|
  if page =~ /#{CaptureModel}'s/
    # ...
For capturing a field string, you get *CaptureFields*
  Given /^#{CaptureModel} exists with #{CaptureFields}$/ do |model_name, fields|
    create_model(model_name, fields)
Take a look at features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb for more examples h3. Creating and tracking models h4. create_model(_model_name_[, _field_string_]) This will create a model using the factory name, and optional model label, with the field_string provided. The created model can be later referred to via its name. For example:
  create_model 'a user'         					# => will create a User
  create_model 'the user: "1"'      			# => will create a User, enabling later reference to it with 'user: "1"'
  create_model 'the user', 'name: "Fred"'	# => will create a User with attributes {:name => "Fred"}
If you don't use Machinist or FactoryGirl, you can still create models, but you must pass in all the fields required to make them valid. However, if you do use Machinist or FactoryGirl, then just use the factory or blueprint name, and will be super sweet. h4. find_model(_model_name_, _field_string_) This will find a model of the passed class matching the passed field string. The found model can be later referred to by its name. For example:
  find_model('a user', 'name: "Fred'")		# => find a user matching those attributes
h4. model(_model_name_) Refers to a model that has already been created/found (ie. referred to in a scenario) For example:
  create_model('a user')
  model('the user') # => refers to above user
  model('a user')   # => refers to above user

  create_model('a car: "herbie"')  		# => herbie
  create_model('a car: "batmobile"')	# => the batmobile
  model('the first car') 		# => herbie
  model('the 2nd car') 			# => batmobile
  model('the car "herbie")	# => herbie
h4. created_model(_model_name_) *model* always pulls from the db to get a fresh copy. If you need to access the originally created object for some reason (perhaps it has a one-time key on it that is used in a mailer for example), you can retreive it with *created_model* h4. more [TODO]