module Sequel class Database AUTOINCREMENT = 'AUTOINCREMENT'.freeze CASCADE = 'CASCADE'.freeze COMMA_SEPARATOR = ', '.freeze NO_ACTION = 'NO ACTION'.freeze NOT_NULL = ' NOT NULL'.freeze NULL = ' NULL'.freeze PRIMARY_KEY = ' PRIMARY KEY'.freeze RESTRICT = 'RESTRICT'.freeze SET_DEFAULT = 'SET DEFAULT'.freeze SET_NULL = 'SET NULL'.freeze TEMPORARY = 'TEMPORARY '.freeze UNDERSCORE = '_'.freeze UNIQUE = ' UNIQUE'.freeze UNSIGNED = ' UNSIGNED'.freeze # Default serial primary key options. def serial_primary_key_options {:primary_key => true, :type => Integer, :auto_increment => true} end private # The SQL to execute to modify the DDL for the given table name. op # should be one of the operations returned by the AlterTableGenerator. def alter_table_sql(table, op) quoted_name = quote_identifier(op[:name]) if op[:name] alter_table_op = case op[:op] when :add_column "ADD COLUMN #{column_definition_sql(op)}" when :drop_column "DROP COLUMN #{quoted_name}" when :rename_column "RENAME COLUMN #{quoted_name} TO #{quote_identifier(op[:new_name])}" when :set_column_type "ALTER COLUMN #{quoted_name} TYPE #{type_literal(op)}" when :set_column_default "ALTER COLUMN #{quoted_name} SET DEFAULT #{literal(op[:default])}" when :set_column_null "ALTER COLUMN #{quoted_name} #{op[:null] ? 'DROP' : 'SET'} NOT NULL" when :add_index return index_definition_sql(table, op) when :drop_index return drop_index_sql(table, op) when :add_constraint "ADD #{constraint_definition_sql(op)}" when :drop_constraint "DROP CONSTRAINT #{quoted_name}" else raise Error, "Unsupported ALTER TABLE operation" end "ALTER TABLE #{quote_schema_table(table)} #{alter_table_op}" end # Array of SQL DDL modification statements for the given table, # corresponding to the DDL changes specified by the operations. def alter_table_sql_list(table, operations){|op| alter_table_sql(table, op)} end # The SQL string specify the autoincrement property, generally used by # primary keys. def auto_increment_sql AUTOINCREMENT end # SQL DDL fragment containing the column creation SQL for the given column. def column_definition_sql(column) sql = "#{quote_identifier(column[:name])} #{type_literal(column)}" sql << UNIQUE if column[:unique] null = column.include?(:null) ? column[:null] : column[:allow_null] sql << NOT_NULL if null == false sql << NULL if null == true sql << " DEFAULT #{literal(column[:default])}" if column.include?(:default) sql << PRIMARY_KEY if column[:primary_key] sql << " #{auto_increment_sql}" if column[:auto_increment] sql << column_references_column_constraint_sql(column) if column[:table] sql end # SQL DDL fragment containing the column creation # SQL for all given columns, used inside a CREATE TABLE block. def column_list_sql(generator) ({|c| column_definition_sql(c)} +{|c| constraint_definition_sql(c)}).join(COMMA_SEPARATOR) end # SQL DDL fragment for column foreign key references (column constraints) def column_references_column_constraint_sql(column) column_references_sql(column) end # SQL DDL fragment for column foreign key references def column_references_sql(column) sql = " REFERENCES #{quote_schema_table(column[:table])}" sql << "(#{Array(column[:key]).map{|x| quote_identifier(x)}.join(COMMA_SEPARATOR)})" if column[:key] sql << " ON DELETE #{on_delete_clause(column[:on_delete])}" if column[:on_delete] sql << " ON UPDATE #{on_delete_clause(column[:on_update])}" if column[:on_update] sql end # SQL DDL fragment for table foreign key references (table constraints) def column_references_table_constraint_sql(constraint) "FOREIGN KEY #{literal(constraint[:columns])}#{column_references_sql(constraint)}" end # SQL DDL fragment specifying a constraint on a table. def constraint_definition_sql(constraint) sql = constraint[:name] ? "CONSTRAINT #{quote_identifier(constraint[:name])} " : "" case constraint[:type] when :check check = constraint[:check] sql << "CHECK #{filter_expr((check.is_a?(Array) && check.length == 1) ? check.first : check)}" when :primary_key sql << "PRIMARY KEY #{literal(constraint[:columns])}" when :foreign_key sql << column_references_table_constraint_sql(constraint) when :unique sql << "UNIQUE #{literal(constraint[:columns])}" else raise Error, "Invalid constriant type #{constraint[:type]}, should be :check, :primary_key, :foreign_key, or :unique" end sql end # DDL statement for creating a table with the given name, columns, and options def create_table_sql(name, generator, options) "CREATE #{temporary_table_sql if options[:temp]}TABLE #{quote_schema_table(name)} (#{column_list_sql(generator)})" end # Default index name for the table and columns, may be too long # for certain databases. def default_index_name(table_name, columns) schema, table = schema_and_table(table_name) "#{"#{schema}_" if schema and schema != default_schema}#{table}_#{{|c| [String, Symbol].any?{|cl| c.is_a?(cl)} ? c : literal(c).gsub(/\W/, '_')}.join(UNDERSCORE)}_index" end # The SQL to drop an index for the table. def drop_index_sql(table, op) "DROP INDEX #{quote_identifier(op[:name] || default_index_name(table, op[:columns]))}" end # SQL DDL statement to drop the table with the given name. def drop_table_sql(name) "DROP TABLE #{quote_schema_table(name)}" end # Proxy the filter_expr call to the dataset, used for creating constraints. def filter_expr(*args, &block) schema_utility_dataset.literal(schema_utility_dataset.send(:filter_expr, *args, &block)) end # SQL DDL statement for creating an index for the table with the given name # and index specifications. def index_definition_sql(table_name, index) index_name = index[:name] || default_index_name(table_name, index[:columns]) if index[:type] raise Error, "Index types are not supported for this database" elsif index[:where] raise Error, "Partial indexes are not supported for this database" else "CREATE #{'UNIQUE ' if index[:unique]}INDEX #{quote_identifier(index_name)} ON #{quote_schema_table(table_name)} #{literal(index[:columns])}" end end # Array of SQL DDL statements, one for each index specification, # for the given table. def index_sql_list(table_name, indexes){|i| index_definition_sql(table_name, i)} end # SQL DDL ON DELETE fragment to use, based on the given action. # The following actions are recognized: # # * :cascade - Delete rows referencing this row. # * :no_action (default) - Raise an error if other rows reference this # row, allow deferring of the integrity check. # * :restrict - Raise an error if other rows reference this row, # but do not allow deferring the integrity check. # * :set_default - Set columns referencing this row to their default value. # * :set_null - Set columns referencing this row to NULL. def on_delete_clause(action) case action when :restrict RESTRICT when :cascade CASCADE when :set_null SET_NULL when :set_default SET_DEFAULT else NO_ACTION end end # Proxy the quote_schema_table method to the dataset def quote_schema_table(table) schema_utility_dataset.quote_schema_table(table) end # Proxy the quote_identifier method to the dataset, used for quoting tables and columns. def quote_identifier(v) schema_utility_dataset.quote_identifier(v) end # SQL DDL statement for renaming a table. def rename_table_sql(name, new_name) "ALTER TABLE #{quote_schema_table(name)} RENAME TO #{quote_schema_table(new_name)}" end # SQL DDL fragment for temporary table def temporary_table_sql self.class.const_get(:TEMPORARY) end # SQL fragment specifying the type of a given column. def type_literal(column) column[:type].is_a?(Class) ? type_literal_generic(column) : type_literal_specific(column) end # SQL fragment specifying the full type of a column, # consider the type with possible modifiers. def type_literal_generic(column) meth = "type_literal_generic_#{column[:type].name.to_s.downcase}" if respond_to?(meth, true) send(meth, column) else raise Error, "Unsupported ruby class used as database type: #{column[:type]}" end end # Alias for type_literal_generic_numeric, to make overriding in a subclass easier. def type_literal_generic_bigdecimal(column) type_literal_generic_numeric(column) end # Sequel uses the bigint type by default for Bignums. def type_literal_generic_bignum(column) :bigint end # Sequel uses the date type by default for Dates. def type_literal_generic_date(column) :date end # Sequel uses the timestamp type by default for DateTimes. def type_literal_generic_datetime(column) :timestamp end # Alias for type_literal_generic_trueclass, to make overriding in a subclass easier. def type_literal_generic_falseclass(column) type_literal_generic_trueclass(column) end # Sequel uses the blob type by default for Files. def type_literal_generic_file(column) :blob end # Alias for type_literal_generic_integer, to make overriding in a subclass easier. def type_literal_generic_fixnum(column) type_literal_generic_integer(column) end # Sequel uses the double precision type by default for Floats. def type_literal_generic_float(column) :"double precision" end # Sequel uses the integer type by default for integers def type_literal_generic_integer(column) :integer end # Sequel uses the numeric type by default for Numerics and BigDecimals. # If a size is given, it is used, otherwise, it will default to whatever # the database default is for an unsized value. def type_literal_generic_numeric(column) column[:size] ? "numeric(#{Array(column[:size]).join(', ')})" : :numeric end # Sequel uses the varchar type by default for Strings. If a # size isn't present, Sequel assumes a size of 255. If the # :fixed option is used, Sequel uses the char type. If the # :text option is used, Sequel uses the :text type. def type_literal_generic_string(column) if column[:text] :text elsif column[:fixed] "char(#{column[:size]||255})" else "varchar(#{column[:size]||255})" end end # Sequel uses the timestamp type by default for Time values. # If the :only_time option is used, the time type is used. def type_literal_generic_time(column) column[:only_time] ? :time : :timestamp end # Sequel uses the boolean type by default for TrueClass and FalseClass. def type_literal_generic_trueclass(column) :boolean end # SQL fragment for the given type of a column if the column is not one of the # generic types specified with a ruby class. def type_literal_specific(column) type = column[:type] type = "double precision" if type.to_s == 'double' column[:size] ||= 255 if type.to_s == 'varchar' elements = column[:size] || column[:elements] "#{type}#{literal(Array(elements)) if elements}#{UNSIGNED if column[:unsigned]}" end end end