# Copyright (c) 2023 M.J.N. Corino, The Netherlands # # This software is released under the MIT license. # # Some parts are # Copyright 2004-2007, wxRuby development team # released under the MIT-like wxRuby2 license # Adapted for wxRuby3 ### require 'wx' class MySashFrame < Wx::Frame def initialize(title, pos, size, style = Wx::DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE) super(nil, -1, title, pos, size, style) menuFile = Wx::Menu.new helpMenu = Wx::Menu.new helpMenu.append(Wx::ID_ABOUT, "&About...\tF1", "Show about dialog") menuFile.append(Wx::ID_EXIT, "E&xit\tAlt-X", "Quit this program") menuBar = Wx::MenuBar.new menuBar.append(menuFile, "&File") menuBar.append(helpMenu, "&Help") set_menu_bar(menuBar) create_status_bar(2) set_status_text("wxRuby Sash sample") evt_menu(Wx::ID_EXIT) { on_quit } evt_menu(Wx::ID_ABOUT) { on_about } # Start creating the sashes - these are created from outermost # inwards. sash = Wx::SashLayoutWindow.new(self, -1, Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, Wx::Size.new(150, self.get_size.height) ) # The default width of the sash is 150 pixels, and it extends the # full height of the frame sash.set_default_size( Wx::Size.new(150, self.get_size.height) ) # This sash splits the frame top to bottom sash.set_orientation(Wx::LAYOUT_VERTICAL) # Place the sash on the left of the frame sash.set_alignment(Wx::LAYOUT_LEFT) # Show a drag bar on the right of the sash sash.set_sash_visible(Wx::SASH_RIGHT, true) sash.set_background_colour(Wx::Colour.new(225, 200, 200) ) panel = Wx::Panel.new(sash) v_siz = Wx::BoxSizer.new(Wx::VERTICAL) chk_1 = Wx::CheckBox.new(panel, -1, 'test 1') v_siz.add(chk_1) chk_2 = Wx::CheckBox.new(panel, -1, 'test 2') v_siz.add(chk_2) panel.set_sizer_and_fit(v_siz) # handle the sash being dragged evt_sash_dragged( sash.get_id ) { | e | on_v_sash_dragged(sash, e) } # Create another small sash on the bottom of the frame sash_2 = Wx::SashLayoutWindow.new(self, -1, Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, Wx::Size.new(self.get_size.width, 100), Wx::SW_3DSASH) sash_2.set_default_size( Wx::Size.new(self.get_size.width, 100) ) sash_2.set_orientation(Wx::LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL) sash_2.set_alignment(Wx::LAYOUT_BOTTOM) sash_2.set_sash_visible(Wx::SASH_TOP, true) text = Wx::StaticText.new(sash_2, -1, 'This is the second sash window') evt_sash_dragged( sash_2.get_id ) { | e | on_h_sash_dragged(sash_2, e) } # The main panel - the residual part of the frame that takes up all # remaining space not used by the sash windows. @m_panel = Wx::Panel.new(self, -1) sizer = Wx::BoxSizer.new(Wx::VERTICAL) txt = Wx::TextCtrl.new(@m_panel, -1, 'Main panel area', Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE, Wx::SUNKEN_BORDER|Wx::TE_MULTILINE) sizer.add(txt, 1, Wx::EXPAND|Wx::ALL, 10) @m_panel.set_sizer_and_fit(sizer) # Adjust the size of the sashes when the frame is resized evt_size { | e | on_size(e) } # Call LayoutAlgorithm#layout_frame to layout the sashes. # The second argument is the residual window that takes up remaining # space Wx::LayoutAlgorithm.new.layout_frame(self, @m_panel) end def on_v_sash_dragged(sash, e) # Call get_drag_rect to get the new size size = Wx::Size.new( e.get_drag_rect.width, self.get_size.height ) sash.set_default_size( size ) Wx::LayoutAlgorithm.new.layout_frame(self, @m_panel) end def on_h_sash_dragged(sash, e) size = Wx::Size.new( self.get_size.width, e.get_drag_rect.height ) sash.set_default_size( size ) Wx::LayoutAlgorithm.new.layout_frame(self, @m_panel) end def on_size(e) e.skip Wx::LayoutAlgorithm.new.layout_frame(self, @m_panel) end def on_quit close(true) end def on_about msg = sprintf("This is the About dialog of the sash sample.\n" \ "Welcome to %s", Wx::WXWIDGETS_VERSION) Wx::message_box(msg, "About Sash", Wx::OK|Wx::ICON_INFORMATION, self) end end module SashSample include WxRuby::Sample if defined? WxRuby::Sample def self.describe { file: __FILE__, summary: 'wxRuby SashLayoutWindow example.', description: 'wxRuby example demonstrating the use of Wx::SashLayoutWindow.' } end def self.activate frame = MySashFrame.new("Sash Layout wxRuby App", Wx::Point.new(50, 50), Wx::Size.new(450, 340)) frame.show(true) frame end if $0 == __FILE__ Wx::App.run { SashSample.activate } end end