module Hashify autoload :Json, File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'hashify', 'json') autoload :Convert, File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'hashify', 'convert') autoload :Auto, File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'hashify', 'auto') def self.included(cls) cls.const_set(:HashConvertTable, {}) unless cls.const_defined?(:HashConvertTable) cls.instance_eval(<<-CLASS_DOC, __FILE__, __LINE__) def self.hash_convert_table self.const_set(:HashConvertTable, {}) unless self.const_defined?(:HashConvertTable) send(:const_get, :HashConvertTable) end def self.hash_accessor(*args) args.each {|a| hash_convert_table[a] = nil } end def self.hash_convert(map) hash_convert_table.merge!(map) end def self.from_hash(map) convert_map = assembled_hash_convert instance = new map.each do |name, val| if converter = convert_map[name.to_sym] converted_val = case converter.last.arity when 1: convert_map[name.to_sym] when 2: convert_map[name.to_sym], instance) else raise 'arity must be 1 or 2' end instance.send((name.to_s + '=').to_sym, converted_val) else instance.send((name.to_s + '=').to_sym, val) end end instance end def self.assembled_hash_convert map = hash_convert_table.dup parent = self.superclass while (parent and parent.respond_to?(:hash_convert_table)) map.merge!(parent.hash_convert_table) {|key, old_value, new_value| old_value || new_value } parent = parent.superclass end map end CLASS_DOC end def to_hash self.class.assembled_hash_convert.inject({}) do |hash, (name, converter)| if converter hash[name] = case converter.first.arity when 1: when 2:, self) else raise 'arity must be 1 or 2' end else hash[name] = self.send(name) end hash end end end