class Shoes module Mod def set_margin @margin ||= [0, 0, 0, 0] @margin = [@margin, @margin, @margin, @margin] if @margin.is_a? Integer margin_left, margin_top, margin_right, margin_bottom = @margin @margin_left ||= margin_left @margin_top ||= margin_top @margin_right ||= margin_right @margin_bottom ||= margin_bottom end def click &blk @click_proc = blk @app.mccs << self end def release &blk @release_proc = blk @app.mrcs << self end def hover &blk @hover_proc = blk (@app.mhcs << self) unless @app.mhcs.include? self end def leave &blk @leave_proc = blk (@app.mhcs << self) unless @app.mhcs.include? self end attr_reader :margin_left, :margin_top, :margin_right, :margin_bottom, :click_proc, :release_proc, :hover_proc, :leave_proc attr_accessor :hovered end module Mod2 def init_app_vars @contents, @mccs, @mrcs, @mmcs, @mhcs, @mlcs, @shcs, @mcs, @order, @dics, @animates, @radio_groups, @textcursors, @textmarkers, @fronts, @backs, @focusables = [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], {}, {}, {}, [], [], [] @cmask, @focus_ele, @location = nil, nil, '/' @mouse_button, @mouse_pos = 0, [0, 0] @fill, @stroke = black, black end def set_rotate_angle args @context_angle2 = Math::PI/2 - @context_angle m = args[:height] * Math.sin(@context_angle) w = args[:width] * Math.sin(@context_angle2) + m h = args[:width] * Math.sin(@context_angle) + args[:height] * Math.sin(@context_angle2) mx, my = m * Math.sin(@context_angle2), m * Math.sin(@context_angle) if @pixbuf_rotate.even? args[:left] += (args[:width] - w)/2.0 args[:top] -= (h - args[:height])/2.0 else args[:left] -= (h - args[:width])/2.0 args[:top] += (args[:height] - w)/2.0 end return w, h, mx, my end end class App def basic_attributes args={} default = BASIC_ATTRIBUTES_DEFAULT default.merge!({nocontrol: true}) if @nolayout replace_string_to_float args default.merge args end def slot_attributes args={} default = SLOT_ATTRIBUTES_DEFAULT replace_string_to_float args default.merge args end def replace_string_to_float args={} [:width, :height, :left, :top].each do |k| if args[k].is_a? String args[k] = args[k].include?('%') ? args[k].to_f / 100 : args[k].to_i end end end def create_tmp_png surface surface.write_to_png TMP_PNG_FILE TMP_PNG_FILE end def make_link_index msg start, links = 0, [] msg.each do |e| len = e.to_s.gsub(/<\/.*?>/, '').gsub(/<.*?>/, '').bytesize (links << e; e.index = [start, start + len]) if e.is_a? Link start += len end links end def make_link_pos links, layout, line_height links.each do |e| e.pos = [layout.index_to_pos(e.index[0]).x / Pango::SCALE, layout.index_to_pos(e.index[0]).y / Pango::SCALE] e.pos << (layout.index_to_pos(e.index[1]).x / Pango::SCALE) << (layout.index_to_pos(e.index[1]).y / Pango::SCALE) e.pos << line_height end end def make_textcursor_pos tb, n layout = make_textcursor_layout tb n = tb.text.length if n == -1 return layout.index_to_pos(n).x / Pango::SCALE, layout.index_to_pos(n).y / Pango::SCALE end def make_textcursor_index tb, x, y layout = make_textcursor_layout tb layout.xy_to_index x * Pango::SCALE, y * Pango::SCALE end def make_textcursor_layout tb markup, size, width, height, align, font, justify, leading, wrap = %w[@markup @size @width @height @align @font @justify @leading @wrap].map{|v| tb.instance_variable_get v} text, attr_list = make_pango_attr markup make_pango_layout(size, width, height, align, font, justify, leading, wrap, text, attr_list)[0] end def make_pango_attr markup attr_list, dummy_text = Pango.parse_markup markup.gsub('\u0026', '@') dummy_attr_list, text = Pango.parse_markup markup text = text.gsub('\u0026', '&') return text, attr_list end def make_pango_layout size, width, height, align, font, justify, leading, wrap, text, attr_list leading ||= 4 wrap ||= 'word' wrap == 'trim' ? (wrap, ellipsize = nil, WRAP[wrap.to_sym]) : (wrap, ellipsize = WRAP[wrap.to_sym], nil) surface = Cairo::FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height context = surface layout = context.create_pango_layout layout.width = width * Pango::SCALE layout.wrap = wrap if wrap layout.ellipsize = ellipsize if ellipsize layout.spacing = leading * Pango::SCALE layout.text = text layout.justify = justify layout.alignment = eval "Pango::ALIGN_#{align.upcase}" fd = = font fd.size = size * Pango::SCALE layout.font_description = fd layout.attributes = attr_list return layout, context, surface end def delete_mouse_events ele events = [mccs, mrcs, mmcs, mhcs] events.pop if ele.is_a? Basic events.each{|m| m.delete ele} end end def self.contents_alignment slot x, y = slot.left.to_i, max =, :height).new, max.height = y, 0 slot_height = 0 slot.contents.each do |ele| next if ele.is_a?(Basic) && ele.cleared && !ele.is_a?(Pattern) if ele.is_a? ShapeBase ele.hide if slot.masked next end if slot.masked and ele.is_a? Image ele.hide next end tmp = max max, flag = ele.positioning x, y, max x, y = ele.left + ele.width, + ele.height unless max == tmp slot_height = flag && ! ? y : slot_height + max.height end end slot_height end def self.repaint_all slot return if slot.masked slot.contents.each do |ele| next if ele.is_a?(Basic) && ele.cleared && !ele.is_a?(Pattern) next if ele.is_a? ShapeBase ele.is_a?(Basic) ? ele.move2(ele.left + ele.margin_left, + ele.margin_top) : repaint_all(ele) end end def self.repaint_all_by_order app tmp = app.order (app.fronts + app.backs).each{|e| tmp.delete e} (app.backs + tmp + app.fronts).each do |e| if e.real and !e.is_a?(Pattern) and !e.hided and !e.real.destroyed? app.canvas.remove e.real app.canvas.put e.real, e.left, end end end def self.repaint_textcursors app app.textcursors.each do |tb, v| n, cursor = v x, y = app.make_textcursor_pos(tb, n) x += tb.left; y += cursor ? cursor.move(x, y) : app.textcursors[tb][1] = app.line(x, y, x, y+tb.size*1.7, strokewidth: 1, stroke: end end def self.call_back_procs app init_contents app.cslot.contents app.cslot.width, app.cslot.height = app.width, app.height scrollable_height = contents_alignment app.cslot repaint_all app.cslot mask_control app repaint_all_by_order app repaint_textcursors app app.canvas.set_size 0, scrollable_height unless(app.prjct or app.trvw) n = app.focus_ele ? app.focusables.index(app.focus_ele) : 0 app.canvas.focus_chain = (app.focusables[n..-1] + app.focusables[0...n]).map(&:real) if n and !app.canvas.is_a?(Gtk::DrawingArea) true end def self.init_contents contents contents.each do |ele| next unless ele.is_a? Slot ele.initials.each do |k, v| ele.send "#{k}=", v end end end def self.mouse_click_control app app.mccs.each do |e| e.click_proc[*app.mouse] if mouse_on?(e) && !$dde end end def self.mouse_release_control app app.mrcs.each do |e| e.release_proc[*app.mouse] if mouse_on? e end end def self.mouse_motion_control app app.mmcs.each do |blk| blk[*] end end def self.mouse_hover_control app app.mhcs.each do |e| if mouse_on?(e) and !e.hovered e.hovered = true e.hover_proc[e] if e.hover_proc end end end def self.mouse_leave_control app app.mhcs.each do |e| if !mouse_on?(e) and e.hovered e.hovered = false e.leave_proc[e] if e.leave_proc end end end def self.mouse_link_control app app.mlcs.each do |tb| next if tb.hided link_proc, = mouse_on_link(tb, app) if link_proc && !$dde end end def self.set_cursor_type app app.mccs.each do |e| next if e.is_a? Slot e.real.window.cursor = ARROW if e.real.window (e.real.window.cursor = HAND; return) if mouse_on? e end app.mlcs.each do |tb| next if tb.hided tb.text = tb.text unless tb.real tb.real.window.cursor = ARROW if tb.real.window if ret = mouse_on_link(tb, app) tb.real.window.cursor = HAND if tb.real.window unless tb.links[ret[1]].link_hover markup = tb.args[:markup].gsub(app.linkhover_style, app.link_style) links = markup.mindex app.link_style n = links[ret[1]] tb.text = markup[0...n] + markup[n..-1].sub(app.link_style, app.linkhover_style) tb.links.each{|e| e.link_hover = false} tb.links[ret[1]].link_hover = true end return end if true tb.text = tb.args[:markup].gsub(app.linkhover_style, app.link_style) tb.links.each{|e| e.link_hover = false} end end end def self.mouse_on? e if e.is_a? Slot mouse_x, mouse_y = mouse_y += (e.left..e.left+e.width).include?(mouse_x) and ( else mouse_x, mouse_y = e.real.pointer (0..e.width).include?(mouse_x) and (0..e.height).include?(mouse_y) end end def self.mouse_on_link tb, app mouse_x, mouse_y = mouse_y += app.scroll_top mouse_x -= tb.left mouse_y -= tb.links.each_with_index do |e, n| return [e.link_proc, n] if ((0..tb.width).include?(mouse_x) and (e.pos[1]..(e.pos[3]+e.pos[4])).include?(mouse_y) and !((0..e.pos[0]).include?(mouse_x) and (e.pos[1]..(e.pos[1]+e.pos[4])).include?(mouse_y)) and !((e.pos[2]..tb.width).include?(mouse_x) and (e.pos[3]..(e.pos[3]+e.pos[4])).include?(mouse_y))) end return false end def self.size_allocated? app not (app.width_pre == app.width and app.height_pre == app.height) end def self.show_hide_control app flag = false app.shcs.each do |e| case when(!e.shows and !e.hided) e.remove e.hided = true flag = true when(e.shows and e.hided) e.hided = false e.is_a?(Pattern) ? e.move2(e.left, : app.canvas.put(e.real, e.left, flag = true else end end repaint_all_by_order app if flag end def self.mask_control app app.mcs.each do |m| w, h = m.parent.width, m.parent.height w = app.width if h = app.height if surface = Cairo::FORMAT_ARGB32, w, h context = surface context.push_group do m.parent.contents.each do |ele| x, y = ele.left - m.parent.left, - context.translate x, y context.set_source_pixbuf ele.real.pixbuf context.paint context.translate -x, -y end end sf = Cairo::FORMAT_ARGB32, w, h ct = surface pat = ct.push_group nil, false do m.contents.each do |ele| if ele.is_a? TextBlock ele.height = h ele.text = ele.args[:markup] end x, y = ele.left - m.parent.left, - ct.translate x, y ct.set_source_pixbuf ele.real.pixbuf ct.paint ct.translate -x, -y end end context.mask pat m.real = img = app.create_tmp_png(surface) app.canvas.put img, 0, 0 img.show_now end end def self.download_images_control app flag = false app.dics.each do |e, d, tmpname| args = e.args if d.finished? flag = true app.canvas.remove e.real img = tmpname e.full_width, e.full_height = img.size_request unless args[:width].zero? and args[:height].zero? img = img.pixbuf.scale(args[:width], args[:height]) end app.canvas.put img, e.left, img.show_now e.real = img e.width, e.height = img.size_request app.dics.delete [e, d, tmpname] File.delete tmpname end end flag end end