require 'pp' require 'net/ftp' require 'tempfile' require 'nokogiri' require 'rubygems' require 'zip/zip' desc "Set the environment variable RAILS_ENV='staging'." task :staging do ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = 'staging' Rake::Task[:environment].invoke end namespace :spree do namespace :extensions do namespace :power_reviews do desc "Fetch Review Data" task :load_data => :environment do |t| start_time = report_str = [ "Loading Power Review Data: #{start_time.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" )}"] success = true report_str << "Loading Data" complete, report = load_data( start_time ) report_str << report end_time = report_str << "Finished Loading Power Reviews Data: #{start_time.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" )}" report_str << "Elapsed time: #{(end_time - start_time) rescue 'unknown'} seconds" puts report_str end def load_data timestamp loaded, extracted, report = get_new_data( timestamp ) pr_dir = File.join( Rails.root, "tmp", "powerreviews" ) current = File.join( pr_dir, "pwr" ) link_source = File.join( extracted, "pwr" ) the_directories = ["content", "engine"] result = true case loaded when :complete is_linked = true load_reviews = true if File.exist?( current ) && !File.symlink?( current ) report << "#{current} exists and is not a symlink, deleting" remove_entry_secure(current, true) elsif File.exist?( current ) && File.symlink?( current ) report << "Unlinking #{current}" File.unlink( current ) end report << "Linking #{link_source} to #{current}" File.symlink( link_source, current ) if load_reviews # Find the review data rds = Dir.glob( File.join( extracted,"**/review_data_summary.xml" ) ) prods = [] summary_doc = Nokogiri::XML( open(rds.first) ) summary_doc.css( "product" ).each do | prod | page_id = prod.css( "pageid" ).inner_text if Product.exists?( page_id ) product = Product.find( page_id ) unless product.review_set product.create_review_set product.reload end review_set = product.review_set thefile =prod.css( 'inlinefile[reviewpage="1"]' ).inner_text || '' review_set.inline_path = "/data/nwbsite/current/tmp/powerreviews/" + thefile unless thefile.blank? thefile =prod.css( 'inlinefile[questionpage="1"]' ).inner_text || '' review_set.qa_inline_path = "/data/nwbsite/current/tmp/powerreviews/" + thefile unless thefile.blank? review_set.full_review_count = prod.css( "fullreviews" ).inner_text.to_i review_set.average_rating = prod.css( "average_rating_decimal" ).inner_text.to_f review_set.bottom_line_yes_votes = prod.css( "bottom_line_yes_votes" ).inner_text.to_i review_set.bottom_line_no_votes = prod.css( "bottom_line_no_votes" ).inner_text.to_i prods << { :store =>, :permalink => product.permalink} report << "Updating reviews for #{product.sku} (#{review_set.full_review_count} reviews)" end end expire_cache( prods ) # clean up old directories excludes = [ ".", "..", 'pwr', File.basename(extracted) ] Dir.entries( File.expand_path( File.dirname( extracted ) ) ).reject{ |dir| excludes.include?( dir ) }.each{ |dir| report << "Deleting #{File.join( pr_dir, dir)}" remove_entry_secure File.join( pr_dir, dir) } end when :error result = false end [result, report] end def expire_cache prods return unless File.exist?(File.join(Rails.root, "public", "cache")) controller = prods.each do |prod| Dir.entries(File.join(Rails.root, "public", "cache")).each do |path| next if [".", ".."].include?(path) begin controller.expire_page( "/cache/#{path}/products/#{prod[:permalink]}" ) rescue Exception => e # submerge errors since its possible that the page isn't cached. end end end end def get_new_data timestamp report = [] pr_dir = File.join( Rails.root, "tmp", "powerreviews") dest = File.join( pr_dir, timestamp.strftime( "%Y%m%d%H%M%S" )) success = :unknown begin ftp = Spree::PowerReviewsConfiguration.account["default"]["ftp_host"]) ftp.passive = Spree::PowerReviewsConfiguration.account["default"]["ftp_passive"] ftp.login( Spree::PowerReviewsConfiguration.account["default"]["ftp_user"], Spree::PowerReviewsConfiguration.account["default"]["ftp_pass"]) # we are going to process the if ftp.nlst.include?( Spree::PowerReviewsConfiguration.account["default"]["delete_file"]) || !Spree::PowerReviewsConfiguration.account["default"]["delete"] report << "Downloading zipfile #{Spree::PowerReviewsConfiguration.account["default"]["file"] } and extracting to #{dest}" tmpzip = 'zip' ) file_count = 0 ftp.getbinaryfile( Spree::PowerReviewsConfiguration.account["default"]["file"], tmpzip.path) tmpzip.path ) { |zip_file| zip_file.each { |f| file_count +=1 f_path=File.join(dest, FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(f_path)) zip_file.extract(f, f_path) unless File.exist?(f_path) } } report << "Extracted #{file_count} files to #{dest}" # verify contents if ["content", "engine", "**/review_data_summary.xml" ].inject(true){ |result, the_dir| result && ( Dir.glob( File.join( dest, "pwr", the_dir ) ).count > 0 ) } success = :complete if Spree::PowerReviewsConfiguration.account["default"]["delete"] report << "Deleting #{Spree::PowerReviewsConfiguration.account["default"]["delete_file"]}" ftp.delete(Spree::PowerReviewsConfiguration.account["default"]["delete_file"]) end else success = :error report << "Zip does not include required files." end else success = :nochange end rescue Exception => e report << e success = :error ensure tmpzip.close if tmpzip ftp.close if ftp end [success,dest,report] end desc "Get the directories setup" task :directories => :environment do pr_dir = File.join( Rails.root, "tmp", 'powerreviews' ) pub = File.join( Rails.root, "public", 'pwr' ) dst = File.join( pr_dir, 'pwr' ) unless File.exists?( dst ) boot = File.join( pr_dir, "bootstrap", "pwr" ) mkdir_p boot File.symlink( boot, dst ) end raise "#{pub} exists and is not a symlink" if File.exist?( pub ) && !File.symlink?( pub ) if File.exist?( pub ) && File.symlink?( pub ) File.unlink( pub ) end File.symlink( dst, pub ) end desc "Copies public assets of the Power Reviews to the instance public/ directory." task :update => :environment do is_svn_git_or_dir = proc {|path| path =~ /\.svn/ || path =~ /\.git/ || } Dir[PowerReviewsExtension.root + "/public/**/*"].reject(&is_svn_git_or_dir).each do |file| path = file.sub(PowerReviewsExtension.root, '') directory = File.dirname(path) puts "Copying #{path}..." mkdir_p Rails.root + directory cp file, Rails.root + path end # todo create RSA crypto keys. end end end end