# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- require 'timecop' class SharedData #attr_accessor :users USERS = [ 'Joe User', 'Joe Admin', 'Joe Camel', 'Sample User', 'No count', 'u1', 'u2', 'u3', 'Big Brother', 'Optic fan', 'Sunglasses fan', 'Narcissist' ] def self.account_args hash { "+*account" => { "+*password" =>'joe_pass' }.merge( hash ) } end def self.add_test_data Card::Cache.reset_global Card::Env.reset Card::Auth.as_bot Card.create! :name=>"Joe User", :type_code=>'user', :content=>"I'm number two", :subcards=>account_args( '+*email'=>'joe@user.com' ) Card.create! :name=>"Joe Admin", :type_code=>'user', :content=>"I'm number one", :subcards=>account_args( '+*email'=>'joe@admin.com' ) Card.create! :name=>"Joe Camel", :type_code=>'user', :content=>"Mr. Buttz", :subcards=>account_args( '+*email'=>'joe@camel.com' ) Card['Joe Admin'].fetch(:trait=>:roles, :new=>{:type_code=>'pointer'}).items = [ Card::AdministratorID ] Card.create! :name=>'signup alert email+*to', :content=>'signups@wagn.org' # generic, shared attribute card color = Card.create! :name=>"color" basic = Card.create! :name=>"Basic Card" # data for testing users and account requests Card.create! :type_code=>'user', :name=>"No Count", :content=>"I got no account" Card.create! :name=>"Sample User", :type_code=>'user', :subcards=>account_args('+*email'=>'sample@user.com', '+*password'=>'sample_pass') # CREATE A CARD OF EACH TYPE Card.create! :type_id=>Card::SignupID, :name=>"Sample Signup" #, :email=>"invitation@request.com" #above still necessary? try commenting out above and 'Sign up' below Card::Auth.current_id = Card::WagnBotID # need to reset after creating sign up, which changes current_id for extend phase Card::Auth.createable_types.each do |type| next if ['User', 'Sign up', 'Set', 'Number'].include? type Card.create! :type=>type, :name=>"Sample #{type}" end # data for role_test.rb Card.create! :name=>"u1", :type_code=>'user', :subcards=>account_args('+*email'=>'u1@user.com', '+*password'=>'u1_pass') Card.create! :name=>"u2", :type_code=>'user', :subcards=>account_args('+*email'=>'u2@user.com', '+*password'=>'u2_pass') Card.create! :name=>"u3", :type_code=>'user', :subcards=>account_args('+*email'=>'u3@user.com', '+*password'=>'u3_pass') r1 = Card.create!( :type_code=>'role', :name=>'r1' ) r2 = Card.create!( :type_code=>'role', :name=>'r2' ) r3 = Card.create!( :type_code=>'role', :name=>'r3' ) r4 = Card.create!( :type_code=>'role', :name=>'r4' ) Card['u1'].fetch( :trait=>:roles, :new=>{} ).items = [ r1, r2, r3 ] Card['u2'].fetch( :trait=>:roles, :new=>{} ).items = [ r1, r2, r4 ] Card['u3'].fetch( :trait=>:roles, :new=>{} ).items = [ r1, r4, Card::AdministratorID ] c1 = Card.create! :name=>'c1' c2 = Card.create! :name=>'c2' c3 = Card.create! :name=>'c3' # cards for rename_test # FIXME: could probably refactor these.. z = Card.create! :name=>"Z", :content=>"I'm here to be referenced to" a = Card.create! :name=>"A", :content=>"Alpha [[Z]]" b = Card.create! :name=>"B", :content=>"Beta {{Z}}" t = Card.create! :name=>"T", :content=>"Theta" x = Card.create! :name=>"X", :content=>"[[A]] [[A+B]] [[T]]" y = Card.create! :name=>"Y", :content=>"{{B}} {{A+B}} {{A}} {{T}}" ab = Card.create! :name => "A+B", :content => "AlphaBeta" Card.create! :name=>"One+Two+Three" Card.create! :name=>"Four+One+Five" # for wql & permissions %w{ A+C A+D A+E C+A D+A F+A A+B+C }.each do |name| Card.create!(:name=>name) end Card.create! :type_code=>'cardtype', :name=>"Cardtype A", :codename=>"cardtype_a" Card.create! :type_code=>'cardtype', :name=>"Cardtype B", :codename=>"cardtype_b" Card.create! :type_code=>'cardtype', :name=>"Cardtype C", :codename=>"cardtype_c" Card.create! :type_code=>'cardtype', :name=>"Cardtype D", :codename=>"cardtype_d" Card.create! :type_code=>'cardtype', :name=>"Cardtype E", :codename=>"cardtype_e" Card.create! :type_code=>'cardtype', :name=>"Cardtype F", :codename=>"cardtype_f" Card.create! :name=>'basicname', :content=>'basiccontent' Card.create! :type_code=>'cardtype_a', :name=>"type-a-card", :content=>"type_a_content" Card.create! :type_code=>'cardtype_b', :name=>"type-b-card", :content=>"type_b_content" Card.create! :type_code=>'cardtype_c', :name=>"type-c-card", :content=>"type_c_content" Card.create! :type_code=>'cardtype_d', :name=>"type-d-card", :content=>"type_d_content" Card.create! :type_code=>'cardtype_e', :name=>"type-e-card", :content=>"type_e_content" Card.create! :type_code=>'cardtype_f', :name=>"type-f-card", :content=>"type_f_content" #warn "current user #{User.session_user.inspect}. always ok? #{Card::Auth.always_ok?}" c = Card.create! :name=>'revtest', :content=>'first' c.update_attributes! :content=>'second' c.update_attributes! :content=>'third' #Card.create! :type_code=>'cardtype', :name=>'*priority' # for template stuff Card.create! :type_id=>Card::CardtypeID, :name=> "UserForm" Card.create! :name=>"UserForm+*type+*structure", :content=>"{{+name}} {{+age}} {{+description}}" Card::Auth.current_id = Card['joe_user'].id Card.create!( :name=>"JoeLater", :content=>"test") Card.create!( :name=>"JoeNow", :content=>"test") Card::Auth.current_id = Card::WagnBotID Card.create!(:name=>"AdminNow", :content=>"test") Card.create :name=>'Cardtype B+*type+*create', :type=>'Pointer', :content=>'[[r1]]' Card.create! :type=>"Cardtype", :name=>"Book" Card.create! :name=>"Book+*type+*structure", :content=>"by {{+author}}, design by {{+illustrator}}" Card.create! :name => "Iliad", :type=>"Book" ### -------- Notification data ------------ Timecop.freeze(Cardio.future_stamp - 1.day) do # fwiw Timecop is apparently limited by ruby Time object, which goes only to 2037 and back to 1900 or so. # whereas DateTime can represent all dates. followers = { 'John' => ['John Following', 'All Eyes On Me'], 'Sara' => ['Sara Following', 'All Eyes On Me', 'Optic+*type', 'Google Glass'], 'Big Brother' => ['All Eyes on Me', 'Look at me+*self', 'Optic+*type', 'lens+*right', 'Optic+tint+*type plus right', ['*all','*created'], ['*all','*edited']], 'Optic fan' => ['Optic+*type'], 'Sunglasses fan' => ['Sunglasses'], 'Narcissist' => [['*all','*created'], ['*all','*edited']] } followers.each do |name, follow| user = Card.create! :name=>name, :type_code=>'user', :subcards=>account_args('+*email'=>"#{name.parameterize}@user.com", '+*password'=>"#{name.parameterize}_pass") end Card.create! :name => "All Eyes On Me" Card.create! :name => "No One Sees Me" Card.create! :name => "Look At Me" Card.create! :name => "Optic", :type => "Cardtype" Card.create! :name => "Sara Following" Card.create! :name => "John Following", :content => "{{+her}}" Card.create! :name => "John Following+her" magnifier = Card.create! :name => "Magnifier+lens" Card::Auth.current_id = Card['Narcissist'].id magnifier.update_attributes! :content=>"zoom in" Card.create! :name => "Sunglasses", :type=>"Optic", :content=>"{{+tint}}{{+lens}}" Card::Auth.current_id = Card['Optic fan'].id Card.create! :name => "Google glass", :type=>"Optic", :content=>"{{+price}}" Card::Auth.current_id = Card::WagnBotID Card.create! :name=>'Google glass+*self+*follow_fields', :content=>'' Card.create! :name=>'Sunglasses+*self+*follow_fields', :content=>"[[#{Card[:includes].name}]]\n[[_self+price]]\n[[_self+producer]]" Card.create! :name => "Sunglasses+tint" Card.create! :name => "Sunglasses+price" followers.each do |name, follow| user = Card[name] follow.each do |f| user.follow *f end end end ## --------- create templated permissions ------------- ctt = Card.create! :name=> 'Cardtype E+*type+*default' ## --------- Fruit: creatable by anon but not readable --- f = Card.create! :type=>"Cardtype", :name=>"Fruit" Card.create! :name=>'Fruit+*type+*create', :type=>'Pointer', :content=>'[[Anyone]]' Card.create! :name=>'Fruit+*type+*read', :type=>'Pointer', :content=>'[[Administrator]]' # codenames for card_accessor tests Card.create! :name=>'*write', :codename=>:write # -------- For toc testing: ------------ Card.create! :name=>"OnneHeading", :content => "

This is one heading


and some text

" Card.create! :name=>'TwwoHeading', :content => "

One Heading


and some text


And a Subheading


and more text

" Card.create! :name=>'ThreeHeading', :content =>"

A Heading


and text


And Subhead




And another top Heading

" # -------- For history testing: ----------- first = Card.create! :name=>"First", :content => 'egg' first.update_attributes! :content=> 'chicken' first.update_attributes! :content=> 'chick' end end