# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # The OpenSearch Contributors require contributions made to # this file be licensed under the Apache-2.0 license or a # compatible open source license. # # Modifications Copyright OpenSearch Contributors. See # GitHub history for details. require 'cgi' require "base64" module LogStash; module Outputs; class OpenSearch; module HttpClientBuilder def self.build(logger, hosts, params) client_settings = { :pool_max => params["pool_max"], :pool_max_per_route => params["pool_max_per_route"], :check_connection_timeout => params["validate_after_inactivity"], :http_compression => params["http_compression"], :headers => params["custom_headers"] || {} } client_settings[:proxy] = params["proxy"] if params["proxy"] common_options = { :distribution_checker => params["distribution_checker"], :client_settings => client_settings, :metric => params["metric"], :resurrect_delay => params["resurrect_delay"] } if params["sniffing"] common_options[:sniffing] = true common_options[:sniffer_delay] = params["sniffing_delay"] end common_options[:timeout] = params["timeout"] if params["timeout"] if params["path"] client_settings[:path] = dedup_slashes("/#{params["path"]}/") end common_options[:bulk_path] = if params["bulk_path"] dedup_slashes("/#{params["bulk_path"]}") else dedup_slashes("/#{params["path"]}/_bulk") end common_options[:sniffing_path] = if params["sniffing_path"] dedup_slashes("/#{params["sniffing_path"]}") else dedup_slashes("/#{params["path"]}/_nodes/http") end common_options[:healthcheck_path] = if params["healthcheck_path"] dedup_slashes("/#{params["healthcheck_path"]}") else dedup_slashes("/#{params["path"]}") end if params["parameters"] client_settings[:parameters] = params["parameters"] end logger.debug? && logger.debug("Normalizing http path", :path => params["path"], :normalized => client_settings[:path]) client_settings.merge! setup_ssl(logger, params) common_options.merge! setup_basic_auth(logger, params) external_version_types = ["external", "external_gt", "external_gte"] # External Version validation raise( LogStash::ConfigurationError, "External versioning requires the presence of a version number." ) if external_version_types.include?(params.fetch('version_type', '')) and params.fetch("version", nil) == nil # Create API setup raise( LogStash::ConfigurationError, "External versioning is not supported by the create action." ) if params['action'] == 'create' and external_version_types.include?(params.fetch('version_type', '')) # Update API setup raise( LogStash::ConfigurationError, "doc_as_upsert and scripted_upsert are mutually exclusive." ) if params["doc_as_upsert"] and params["scripted_upsert"] raise( LogStash::ConfigurationError, "Specifying action => 'update' needs a document_id." ) if params['action'] == 'update' and params.fetch('document_id', '') == '' raise( LogStash::ConfigurationError, "External versioning is not supported by the update action." ) if params['action'] == 'update' and external_version_types.include?(params.fetch('version_type', '')) # Update API setup update_options = { :doc_as_upsert => params["doc_as_upsert"], :script_var_name => params["script_var_name"], :script_type => params["script_type"], :script_lang => params["script_lang"], :scripted_upsert => params["scripted_upsert"] } common_options.merge! update_options if params["action"] == 'update' create_http_client(common_options.merge(:hosts => hosts, :logger => logger)) end def self.create_http_client(options) LogStash::Outputs::OpenSearch::HttpClient.new(options) end def self.setup_ssl(logger, params) params["ssl"] = true if params["hosts"].any? {|h| h.scheme == "https" } return {} if params["ssl"].nil? return {:ssl => {:enabled => false}} if params["ssl"] == false cacert, truststore, truststore_password, keystore, keystore_password, tls_client_cert, tls_client_key = params.values_at('cacert', 'truststore', 'truststore_password', 'keystore', 'keystore_password', 'tls_certificate', 'tls_key') if cacert && truststore raise(LogStash::ConfigurationError, "Use either \"cacert\" or \"truststore\" when configuring the CA certificate") if truststore end if (tls_client_cert && !tls_client_key) raise(LogStash::ConfigurationError, "\"tls_key\" is missing") end if (!tls_client_cert && tls_client_key) raise(LogStash::ConfigurationError, "\"tls_certificate\" is missing") end ssl_options = {:enabled => true} if cacert ssl_options[:ca_file] = cacert elsif truststore ssl_options[:truststore_password] = truststore_password.value if truststore_password end ssl_options[:truststore] = truststore if truststore if keystore ssl_options[:keystore] = keystore ssl_options[:keystore_password] = keystore_password.value if keystore_password end if (tls_client_cert && tls_client_key) ssl_options[:client_cert] = tls_client_cert ssl_options[:client_key] = tls_client_key end if !params["ssl_certificate_verification"] logger.warn [ "** WARNING ** Detected UNSAFE options in opensearch output configuration!", "** WARNING ** You have enabled encryption but DISABLED certificate verification.", "** WARNING ** To make sure your data is secure change :ssl_certificate_verification to true" ].join("\n") ssl_options[:verify] = false end { ssl: ssl_options } end def self.setup_basic_auth(logger, params) user, password = params["user"], params["password"] return {} unless user && password && password.value { :user => CGI.escape(user), :password => CGI.escape(password.value) } end private def self.dedup_slashes(url) url.gsub(/\/+/, "/") end end end; end; end