FROM ARG RVM_VERSION=stable ARG JRUBY_VERSION= LABEL image_name="GDC LCM Bricks" LABEL maintainer="LCM " LABEL git_repository_url="" LABEL parent_image="" # which is required by RVM RUN yum install -y curl which patch make git maven \ && yum clean all \ && rm -rf /var/cache/yum # Install + verify RVM with gpg ( RUN gpg2 --quiet --no-tty --logger-fd 1 --keyserver hkp:// \ --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 \ 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB \ && echo 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3:6: | \ gpg2 --quiet --no-tty --logger-fd 1 --import-ownertrust \ && curl -sSO${RVM_VERSION}/binscripts/rvm-installer \ && curl -sSO${RVM_VERSION}/binscripts/rvm-installer.asc \ && gpg2 --quiet --no-tty --logger-fd 1 --verify rvm-installer.asc \ && bash rvm-installer ${RVM_VERSION} \ && rm rvm-installer rvm-installer.asc \ && echo "bundler" >> /usr/local/rvm/gemsets/global.gems \ && echo "rvm_silence_path_mismatch_check_flag=1" >> /etc/rvmrc \ && echo "install: --no-document" > /etc/gemrc # Switch to a bash login shell to allow simple 'rvm' in RUN commands SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-l", "-c"] RUN rvm install jruby-${JRUBY_VERSION} && gem update --system \ && gem install bundler rake WORKDIR /src RUN groupadd -g 48 apache \ && groupadd -g 65065 gdcshare \ && useradd -u 48 -m --no-log-init -r -g apache -G rvm apache \ && usermod -a -G gdcshare apache \ && chown apache: /src USER apache ADD ./bin ./bin ADD --chown=apache:apache ./ci ./ci ADD --chown=apache:apache ./lib ./lib ADD ./SDK_VERSION . ADD ./VERSION . ADD ./Gemfile . ADD ./gooddata.gemspec . #build redshift dependencies RUN mvn -f ci/redshift/pom.xml clean install -P binary-packaging RUN cp -rf ci/redshift/target/*.jar ./lib/gooddata/cloud_resources/redshift/drivers/ #build snowflake dependencies RUN mvn -f ci/snowflake/pom.xml clean install -P binary-packaging RUN cp -rf ci/snowflake/target/*.jar ./lib/gooddata/cloud_resources/snowflake/drivers/ #build bigquery dependencies RUN mvn -f ci/bigquery/pom.xml clean install -P binary-packaging RUN cp -rf ci/bigquery/target/*.jar ./lib/gooddata/cloud_resources/bigquery/drivers/ RUN bundle install ARG GIT_COMMIT=unspecified ARG BRICKS_VERSION=unspecified LABEL git_commit=$GIT_COMMIT LABEL bricks_version=$BRICKS_VERSION ENV GOODDATA_RUBY_COMMIT=$GIT_COMMIT CMD [ "./bin/" ]