require 'file/tail' # @author Sylvain Desbureaux module EasyLogger # = Class EasyLogger which will do all the job of matching the lines and showing it # @author Sylvain Desbureaux # # == Attributes # @attr_reader [String] log the log file/stream that we'll look into # @attr_reader [Array] classes the classes to match in the log # @attr_reader [Array] methods the methods to match in the log # @attr_reader [Boolean] verbose the verbosity of the output # @attr_reader [String] separator the separator of the values in the log. it's "|" per default # # == Use # There's two methods to use the class: file() and tail(). # Both of them use the same parameters (the attributes of the class). # The log file need to be correctly formatted. the parser assumes that the log file has this format (with '|' as separator in the example): # |some tag (example: the date and time)|some tag|...|class|method| free text # The Separator could be at the end of the free text but never in the middle so choose it carefully! # @see Logging a working logger example # # === File # File will open the stream, parse and output the matching line and exit # # === Tail # Tail will open the end of the stream and parse and output the matching line and exit class EasyLogger # Display the relevant line of the log matching the classes/methods # # @param [String] log the log file/stream that we'll look into # @param [String] classes the classes to match in the log # @param [String] methods the methods to match in the log # @param [Boolean] verbose the verbosity of the output # @param [String] separator the separator of the values in the log. it's "|" per default def file(log, classes, methods, verbose, separator='|') result = puts "Looking in #{log} I/O for line matching #{classes} classe(s) and #{methods} method(s) with separator '#{separator}'" if verbose && !classes.nil? && !methods.nil? puts "Looking in #{log} I/O for line #{methods} method(s) with separator '#{separator}'" if verbose && classes.nil? && !methods.nil? puts "Looking in #{log} I/O for line matching #{classes} classe(s) with separator '#{separator}'" if verbose && !classes.nil? && methods.nil? puts "Looking in #{log} I/O for all lines" if verbose && classes.nil? && methods.nil? classes =classes.split(',') unless classes.nil? methods =methods.split(',') unless methods.nil?!{|c| c.downcase} unless classes.nil?!{|m| m.downcase} unless methods.nil? line_number = 0 line_match = 0 IO.foreach(log) do |line| line_number += 1 if match(line,classes,methods, separator) puts line line_match += 1 end end puts "#{line_match} lines matched on the #{line_number} lines in the log" if verbose end # Display the relevant <u>new</u> lines of the log matching the classes/methods # # @param (see EasyLogger#file) def tail(log, classes, methods, verbose, separator='|') result = puts "Tailing in #{log} I/O for line matching #{classes} classe(s) and #{methods} method(s) with separator '#{separator}'" if verbose && !classes.nil? && !methods.nil? puts "Tailing in #{log} I/O for line #{methods} method(s) with separator '#{separator}'" if verbose && classes.nil? && !methods.nil? puts "Tailing in #{log} I/O for line matching #{classes} classe(s) with separator '#{separator}'" if verbose && !classes.nil? && methods.nil? puts "Tailing in #{log} I/O for all lines" if verbose && classes.nil? && methods.nil? classes =classes.split(',') unless classes.nil? methods =methods.split(',') unless methods.nil?!{|c| c.downcase} unless classes.nil?!{|m| m.downcase} unless methods.nil? @line_number = 0 @line_match = 0 # interrupted = false trap("INT") do puts "#{@line_match} lines matched on the #{@line_number} lines in the log" if verbose break end begin File::Tail::Logfile.tail(log) do |line| @line_number += 1 if match(line,classes,methods, separator) puts line @line_match += 1 end # if interrupted # break # end end rescue nil end end # Verify if a line match the classes/method # # @private # @param [String] line the line to match the regexp # @param classes (see EasyLogger#file) # @param methods (see EasyLogger#file) # @param separator (see EasyLogger#file) # @return [Boolean] True if the line is matched, false if not @private def match(line,classes,methods,separator) unless line[0..-2].split(separator).length < 3 methode = line[0..-2].split(separator)[-2].strip.downcase classe = line[0..-2].split(separator)[-3].strip.downcase (classes.nil? || classes.include?(classe)) && (methods.nil? || methods.include?(methode)) else false end end end end