module Dpl module Providers class Opsworks < Provider status :alpha full_name 'AWS OpsWorks' description sq(<<-str) tbd str gem 'aws-sdk-opsworks', '~> 1.0' env :aws, :opsworks config '~/.aws/credentials', '~/.aws/config', prefix: 'aws' opt '--access_key_id ID', 'AWS access key id', required: true, secret: true opt '--secret_access_key KEY', 'AWS secret key', required: true, secret: true opt '--app_id APP', 'The app id', required: true opt '--region REGION', 'AWS region', default: 'us-east-1' opt '--instance_ids ID', 'An instance id', type: :array opt '--layer_ids ID', 'A layer id', type: :array opt '--migrate', 'Migrate the database.' opt '--wait_until_deployed', 'Wait until the app is deployed and return the deployment status.' opt '--update_on_success', 'When wait-until-deployed and updated-on-success are both not given, application source is updated to the current SHA. Ignored when wait-until-deployed is not given.', alias: :update_app_on_success opt '--custom_json JSON', 'Custom json options override (overwrites default configuration)' msgs login: 'Using Access Key: %{access_key_id}', create_deploy: 'Creating deployment ... ', done: 'Done: %s', waiting: 'Deploying ', failed: 'Failed.', success: 'Success.', update_app: 'Updating application source branch/revision setting.', app_not_found: 'App %s not found.', timeout: 'Timeout: failed to finish deployment within 10 minutes.', service_error: 'Deployment failed. OpsWorks service error: %s', comment: 'Deploy build %{build_number} via Travis CI' def login info :login end def deploy timeout(600) { create_deployment } rescue Aws::Errors::ServiceError => e error :service_error, e.message end def create_deployment print :create_deploy id = opsworks.create_deployment(deploy_config)[:deployment_id] info :done, id wait_until_deployed(id) if wait_until_deployed? end def deploy_config compact( stack_id: stack_id, app_id: app_id, command: { name: 'deploy' }, comment: comment, custom_json: custom_json, instance_ids: instance_ids, layer_ids: layer_ids ) end def wait_until_deployed(id) print :waiting depl = poll_deployment(id) while depl.nil? || depl[:status] == 'running' error :failed if depl[:status] != 'successful' info :success update_app if update_on_success? end def poll_deployment(id) print '.' sleep 5 describe_deployments(id)[:deployments].first end def update_app info :update_app opsworks.update_app(update_config) end def update_config { app_id: app_id, app_source: { revision: git_sha, } } end def custom_json super || { deploy: { app[:shortname] => { migrate: migrate?, scm: { revision: git_sha } } } }.to_json end def stack_id app[:stack_id] end def app @app ||= describe_app end def comment interpolate(msg(:comment)) end def build_number super || sha end def describe_app data = opsworks.describe_apps(app_ids: [app_id]) error :app_not_found, app_id unless data[:apps] && data[:apps].any? data[:apps].first end def describe_deployments(id) opsworks.describe_deployments(deployment_ids: [id]) end def opsworks @opsworks ||= region, credentials: credentials) end def credentials, secret_access_key) end def timeout(sec, &block) Timeout::timeout(sec, &block) rescue Timeout::Error error :timeout end end end end