Feature: Manage Users CMS Admins should be able to add/edit/disable users via the Admin UI. Background: Given the cms database is populated And I am logged in as a Content Editor Scenario: Add User Given I request /cms/users And I click on "ADD USER" Then I should see a page titled "New User" When fill valid fields for a new user named "testuser" Then I should see a page titled "User Browser" And I should see the following content: | testuser | Scenario: Change Password Given the following content editor exists: | username | password | first_name | last_name | | testuser | abc123 | Mr | Blank | When I request /cms/users And I click on "Mr Blank" And I click on "Change Password" And I fill in "Password" with "different" And I fill in "Confirm Password" with "different" And I press "Save" Then I should see a page titled "User Browser" When I login as: | login | password | | testuser | different | Then I should see a page titled "Home"