require "fileutils" require "open-uri" require "reflexive" require File.expand_path("../rails_integration_spec_helper", __FILE__) shared_examples_for "fresh Rails app with Reflexive installed" do it "responds on localhost" do get("/").should include("Welcome aboard") end it "responds for Reflexive paths" do constant_reflexion = get("/reflexive/constants/ActiveRecord::Base") constant_reflexion.should include("ActiveRecord") constant_reflexion.should include("Object") constant_reflexion.should include("Class") constant_reflexion.should include("Module") end end describe "Integration with" do describe "Rails 2.x" do before(:all) do bootstrap_gem_environment("rails", "2.3.5") build_and_install_test_gem end it "installs proper version of Rails" do sh_in_tmp_gemset("rails -v", :out => :return).should include("Rails 2") end it "installs test Reflexive gem" do sh_in_tmp_gemset("gem list", :out => :return).should include("reflexive") end describe "creates Rails application" do before(:all) do create_rails_app("2") end it "which has config/environment.rb file" do Dir.chdir($app_dir) do File.exist?("config/environment.rb") end end describe "and installs Reflexive gem into it" do before(:all) do patch_app_file("config/environment.rb", " do |config|", <<-RUBY) do |config| config.gem "reflexive" config.middleware.insert_after("Rack::Lock", "Reflexive::Application") RUBY end it "properly" do Dir.chdir($app_dir) do"config/environment.rb").should include("Reflexive") end end describe "and runs application" do before(:all) do Dir.chdir($app_dir) do spawn_server_and_wait_for_response("ruby script/server") end end it_should_behave_like "fresh Rails app with Reflexive installed" after(:all) do terminate_server_blocking end end end end end describe "Rails 3.x" do before(:all) do bootstrap_gem_environment("rails", "3.0.0.beta3") build_and_install_test_gem end it "installs proper version of Rails" do sh_in_tmp_gemset("rails -v", :out => :return).should include("Rails 3") end it "installs test Reflexive gem" do sh_in_tmp_gemset("gem list", :out => :return).should include("reflexive") end describe "creates Rails application" do before(:all) do create_rails_app("3") end it "which has config/application.rb file" do Dir.chdir($app_dir) do File.exist?("config/application.rb") end end describe "and installs Reflexive gem into it" do before(:all) do patch_app_file("config/application.rb", "class Application < Rails::Application", <<-RUBY) class Application < Rails::Application config.middleware.insert_after("Rack::Lock", "Reflexive::Application") RUBY end it "properly" do Dir.chdir($app_dir) do"config/application.rb").should include("Reflexive") end end describe "and runs application" do before(:all) do Dir.chdir($app_dir) do spawn_server_and_wait_for_response("rails server") end end it_should_behave_like "fresh Rails app with Reflexive installed" after(:all) do terminate_server_blocking end end end end end end