require 'singleton' require 'net/http' require 'cgi' module Instrumental class Agent include Singleton @@queue = { :count => {}, :measure => {} } @@queue_mutex = def report(type, name, value) # TODO: Print this to log? return nil unless config && config.enabled? type = type.to_sym @@queue_mutex.synchronize do if type == :count @@queue[:count][name] ||= 0 @@queue[:count][name] += value else @@queue[:measure][name] ||= [] @@queue[:measure][name] << value end end end def setup_and_run @intervalometer = config.logger.debug("Starting agent. Reporting every #{config.report_interval} seconds") @thread = do begin do config.logger.debug('Intervalometer run') new_queue_items = {} @@queue_mutex.synchronize do new_queue_items = @@queue.dup @@queue[:count] = {} @@queue[:measure] = {} config.logger.debug("Queue contains #{new_queue_items.inspect}") end new_queue_items[:count].each do |name, value| send_report(:count, name, value) end new_queue_items[:measure].each do |name, values| send_report(:measure, name, values.join(',')) end end rescue => e config.logger.error e config.logger.error e.backtrace.join("\n") end end end def stop # If the app crashes, Passenger calls halt as it winds-down the process. # Only call halt if intervalometer exists. @intervalometer && @intervalometer.halt end protected def config Instrumental.config end def send_report(type, name, value) if type == :measure attributes = { :values => value } else attributes = { :value => value } end attributes[:name] = URI.escape("#{ config.name_prefix }#{ name }") attributes[:api_key] = config.api_key # attributes_string ={ |a| a.join('=') }.join('&') path = "#{ config.path }#{ type }" # config.logger.debug("Calling #{ path }") response = post_response(path, attributes) unless response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) config.logger.error "[Instrumental] Unexpected response from server (#{ response.code }): #{ response.message }" end end def post_response(path, params) req = req.set_form_data(params), config.port).start { |h| h.request(req) } end end end