class ConfigNotSetError < Exception; end module Pipekit module Repository def initialize(request = @request = request end def all request.get("/#{uri}") end # Public: Get all records from Pipedrive by **one** of the record's fields. # # options - A Hash with one key-value pair. Key is a field name and values is a field value. # # Examples # # where(name: "John Doe") # where(github_username: "pipedriver") # where(id: 123) # # Returns array of Hashes. def where(options) send("get_by_#{options.keys.first}", options.values.first) end # Public: Get the first record by **one** field from Pipedrive. # # options - A Hash with one key-value pair. Key is a field name and values is a field value. # # Examples # # find_by(name: "John Doe") # find_by(github_username: "pipedriver") # find_by(id: 123) # # Returns a Hash or nil if none found. def find_by(options) where(options).first end # Public: Create a record on Pipedrive. # # fields - fields for the record. # # Examples # # create({name: "John Doe", deal_id: 123}) # # Returns nothing. def create(fields)"/#{uri}", fields) end # Public: Updates a record on Pipedrive. # # fields - fields for the record. # # Examples # # update(123, {name: "Jane Doe"}) # # Returns nothing. def update(id, fields) request.put("/#{uri}/#{id}", fields) end def self.included(base) base.send :extend, ClassMethods end module ClassMethods attr_accessor :uri end private attr_reader :request def method_missing(method_name, *args) super unless method_name =~ /^get_by/ field = method_name.to_s.gsub("get_by_", "") get_by_field(field: field, value: args[0]) end def get_by_id(id) [request.get("/#{uri}/#{id}")] end def get_by_field(field:, value:) result = request.search_by_field(type: uri, field: field, value: value) { |item| get_by_id(item["id"]) }.flatten end def uri class_name = self.class.to_s.split("::").last "#{class_name.downcase}s" end end end