begin require 'readline' rescue LoadError warn <<-EOW Sorry, you can't use byebug without Readline. To solve this, you need to rebuild Ruby with Readline support. If using Ubuntu, try `sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev` and then reinstall your Ruby. EOW raise end module Byebug # # Handles byebug's history of commands. # class History attr_accessor :size def initialize self.size = 0 end # # Restores history from disk. # def restore return unless File.exist?(Setting[:histfile]) File.readlines(Setting[:histfile]).reverse_each { |l| push(l.chomp) } end # # Saves history to disk. # def save n_cmds = Setting[:histsize] > size ? size : Setting[:histsize] open(Setting[:histfile], 'w') do |file| n_cmds.times { file.puts(pop) } end clear end # # Discards history. # def clear size.times { pop } end # # Adds a new command to Readline's history. # def push(cmd) return if ignore?(cmd) self.size += 1 Readline::HISTORY.push(cmd) end # # Removes a command from Readline's history. # def pop self.size -= 1 Readline::HISTORY.pop end # # Prints the requested numbers of history entries. # def to_s(n_cmds) show_size = n_cmds ? specific_max_size(n_cmds) : default_max_size commands = Readline::HISTORY.to_a.last(show_size) last_ids(show_size).zip(commands).map do |l| format('%5d %s', l[0], l[1]) end.join("\n") + "\n" end # # Array of ids of the last n commands. # def last_ids(n) (1 + size - n..size).to_a end # # Max number of commands to be displayed when no size has been specified. # # Never more than Setting[:histsize]. # def default_max_size [Setting[:histsize], self.size].min end # # Max number of commands to be displayed when a size has been specified. # # The only bound here is not showing more items than available. # def specific_max_size(number) [self.size, number].min end # # Whether a specific command should not be stored in history. # # For now, empty lines and consecutive duplicates. # def ignore?(buf) return true if /^\s*$/ =~ buf return false if Readline::HISTORY.length == 0 Readline::HISTORY[Readline::HISTORY.length - 1] == buf end end end