# encoding: utf-8 ###### # NB: use rackup to startup Sinatra service (see config.ru) # # e.g. config.ru: # require './boot' # run Slideshow::Service require 'pp' require 'json' # 3rd party libs/gems require 'sinatra/base' require 'liquid' ## for (jekyll/github pages-like) templates require 'slideshow/models' # our own code require 'slideshow/service/version' # let version always go first module Slideshow class Service < Sinatra::Base PUBLIC_FOLDER = "#{SlideshowService.root}/lib/slideshow/service/public" VIEWS_FOLDER = "#{SlideshowService.root}/lib/slideshow/service/views" puts "[boot] slideshow-service - setting public folder to: #{PUBLIC_FOLDER}" puts "[boot] slideshow-service - setting views folder to: #{VIEWS_FOLDER}" set :public_folder, PUBLIC_FOLDER # set up the static dir (with images/js/css inside) set :views, VIEWS_FOLDER # set up the views dir set :static, true # set up static file routing ############################################## # Controllers / Routing / Request Handlers get '/s6' do ## todo/check: works with .html too (e.g. gets hit before public file ?? check why? why not??) redirect to('/slideshow-s6-blank/slides') end ### ## todo/check - redirect ## /slideshow-s6-blank/i/** to /i/** ## to"i/slideshow.png" get '/slideshow-s6-blank/slides' do text = params.delete('text') || welcome_sample ## todo - check if ascii-7bit encoding ?? ## use (always) utf8 for now render_slideshow( text, 'slideshow-s6-blank/slides.html' ) end get '/slideshow-s6-blank/slides.pdf' do text = params.delete('text') || welcome_sample ## todo - check if ascii-7bit encoding ?? ## use (always) utf8 for now render_slideshow( text, 'slideshow-s6-blank/slides.pdf.html' ) end get '/slideshow-deck.js/slides' do text = params.delete('text') || welcome_sample ## todo - check if ascii-7bit encoding ?? ## use (always) utf8 for now render_slideshow( text, 'slideshow-deck.js/slides.html' ) end get '/' do # note: allow optional params e.g. text and opts ## note: for now only html supported on get form/url params text = params.delete('text') || welcome_sample @welcome_sample = text erb :index end get '/d*' do erb :debug end private def welcome_sample ## todo: rotate welcome / use random number for index # place markdown docs in server/docs text = File.read( "#{SlideshowService.root}/lib/slideshow/service/docs/welcome.md" ) text end def render_slideshow( text, template_path ) opts = Slideshow::Opts.new ## opts.verbose = true # turn on (verbose) debug output ## opts.output_path = "#{Slideshow.root}/tmp/#{Time.now.to_i}" config = Slideshow::Config.new( opts ) config.load config.dump b = Slideshow::Build.new( config ) deck = b.create_deck_from_string( text ) pp deck puts "content:" pp deck.content ########################################### ## setup hash for binding assigns = { 'name' => 'test', ## todo/check: what name to use??? 'headers' => HeadersDrop.new( b.headers ), 'content' => deck.content, 'slides' => deck.slides.map { |slide| SlideDrop.new(slide) }, # strutured content - use LiquidDrop - why? why not? } # # html = "

hello from s6

" # html ## e.g. :s6 == s6.liquid file/template tpl = LiquidTemplate.from_public( template_path ) tpl.render( assigns ) end ## use our own litter liquid template handler ## works like "original" in pakman template manager used by slideshow class LiquidTemplate def self.from_file( path ) puts " Loading template (from file) >#{path}<..." text = File.read_utf8( path ) ## use/todo: use read utf8 - why? why not?? self.new( text, path: path ) ## note: pass along path as an option end def self.from_public( name ) path = "#{PUBLIC_FOLDER}/#{name}" puts " Loading template (from builtin public) >#{path}<..." self.from_file( path ) ## note: pass along path as an option end def initialize( text, opts={} ) @template = Liquid::Template.parse( text ) # parses and compiles the template end def render( hash ) ## note: hash keys MUST be strings (not symbols) e.g. 'name' => 'Toby' ## pp hash @template.render( hash ) end end # class LiquidTemplate end # class Service end # module Slideshow # say hello puts SlideshowService.banner