# danger-undercover A [Danger](https://github.com/danger/danger) plugin to show [Undercover](https://github.com/grodowski/undercover) report. ## Installation $ gem install danger-undercover ## Usage To use this gem all the instruction provided in [Undercover](https://github.com/grodowski/undercover) must be followed. To know more about running undercover [visit here](https://github.com/grodowski/undercover#usage) > Use the `-c --compare ref` flag to specify a git ref (commit hash, branch name, tag) to compare against. **This is a recommended usage for CI/CD build environments**, as `undercover` will `exit 1` if there are any warnings. This plugin provides a command `undercover-report` that uses `undercover` command from [Undercover](https://github.com/grodowski/undercover) gem. It takes all the options that `undercover` command takes. They both works in the same way but what `undercover-report` extra does is it prints `undercover` report to a default file in `coverage/undercover.txt`. This makes using `undercover` in CI server much easier. To use it on a CI server, run the below command before running `Danger` so that the report file is created beforehand which `Danger` will use.. $ undercover-report -c $compare_git_ref >Here $compare_git_ref as per undercover documentation, can be a commit hash, branch name, or tag. i.e. origin/master , origin/development Then in your `Dangerfile` add the following line with the output file ```ruby undercover.report ``` ## Development 1. Clone this repo 2. Run `bundle install` to setup dependencies. 3. Run `bundle exec rake spec` to run the tests. 4. Use `bundle exec guard` to automatically have tests run as you make changes. 5. Make your changes. ## License It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the [LICENSE] file. [LICENSE]: /LICENSE ## About  This project is maintained and funded by Nimble. We love open source and do our part in sharing our work with the community! See [our other projects][community] or [hire our team][hire] to help build your product. [community]: https://github.com/nimblehq [hire]: https://nimblehq.co/