# Special handling of input tags so they ignore defaultValue (and defaultChecked) values while loading. # This is accomplished by adding a react 'key prop' that tracks whether the default value is loading. # When the default value transitions from loading to loaded the key will be updated causing react to # remount the component with the new default value. # To handle cases where defaultValue (or defaultChecked) is an expression, a proc (or lambda) can be # provided for the default value. The proc will be called, and if it raises the waiting_on_resources # flag then we know that within that expression there is a value still being loaded, and the react # key will be set accordingly. module Hyperstack module Internal module Component module Tags %i[INPUT SELECT TEXTAREA].each do |component| remove_method component send(:remove_const, component) tag = component.downcase klass = Class.new do include Hyperstack::Component collect_other_params_as :opts render do opts = props.dup # should be opts = params.opts.dup but requires next release candiate of hyper-react default_value = opts[:defaultValue] || opts[:defaultChecked] if default_value.respond_to? :call begin saved_waiting_on_resources = Hyperstack::Internal::Component::RenderingContext.waiting_on_resources Hyperstack::Internal::Component::RenderingContext.waiting_on_resources = false default_value = default_value.call opts[:key] = Hyperstack::Internal::Component::RenderingContext.waiting_on_resources if opts[:defaultValue] opts[:defaultValue] = default_value else opts[:defaultChecked] = default_value end ensure Hyperstack::Internal::Component::RenderingContext.waiting_on_resources = !!saved_waiting_on_resources end else opts[:key] = !!default_value.loading? end opts[:value] = opts[:value].to_s if opts.key? :value # this may not be needed Hyperstack::Internal::Component::RenderingContext.render(tag, opts) { children.each(&:render) } end end const_set component, klass end end end end end