Goal ==== With bundler it's easy for your project to depend on many gems. This decomposition is nice, but managing licenses becomes difficult. This tool gathers info about the licenses of the gems in your project. Usage ===== For a Rails project add license_finder to your Gemfile: gem 'license_finder', :git => "https://github.com/pivotal/LicenseFinder.git" Run 'rake license:init' This will create a config/license_finder.yml file that lets you configure license finder. This is where you should add licenses which are allowed on the project, so they will be automatically approved. Run 'rake license:generate_dependencies' This will write out a dependencies.yml and dependencies.txt file in the root of your project. It will also merge in an existing dependencies.yml file, if one exists. Run 'rake license:action_items' This will output a list of unapproved dependencies to the console Run 'rake license:action_items:ok' This will return a non-zero exit status if there are unapproved dependencies. Great for CI. As a standalone script: cd ~ git clone http://github.com/pivotal/LicenseFinder.git license_finder cd your/project ~/license_finder/bin/license_finder Optionally add `--with-licenses` to include the full text of the licenses in the output. Sample Output ============= dependencies.yml: --- - name: "json_pure" version: "1.5.1" license: "other" approved: false - name: "rake" version: "0.8.7" license: "MIT" approved: true dependencies.txt: json_pure 1.5.1, other rake 0.8.7, MIT bin/license_finder: --- json_pure 1.5.1: dependency_name: json_pure dependency_version: 1.5.1 install_path: /some/path/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p180/gems/json_pure-1.5.1 license_files: - file_name: COPYING header_type: other body_type: other disclaimer_of_liability: other - file_name: COPYING-json-jruby header_type: other body_type: other disclaimer_of_liability: other readme_files: - file_name: README mentions_license: true - file_name: README-json-jruby.markdown mentions_license: false --- rake 0.8.7: dependency_name: rake dependency_version: 0.8.7 install_path: /some/path/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p180/gems/rake-0.8.7 license_files: - file_name: MIT-LICENSE header_type: other body_type: mit disclaimer_of_liability: "mit: THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS" readme_files: - file_name: README mentions_license: true Gem Maintainers =============== Please add a license to your gemspec! Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = "my_great_gem" s.license = "MIT" end