--- jp: a_copy_of_all_mail_will_be_sent_to_the_following_addresses: A copy of all mail be sent to the following addresses abbreviation: 略語 access_denied: "Access Denied" account: アカウント account_updated: "Account updated!" action: アクション actions: cancel: キャンセル create: 作成 destroy: 削除 list: リスト listing: 一覧 new: 新規 update: 更新 activerecord: attributes: address: address1: 住所 address2: "Address (contd.)" city: 都市名 firstname: 名前 lastname: 名字 phone: 電話番号 zipcode: 郵便番号 country: iso: ISO iso3: ISO3 iso_name: "ISO Name" name: Name numcode: "ISO Code" creditcard: cc_type: Type month: Month number: Number verification_value: "Verification Value" year: Year inventory_unit: state: 都道府県(州) line_item: price: 価格 quantity: 個数 order: checkout_complete: "Checkout Complete" ip_address: "IP Address" item_total: "Item Total" number: Number special_instructions: "Special Instructions" state: 都道府県(州) total: 合計 product: available_on: "Available On" description: 説明 master_price: "Master Price" name: 氏名 on_hand: 入荷日 shipping_category: "Shipping Category" tax_category: "Tax Category" property: name: 名称 presentation: Presentation prototype: name: 名称 role: name: 名称 state: abbr: 略語 name: 名称 tax_category: description: Description name: Name tax_rate: amount: Rate taxon: name: 名称 permalink: Permalink position: Position taxonomy: name: 名称 user: email: Eメール variant: depth: 奥行き height: 高さ price: 価格 sku: SKU weight: 重量 width: 幅 zone: description: 説明 name: 名前 models: address: one: Address other: Addresses country: one: 国名 other: 国名 creditcard: one: クレジットカード other: "Credit Cards" creditcard_payment: one: "Credit Card Payment" other: "Credit Card Payments" creditcard_txn: one: "Credit Card Transaction" other: "Credit Card Transactions" inventory_unit: one: "Inventory Unit" other: "Inventory Units" line_item: one: "Line Item" other: "Line Items" order: one: Order other: Orders payment: one: Payment other: Payments product: one: Product other: Products property: one: Property other: Properties prototype: one: Prototype other: Prototypes role: one: Roles other: Roles shipping_category: one: "Shipping Category" other: "Shipping Categories" state: one: 都道府県(州) other: 都道府県(州) tax_category: one: "Tax Category" other: "Tax Categories" tax_rate: one: "Tax Rate" other: "Tax Rates" taxon: one: Taxon other: Taxons taxonomy: one: Taxonomy other: Taxonomies user: one: User other: Users variant: one: Variant other: Variants zone: one: Zone other: Zones add: 追加 add_category: カテゴリーの追加 add_country: 国の追加 add_option_type: "Add Option Type" add_option_types: "Add Option Types" add_option_value: "Add Option Value" add_product_properties: "Add Product Properties" add_state: 都道府県(州)の追加 add_to_cart: カートに追加 add_zone: "Add Zone" additional_item: Additional Item Cost address: 住所 address_information: 住所情報 adjustment: 調整 administration: 管理 all: "All" allow_backorders: 取り寄せ注文を許可する allow_ssl_to_be_used_when_in_developement_and_test_modes: Allow SSL to be used when in development and test modes allow_ssl_to_be_used_when_in_production_mode: Allow SSL to be used in production mode allowed_ssl_in_production_mode: "SSL will {{not}} be used in production" already_registered: Already Registered? alternative_phone: Alternative Phone amount: 個数 are_you_sure: よろしいでしょうか are_you_sure_category: "Are you sure you want to delete this category?" are_you_sure_delete: "Are you sure you want to delete this record?" are_you_sure_delete_image: "Are you sure you want to delete this image?" are_you_sure_option_type: "Are you sure you want to delete this option type?" are_you_sure_you_want_to_capture: "Are you sure you want to capture?" assign_taxon: "Assign Taxon" assign_taxons: "Assign Taxons" authorization_failure: "Authorization Failure" authorized: Authorized available_on: "Available On" available_taxons: 使用可能な分類 back: 戻る back_to_store: "Go Back To Store" backordering_is_allowed: "Backordering {{not}} allowed" bill_address: 請求先住所 billing_address: 請求先住所 calculator: Calculator calculator_settings_warning: "If you are changing the calculator type, you must save first before you can edit the calculator settings" cancel: キャンセル canceled: キャンセル済み capture: capture card_code: "Card Code" card_number: カード番号 card_type_is: Card type is cart: カート categories: カテゴリー category: カテゴリー change: 変更 change_language: 言語の変更 charge_total: Charge Total charged: 課金 checkout: 精算 city: 都市名 code: Code combine: Combine comp_order: "Comp Order" comp_order_confirmation: "Customer will not be charged. Are you sure you want to comp this order?" complete: complete complete_list: "Complete List" configuration: 設定 configuration_options: 設定オプション configurations: 設定 confirm: 確認 confirm_delete: "Confirm Deletion" confirm_password: "Password Confirmation" continue: 続ける continue_shopping: ショッピングを続ける copy_all_mails_to: Copy All Mails To country: 国名 country_based: "Country Based" coupon: Coupon coupon_code: Coupon Code coupons: Coupons coupons_description: Manage coupons create: 作成 create_a_new_account: 新規アカウント作成 create_user_account: ユーザアカウント作成 created_successfully: 作成されました credit_card: クレジットカード credit_card_capture_complete: "Credit Card Was Captured" credit_card_payment: "Credit Card Payment" credit_total: Credit Total creditcard: クレジットカード current: Current customer: 顧客 date_range: 日範囲 delete: 削除 depth: 奥行き description: 説明 destroy: 破壊する display: 表示 edit: 編集 editing_category: カテゴリーの編集 editing_coupon: Editing Coupon editing_option_type: "Editing Option Type" editing_option_types: "Editing Option Types" editing_product: 商品の編集 editing_property: 属性の編集 editing_prototype: プロトタイプの編集 editing_shipping_category: 配送カテゴリー編集 editing_shipping_method: 配送方法編集 editing_shipping_rate: Editing Shipping Rate editing_state: 都道府県(州)編集 editing_tax_category: 税カテゴリー編集 editing_tax_rate: "Editing Tax Rate" editing_user: ユーザー編集 editing_zone: ゾーン編集 email: Eメール email_address: Eメールアドレス email_server_settings_description: メールサーバの設定をします。 empty_cart: カートを空にする enable_mail_delivery: Enable Mail Delivery enable_mail_queue: "Enable Mail Queue" enter_exactly_as_shown_on_card: Please enter exactly as shown on the card error: エラー event: イベント existing_customer: "Existing Customer" expiration: 有効期限 expiration_month: 有効期限(月) expiration_year: 有効期限(年) extension: Extension extensions: Extensions filename: ファイル名 final_confirmation: 最終確認 first_item: First Item Cost first_name: 名前 flat_percent: Flat Percent flat_rate_amount: Amount flat_rate_per_item: "Flat Rate (per item)" flat_rate_per_order: "Flat Rate (per order)" flexible_rate: "Flexible Rate" forgot_password: "Forgot Password" full_name: "Full Name" gateway: ゲートウェー gateway_configuration: "Gateway configuration" gateway_error: ゲートウェーエラー gateway_setting_description: "Select a payment gateway and configure its settings." general: 一般 general_settings: 一般設定 general_settings_description: Spreeの一般的な設定をします。 google_analytics: "Google Analytics" google_analytics_active: "Active" google_analytics_create: "Create New Google Analytics Account" google_analytics_id: "Analytics ID" google_analytics_new: "New Google Analytics Account" google_analytics_setting_description: "Manage Google Analytics ID" guest_user_account: Checkout as a Guest height: 高さ hello_user: "Hello User" history: 履歴 home: ホーム icons_by: "Icons by" image: 画像 images: 画像 images_for: "Images for" in_progress: "In Progress" invalid_search: "Invalid search criteria." inventory: 在庫 inventory_adjustment: 在庫調整 inventory_setting_description: "Inventory Configuration, Backordering, Zero-Stock Display" inventory_settings: 在庫設定 issue_number: Issue Number item: 品目 item_description: 品目説明 item_total: 合計 last_name: 名字 list: リスト listing_categories: カテゴリー一覧 listing_option_types: "Listing Option Types" listing_orders: 注文一覧 listing_reports: リポート一覧 listing_tax_categories: "Listing Tax Categories" listing_users: ユーザ一覧 loading: Loading locale_changed: "Locale Changed" log_in: ログイン logged_in_as: ログイン logged_in_succesfully: ログインに成功しました logged_out: ログアウトしました。 login_as_existing: "Log In as Existing Customer" login_failed: "Login authentication failed." login_name: ログイン logout: ログアウト maestro_or_solo_cards: Maestro/Solo cards mail_delivery_enabled: "Mail delivery is enabled" mail_delivery_not_enabled: "Mail delivery is not enabled" mail_queue_enabled: "Mail queue is enabled" mail_queue_not_enabled: "Mail queue is not enabled (emails are delivered immediately)" mail_server_preferences: Mail Server Preferences mail_server_settings: メールサーバ設定 mark_shipped: "Mark Shipped" master_price: 定価 max_items: Max Items meta_description: メタ情報説明 meta_keywords: メタキーワード metadata: メタデータ month: "Month" my_account: アカウント情報 my_orders: 注文情報 name: 名称 new: 新規 new_category: 新規カテゴリー new_coupon: New Coupon new_credit_card_payment: 新規カード払い new_customer: 新規顧客 new_image: 新規画像 new_option_type: 新規オプションタイプ new_option_value: 新規オプション値 new_product: 新規商品 new_property: 新規属性 new_prototype: 新規プロトタイプ new_shipment: 新規配送 new_shipping_category: 新規配送カテゴリー new_shipping_method: 新規配送方法 new_shipping_rate: New Shipping Rate new_state: 新規都道府県(州) new_tax_category: 新規税カテゴリー new_tax_rate: 新規税率 new_taxon: "New Taxon" new_taxonomy: "新規分類" new_user: 新規ユーザ new_variant: 新規形式 new_zone: 新規ゾーン next: 次へ no: "No" no_items_in_cart: "" no_match_found: "No Match Found" no_user_found: "No user was found with that email address" none: 空です none_available: "None Available" not: not on_hand: 入荷日 operation: Operation option_Values: オプション値 option_types: オプションタイプ option_values: オプション値 options: オプション or: or order: 注文 order_confirmation_note: "" order_date: 注文日 order_details: 注文詳細 order_email_resent: "Order Email Resent" order_not_in_system: That order number is not valid on this site. order_number: 注文 order_operation_authorize: Authorize order_processed_successfully: "Your order has been processed successfully" order_summary: Order Summary order_total: 合計 order_total_message: "The total amount charged to your card will be" order_updated: "Order Updated" orders: 注文 out_of_stock: 在庫切りです overview: 概要 page_only_viewable_when_logged_in: You attempted to visit a page which can only be viewed when you are logged in page_only_viewable_when_logged_out: You attempted to visit a page which can only be viewed when you are logged out paid: 支払い済み parent_category: "Parent Category" password: パスワード password_reset_instructions: "Password Reset Instructions" password_reset_instructions_are_mailed: "Instructions to reset your password have been emailed to you. Please check your email." password_reset_token_not_found: "We're sorry, but we could not locate your account. If you are having issues try copying and pasting the URL from your email into your browser or restarting the reset password process." password_updated: "Password successfully updated" path: パス pay: 支払い payment: 支払い方法 payment_gateway: "Payment Gateway" payment_information: 支払い情報 payments: 支払い方法 phone: 電話番号 place_order: Place Order please_create_user: "Please create a user account" powered_by: "Powered by" presentation: 表示名 previous: 前へ price: 価格 problem_authorizing_card: "Problem authorizing credit card" problem_capturing_card: "Problem capturing credit card" problems_processing_order: "We had problems processing your order" proceed_as_guest: "No Thanks, Proceed as Guest" process: Process product: 商品 product_details: 商品詳細 product_has_no_description: Product has not description product_properties: 商品情報 products: 商品 products_with_zero_inventory_display: "Products with a zero inventory will {{not}} be displayed" properties: 属性 property: 属性 prototype: プロトタイプ prototypes: プロトタイプ qty: 個数 rate: 比率 register: 新規ユーザとして登録 register_or_guest: Checkout as Guest or Register registration: 登録 remember_me: 記録する remove: 削除 reports: リポート required_for_solo_and_maestro: Required for Solo and Maestro cards. resend: 再送 reset_password: "Reset my password" response_code: "Response Code" resume: "resume" resumed: Resumed return: return returned: Returned roles: 役割 sales_tax: "Sales Tax" sales_total: 売上げ合計 sales_total_for_all_orders: 全ての注文の売上げ合計 sales_totals: 売上げ合計 sales_totals_description: 全ての注文の売上げ合計 save_preferences: Save Preferences search: 検索 secure_connection_type: Secure Connection Type select: 選択 select_from_prototype: "Select From Prototype" select_preferred_shipping_option: "Select preferred shipping option" send_copy_of_all_mails_to: Send Copy of All Mails To send_copy_of_orders_mails_to: Send Copy of Order Mails To send_mails_as: Send Mails As send_order_mails_as: Send Order Mails As server_error: "The server returned an error" settings: Settings ship: 配送 ship_address: 配送先住所 shipment: 発送 shipment_number: "発送 #" shipped: 発送済 shipping: 送料 shipping_address: 配送先 shipping_categories: 配送カテゴリー shipping_categories_description: "Manage shipping categories to identify which products can be shipped via which method" shipping_category: Shipping Category shipping_cost: Cost shipping_error: "Shipping Error" shipping_instructions: "Shipping Instructions" shipping_method: 配送方法 shipping_methods: 配送方法 shipping_methods_description: 配送方法を管理します。 shipping_rates: "Shipping Rates" shipping_rates_description: "Manage shipping rates" shipping_total: 配送料合計 shop_by_taxonomy: "{{taxonomy}}" shopping_cart: ショッピングカート show_deleted: 削除済みも表示 show_incomplete_orders: 未処理の注文も表示 show_only_complete_orders: 処理済みの注文のみを表示 show_out_of_stock_products: 在庫切れの商品を表示 show_price_inc_vat: "Show price including VAT" sign_up: サインアップ site_name: サイト名 site_url: サイトURL sku: SKU smtp: SMTP smtp_authentication_type: SMTP Authentication Type smtp_domain: SMTPドメイン smtp_mail_host: SMTPサーバ smtp_password: SMTPパスワード smtp_port: SMTPポート smtp_send_all_emails_as_from_following_address: "Send all mails as from the following address." smtp_send_copy_of_orders_to_this_addresses: "Sends a copy of all order's mails to this address. For multiple addresses, separate with commas." smtp_send_copy_to_this_addresses: "Sends a copy of all outgoing mails to this address. For multiple addresses, separate with commas." smtp_send_order_mails_as_from_following_address: "Send orders mails as from the following address." smtp_username: SMTPユーザ名 spree: date: 日付 time: 時間 ssl_will_be_used_in_development_and_test_modes: "SSL will be used in development and test mode if necessary." ssl_will_be_used_in_production_mode: "SSL will be used in production mode" ssl_will_not_be_used_in_development_and_test_modes: "SSL will not be used in development and test mode if necessary." ssl_will_not_be_used_in_production_mode: "SSL will not be used in production mode" start: 始め start_date: Valid from state: 都道府県(州) state_based: "State Based" state_setting_description: "Administer the list of states/provinces associated with each country." states: 都道府県(州) status: 状況 stop: 終わり store: ストアー street_address: 住所 street_address_2: 住所2 subtotal: 合計 subtract: Subtract system: システム tax: 税 tax_categories: 税カテゴリー tax_categories_setting_description: "Set up tax categories to identify which products should be taxable." tax_category: 税カテゴリー tax_rates: "Tax Rates" tax_rates_description: Tax rates setup and configuration. tax_settings: "Tax settings" tax_settings_description: Basic tax settings. tax_total: 税合計 tax_type: 税種別 taxon: 分類単位 taxonomies: 分類単位 taxonomies_setting_description: "Create and manage taxonomies" taxonomy_edit: "Edit taxonomy" taxonomy_tree_error: "The requested change has not been accepted and the tree has been returned to its previous state, please try again." taxonomy_tree_instruction: "* Right click a child in the tree to access the menu for adding, deleting or sorting a child." taxons: 分類 thank_you_for_your_order: "Thank you for your business. Please print out a copy of this confirmation page for your records." this_file_language: "Japanese" thumbnail: "Thumbnail" to_add_variants_you_must_first_define: "To add variants, you must first define" total: 小計 tracking: Tracking transaction: Transaction tree: Tree try_again: "Try Again" type: 支払い方法 unable_ship_method: "Unable to generate shipping methods due to a server error." unable_to_authorize_credit_card: "Unable to Authorize Credit Card" unable_to_capture_credit_card: "Unable to Capture Credit Card" unable_to_save_order: "Unable to Save Order" unrecognized_card_type: Unrecognized card type update: 更新 update_password: "Update my password and log me in" updated_successfully: 更新しました updating: Updating usage_limit: Usage Limit use_as_shipping_address: Use as Shipping Address use_billing_address: Use Billing Address use_different_shipping_address: "Use Different Shipping Address" user: ユーザ user_account: ユーザアカウント user_details: ユーザ詳細 users: ユーザ value: 値 variants: 形式 vat: "VAT" version: バージョン website: ウェブサイト weight: 重量 welcome_to_sample_store: "Welcome to the sample store" what_is_a_cvv: "What is a (CVV) Credit Card Code?" what_is_this: "What's This?" whats_this: "What's this" width: 横幅 year: "Year" yes: "Yes" you_have_been_logged_out: "You have been logged out." your_cart_is_empty: カートは空です zip: 郵便番号 zone: ゾーン zone_based: "Zone Based" zone_setting_description: "Collections of countries, states or other zones to be used in various calculations." zones: ゾーン