# ffi-msgpack * [Source](https://github.com/postmodern/ffi-msgpack/) * [Issues](https://github.com/postmodern/ffi-msgpack/issues) * [Documentation](http://rubydoc.info/ffi-msgpack) * [Email](mailto:postmodern.mod3 at gmail.com) ## Description Ruby FFI bindings for the [msgpack](http://msgpack.sourceforge.net/) library. ## Features * Can pack and unpack `nil`, `true`, `false`, Integers, Floats, Strings, Arrays and Hashes. * Provides a buffered / callback driven packer. * Provides a buffered / streaming unpacker. ## Examples Pack an Object: require 'ffi/msgpack' FFI::MsgPack.pack([1,'x',true]) # => "\x93\x01\xA1x\xC3" Pack one or more Objects into a Buffer: packer = FFI::MsgPack::Packer.create packer << 1 packer << 'x' packer << true packer.buffer # => "\x01\xA1x\xC3" packer.total # => 3 Pack one or more Objects with a custom write callback: require 'socket' socket = TCPSocket.new('example.com',9786) packer = FFI::MsgPack::Packer.create do |packed,length| socket.write(packed) end packer << 1 packer << 'x' packer << true socket.close packer.total # => 3 Unpack a String: FFI::MsgPack.unpack("\x93\x01\xA1x\xC3") # => [1, "x", true] Enumerate over each unpacked Object: unpacker = FFI::MsgPack::Unpacker.create unpacker << "\x01\xA1x\xC3" unpacker.each do |obj| puts obj.inspect end Enumerates over each unpacked Object from a stream: unpacker = FFI::MsgPack::Unpacker.create unpacker.stream = socket unpacker.each do |obj| puts obj.inspect end ## Requirements * [Ruby](http://ruby-lang.org/) >= 1.8.7 or [JRruby](http://jruby.org) >= 1.6 * [Rubinius](http://rubini.us/) is not currently supported due to [Issue 1717](https://github.com/rubinius/rubinius/issues/1717) * [libmsgpack](http://msgpack.sourceforge.net/) >= 0.5.0 * [ffi](http://github.com/ffi/ffi) ~> 1.0 ## Install $ gem install ffi-msgpack ## License Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Hal Brodigan See {file:LICENSE.txt} for license information.