# coding: utf-8 module ActiveList module Definition class ActionColumn < AbstractColumn include ActiveList::Helpers ID_PLACEHOLDER = "##IDS##" USE_MODES = [:none, :single, :many, :both] attr_reader :use_mode def initialize(table, name, options = {}) super(table, name, options) @use_mode = (@options.delete(:on) || :single).to_sym unless USE_MODES.include?(@use_mode) raise "Invalid use mode: #{@use_mode.inspect}" end if @name.to_s == "destroy" and !@options.has_key?(:method) @options[:method] = :delete end if @name.to_s == "destroy" and !@options.has_key?(:confirm) @options[:confirm] ||= :are_you_sure_you_want_to_delete end @options[:if] ||= :destroyable? if @name.to_s == "destroy" @options[:if] ||= :editable? if @name.to_s == "edit" @options[:confirm] = :are_you_sure if @options[:confirm].is_a?(TrueClass) end def use_single? @use_mode == :single or @use_mode == :both end def use_many? @use_mode == :many or @use_mode == :both end def use_none? @use_mode == :none end def global? self.use_none? or self.use_many? end def header_code "''".c end def default_url(use_mode = :many) url = @options[:url] ||= {} url[:controller] ||= (@options[:controller] || table.model.name.tableize) url[:action] ||= @name.to_s if @options.has_key? :format url[:format] = @options[:format] end if use_many? and use_mode == :many url[:id] ||= ID_PLACEHOLDER end return url end def operation(record = 'record_of_the_death') link_options = "" if @options[:confirm] link_options << ", 'data-confirm' => #{(@options[:confirm]).inspect}.t(scope: 'labels')" end if @options[:method] link_options << ", method: :#{@options[:method].to_s.underscore}" end action = @name format = @options[:format] ? ", format: '#{@options[:format]}'" : "" if @options[:remote] raise StandardError, "Sure to use :remote ?" # remote_options = @options.dup # remote_options['data-confirm'] = "#{@options[:confirm].inspect}.tl".c unless @options[:confirm].nil? # remote_options.delete :remote # remote_options.delete :image # remote_options = remote_options.inspect.to_s # remote_options = remote_options[1..-2] # code = "link_to_remote(#{image}" # code += ", {url: {action: "+@name.to_s+", id: "+record+".id"+format+"}" # code += ", "+remote_options+"}" # code += ", {title: #{action.inspect}.tl}" # code += ")" elsif @options[:actions] unless use_single? raise StandardError, "Only compatible with single actions" end unless @options[:actions].is_a? Hash raise StandardError, ":actions parameter have to be a Hash." end cases = [] for expected, url in @options[:actions] cases << record+"."+@name.to_s+" == " + expected.inspect + "\nlink_to(content_tag(:i) + h(#{url[:action].inspect}.t(scope: 'rest.actions'))"+ ", {"+(url[:controller] ? 'controller: :'+url[:controller].to_s+', ' : '')+"action: '"+url[:action].to_s+"', id: "+record+".id"+format+"}"+ ", {class: '#{@name}'"+link_options+"}"+ ")\n" end code = "if "+cases.join("elsif ")+"end" else url = @options[:url] ||= {} url[:controller] ||= (@options[:controller] || "RECORD.class.name.tableize".c) url[:action] ||= @name.to_s url[:id] ||= "RECORD.id".c url[:id] = "RECORD.id".c if url[:id] == ID_PLACEHOLDER url.delete_if{|k, v| v.nil?} url = "{" + url.collect{|k, v| "#{k}: " + urlify(v, record)}.join(", ") + format + "}" code = "{class: '#{@name}'" + link_options + "}" code = "link_to(content_tag(:i) + h(' ' + :#{action}.t(scope: 'rest.actions')), " + url + ", " + code + ")" end if @options[:if] code = "if " + recordify!(@options[:if], record) + "\n" + code.dig + "end" end if @options[:unless] code = "unless " + recordify!(@options[:unless], record) + "\n" + code.dig + "end" end code.c end end end end