# Microsoft Azure Storage Common Client Library for Ruby
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This project provides a Ruby package that supports service client libraries.
# Supported Ruby Versions
* Ruby 2.3 to 2.7
* x64 Ruby for Windows is known to have some compatibility issues.
* azure-storage-common depends on gem nokogiri.
# Getting Started
## Install the rubygem package
You can install the azure storage common rubygem package directly.
gem install azure-storage-common
## Create client
You can use this module to create client that can be later shared by service modules, to avoid repeating code of creating storage client.
There are two ways you can create the client:
1. [via code](#via-code)
2. [via environment variables](#via-environment-variables)
### Via Code
* Against Microsoft Azure Services in the cloud
require 'azure/storage/common'
# Setup a specific instance of an Azure::Storage::Common::Client
client = Azure::Storage::Common::Client.create(storage_account_name: , storage_access_key: )
# Configure a ca_cert.pem file if you are having issues with ssl peer verification
client.ca_file = './ca_file.pem'
* Against local Emulator (Windows Only)
require 'azure/storage/common'
client = Azure::Storage::Common::Client.create_development
# Or create by options and provide your own proxy_uri
client = Azure::Storage::Common::Client.create(use_development_storage: true, development_storage_proxy_uri: )
### Via Environment Variables
* Against Microsoft Azure Storage Services in the cloud
* Against local Emulator (Windows Only)
export EMULATED = true
* [SSL Certificate File](https://gist.github.com/fnichol/867550) if having issues with ssl peer verification
# Usage
## Shared Access Signature generation
require "azure/storage/common"
# Creating an instance of `Azure::Storage::Common::Core::Auth::SharedAccessSignature`
generator = Azure::Storage::Common::Core::Auth::SharedAccessSignature.new(your_account_name, your_access_key)
# The generator now can be used to create service SAS or account SAS.
generator.generate_service_sas_token(my_path_or_table_name, my_sas_options)
# For details about the possible options, please reference the document of the class `Azure::Storage::Common::Core::Auth::SharedAccessSignature`
## Access Token
Please refer to the below links for obtaining an access token:
* [Authenticate with Azure Active Directory](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/authenticate-with-azure-active-directory)
* [Getting a MSI access token](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/managed-identities-azure-resources/tutorial-linux-vm-access-storage#get-an-access-token-and-use-it-to-call-azure-storage)
require "azure/storage/common"
access_token =
# Creating an instance of `Azure::Storage::Common::Core::TokenCredential`
token_credential = Azure::Storage::Common::Core::TokenCredential.new access_token
token_signer = Azure::Storage::Common::Core::Auth::TokenSigner.new token_credential
common_token_client = Azure::Storage::Common::Client.create.new(storage_account_name: , signer: token_signer)
# Refresh internal is 50 minutes
refresh_interval = 50 * 60
# The user-defined thread that renews the access token
cancelled = false
renew_token = Thread.new do
while !cancelled
# Renew the access token here
# Update the access token to the credential
sleep 0.1 while renew_token.status != 'sleep'
# Call client functions as usaual
# Code of Conduct
This project has adopted the [Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct](https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/). For more information see the [Code of Conduct FAQ](https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/faq/) or contact [opencode@microsoft.com](mailto:opencode@microsoft.com) with any additional questions or comments.