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E E$3£EContextE3Raise an exception out of the current pry instance.Eraise-upE Raise up, like exit, allows you to quit pry. Instead of returning a value however, it raises an exception. If you don't provide the exception to be raised, it will use the most recent exception (in pry `_ex_`). When called as raise-up! (with an exclamation mark), this command raises the exception through any nested prys you have created by "cd"ing into objects. raise-up "get-me-out-of-here" # This is equivalent to the command above. raise "get-me-out-of-here" raise-up  Eprocess%3£E_pry_.raise_up&EPryECommandE ClassCommandERaiseUpEcapturesE[]E=~E_pryEpagerEhelpEpageEtargetEevalEmatchEgroupE descriptionEbannerEcore#define_methodEcommand_optionsECommandsE add_commandEraise-up(!?\b.*)E (-h|--help)\bElistingå ñ X r ‘ ´ È ã * F lx“§ÉÕì'B^tŠ¢»Óë6Onˆ®Ñí 0Q