require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') Configliere.use :commands describe "Configliere::Commands" do after do ::ARGV.replace [] end describe "when no commands are defined" do before do @config = end it "should know that no commands are defined" do @config.commands?.should be_false end it "should not shift the ARGV when resolving" do ::ARGV.replace ['not_command_but_arg', 'another_arg'] @config.resolve! == ['not_command_but_arg', 'another_arg'] @config.command.should be_nil end it "should still recognize a git-style binary command" do ::ARGV.replace ['not_command_but_arg', 'another_arg'] File.should_receive(:basename).and_return('prog-subcommand') @config.resolve! == ['not_command_but_arg', 'another_arg'] @config.command_name.should == 'subcommand' @config.command.should be_nil end end describe "a simple command" do before do @config = :param => 'val 1' @config.define_command "the_command", :description => "foobar" end it "should continue to parse flags when the command is given" do ::ARGV.replace ['the_command', '--param=wuzz', 'an_arg'] @config.resolve! @config.should == { :param => 'wuzz' } end it "should continue to set args when the command is given" do ::ARGV.replace ['the_command', '--param=wuzz', 'an_arg'] @config.resolve! == ['an_arg'] end it "should recognize the command when given" do ::ARGV.replace ['the_command', '--param=wuzz', 'an_arg'] @config.resolve! @config.command_name.should == 'the_command' end it "should recognize when the command is not given" do ::ARGV.replace ['bogus_command', '--param=wuzz', 'an_arg'] @config.resolve! == ['bogus_command', 'an_arg'] @config.command_name.should be_nil end end describe "a complex command" do before do @config = :outer_param => 'val 1' @config.define_command "the_command", :description => "the command" do |command| command.define :inner_param, :description => "inside" end end it "should still recognize the outer param and the args" do ::ARGV.replace ['the_command', '--outer_param=wuzz', 'an_arg', '--inner_param=buzz'] @config.resolve! == ['an_arg'] @config.command_name.should == 'the_command' @config[:outer_param].should == 'wuzz' end it "should recognize the inner param" do ::ARGV.replace ['the_command', '--outer_param=wuzz', 'an_arg', '--inner_param=buzz'] @config.resolve! @config[:inner_param].should == 'buzz' @config.command[:config][:inner_param].should == 'buzz' end end end