# encoding: utf-8 shared_examples 'a model' do |shared_options = {}| let(:base_model_options) { shared_options.fetch(:base_model_options, {}) } let(:args) { ([base_model_options.merge(model_options)] + model_args) } let(:model) { subject.new(*args) } context 'attributes' do let(:unique_value) { random_str } Array(shared_options[:with_simple_attributes]).each do |attribute| context "##{attribute}" do let(:model_options) { { attribute.to_sym => unique_value } } it "retrieves attribute :#{attribute}" do expect(model.public_send(attribute)).to eql(unique_value) end end end context '#attributes', :api_private do let(:model_options) { { action: 5 } } it 'provides access to #attributes' do expect(model.attributes).to eq(model_options) end end context '#[]', :api_private do let(:model_options) { { unusual: 'attribute' } } it 'provides accessor method to #attributes' do expect(model[:unusual]).to eql('attribute') end end end context '#==' do let(:model_options) { { channel: 'unique' } } it 'is true when attributes are the same' do new_message = -> { subject.new(*args) } expect(new_message[]).to eq(new_message[]) end it 'is false when attributes are not the same' do expect(subject.new(*[action: 1] + model_args)).to_not eq(subject.new(*[action: 2] + model_args)) end it 'is false when class type differs' do expect(subject.new(*[action: 1] + model_args)).to_not eq(nil) end end context '#to_msgpack', :api_private do let(:model_options) { { name: 'test', action: 0, channel_snake_case: 'unique' } } let(:serialized) { model.to_msgpack } it 'returns a msgpack object with Ably payload naming' do expect(MessagePack.unpack(serialized)).to include('channelSnakeCase' => 'unique') end end context '#to_json', :api_private do let(:model_options) { { name: 'test', action: 0, channel_snake_case: 'unique' } } let(:serialized) { model.to_json } it 'returns a JSON string with Ably payload naming' do expect(JSON.parse(serialized)).to include('channelSnakeCase' => 'unique') end end context 'is immutable' do let(:model_options) { { channel: 'name' } } it 'prevents changes' do expect { model.attributes[:channel] = 'new' }.to raise_error RuntimeError, /can't modify frozen.*Hash/ end it 'dups options' do expect(model.attributes[:channel]).to eql('name') model_options[:channel] = 'new' expect(model.attributes[:channel]).to eql('name') end end end