# Encoding: UTF-8 [{beforeRunningCommand: "nop", command: ". \"$TM_SUPPORT_PATH/lib/webpreview.sh\"\n\nCOMMAND=`cat | tr -d ' \\t' | grep -m1 -o '^\\w\\+' | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z'`\n\nhtml_header \"Documentation for $COMMAND\"\n\"${TM_CMAKE:-cmake}\" --help-command \"$COMMAND\" | pre\nhtml_footer\n", fallbackInput: "line", input: "selection", keyEquivalent: "^h", name: "Documentation For Command", output: "showAsHTML", scope: "source.cmake meta.function-call, source.cmake", uuid: "6AA1ED0A-6E0F-48EC-965C-D57AD98A100B"}, {beforeRunningCommand: "nop", command: "#!/usr/bin/env ruby\nrequire ENV['TM_SUPPORT_PATH'] + '/lib/textmate'\n\nabort \"Unsaved file\" unless ENV['TM_FILEPATH']\n\npath = File.dirname(File.dirname(ENV['TM_FILEPATH'])) + \"/CMakeLists.txt\"\nabort \"No parent listfile\" unless File.exist?(path)\nTextMate.go_to(:file => path)\n\n# subdir = nil\n# \n# if line =~ /ADD_SUBDIRECTORY\\s*\\((.+?)\\)/i\n# subdir = $1\n# else\n# subdirs = Dir[dir + \"/*/CMakeLists.txt\"].map { |p| File.basename(File.dirname(p)) }.sort\n# abort \"No listfile found in subdirectories\" if subdirs.empty?\n# choice = TextMate::UI.menu(subdirs)\n# abort \"Cancelled\" unless choice\n# subdir = subdirs[choice]\n# end\n# \n# if subdir\n# file = subdir + \"/CMakeLists.txt\"\n# path = File.join(dir, file)\n# abort \"The file at \#{file} doesn't exist\" unless File.exist?(path)\n# TextMate.go_to(:file => path)\n# end\n", fallbackInput: "line", input: "none", keyEquivalent: "~@", name: "Move to Parent Listfile", output: "showAsTooltip", scope: "source.cmake", uuid: "48A1D967-E8CF-4C16-A58F-60471E9469E3"}, {beforeRunningCommand: "nop", command: "#!/usr/bin/env ruby\nrequire ENV['TM_SUPPORT_PATH'] + '/lib/textmate'\nrequire ENV['TM_SUPPORT_PATH'] + '/lib/ui'\n\nabort \"Unsaved file\" unless ENV['TM_FILEPATH']\n\nline = STDIN.read\ndir = File.dirname(ENV['TM_FILEPATH'])\nsubdir = nil\n\nif line =~ /ADD_SUBDIRECTORY\\s*\\((.+?)\\)/i\n subdir = $1\nelse\n subdirs = Dir[dir + \"/*/CMakeLists.txt\"].map { |p| File.basename(File.dirname(p)) }.sort\n abort \"No listfile found in subdirectories\" if subdirs.empty?\n choice = TextMate::UI.menu(subdirs)\n abort \"Cancelled\" unless choice\n subdir = subdirs[choice]\nend\n\nif subdir\n file = subdir + \"/CMakeLists.txt\"\n path = File.join(dir, file)\n abort \"The file at \#{file} doesn't exist\" unless File.exist?(path)\n TextMate.go_to(:file => path)\nend\n", fallbackInput: "line", input: "selection", keyEquivalent: "~@", name: "Move to Subdirectory Listfile", output: "showAsTooltip", scope: "source.cmake", uuid: "6F326FB4-8DC0-49BE-B74C-7B49CFA5283F"}]