require 'spec_helper' describe Rivendell::Import::Base do describe "#prepare_task" do let(:task) { mock } it "should prepare task with to_prepare block" do subject.to_prepare = {} task.should_receive :prepare subject.prepare_task task end end describe "#to_prepare" do let(:block) { mock } it "should use default_to_prepare if not defined" do subject.stub :default_to_prepare => block subject.to_prepare.should == block end end describe "#create_task" do let(:file) { "dummy.wav" } it "should create a task with given file" do Rivendell::Import::Task.should_receive(:create).with({:file => file}, {}) subject.create_task file end it "should prepare task" do subject.should_receive(:prepare_task) subject.create_task file end end describe "#file" do let(:file) {"dummy.wav") } it "should create a File with given path and base_directory" do subject.file("path", "base_directory").file_path.should == File.expand_path("path", "base_directory") end it "should create a File with given path and base_directory" do Rivendell::Import::File.stub :new => file subject.should_receive(:create_task).with(file) subject.file "path", "base_directory" end end describe "#directory" do it "should look for files in given directory" do Dir.mktmpdir do |directory| FileUtils.mkdir "#{directory}/subdirectory" file = "#{directory}/subdirectory/dummy.wav" FileUtils.touch file subject.should_receive(:file).with(file, directory) directory end end end describe "#process" do it "should use file method when path isn't a directory" do File.stub :directory? => false subject.should_receive(:file).with("dummy") subject.process("dummy") end it "should use directory method when path is a directory" do File.stub :directory? => true subject.should_receive(:directory).with("dummy") subject.process("dummy") end end describe "#listen" do before(:each) do Listen.stub :to => mock(:change => mock(:start! => true)) end let(:directory) { "directory" } let(:worker) { mock } before(:each) do worker.stub :start => worker Rivendell::Import::Worker.stub :new => worker end it "should create a Worker" do Rivendell::Import::Worker.should_receive(:new).with(subject).and_return(worker) subject.listen directory subject.workers.should == [ worker ] end it "should start Worker" do worker.should_receive(:start).and_return(worker) subject.listen directory end it "should not create Worker with dry_run option" do subject.listen directory, :dry_run => true subject.workers.should be_empty end it "should invoke with given directory" do Listen.should_receive(:to).with(directory, anything) subject.listen directory end end describe "#ignore?" do context "when default file patterns" do it "should ignore hidden file" do subject.ignore?("path/to/.nfs00000000074200420000000c").should be_true subject.ignore?(".nfs00000000074200420000000c").should be_true end it "should accept files in directories" do subject.ignore?("path/to/normal_file.mp3").should be_false end it "should accept files in root directory" do subject.ignore?("file").should be_false end end end end