require 'spec_helper' describe 'WithFilters::ActiveRecordModelExtention' do describe '#with_filters(params = nil, options = {})' do context 'filters using fields' do context 'where value is a string' do it 'filters based on the string value' do npw = NobelPrizeWinner.with_filters({'nobel_prize_winners' => {'first_name' => 'Albert'}}) npw.length.should == 1 npw.first.first_name.should == 'Albert' end it 'skips an empty value' do npw = NobelPrizeWinner.with_filters({'nobel_prize_winners' => {'first_name' => ''}}) npw.where_values.should == [] end end context 'where value is an array' do it 'filters based on the array values' do npw = NobelPrizeWinner.with_filters({'nobel_prize_winners' => {'first_name' => ['Albert', 'Marie']}}).order('first_name ASC') npw.length.should == 2 npw.first.first_name.should == 'Albert' npw.last.first_name.should == 'Marie' end it 'skips blank array values' do npw = NobelPrizeWinner.with_filters({'nobel_prize_winners' => {'first_name' => ['Albert', 'Marie', '']}}).order('first_name ASC') npw.length.should == 2 npw.first.first_name.should == 'Albert' npw.last.first_name.should == 'Marie' npw.where_values.should == ["nobel_prize_winners.\"first_name\" LIKE 'Albert' OR nobel_prize_winners.\"first_name\" LIKE 'Marie'"] end it 'skips empty arrays' do npw = NobelPrizeWinner.with_filters({'nobel_prize_winners' => {'first_name' => []}}) npw.where_values.should == [] end end context 'where value is a :start and :stop range' do it 'filters between :start and :stop' do np = NobelPrize.with_filters({'nobel_prizes' => {'year' => {'start' => 1900, 'stop' => 1930}}}) np.length.should == 4 end it 'discards the range if :start or :stop are empty' do np = NobelPrize.with_filters({'nobel_prizes' => {'year' => {'start' => 1900, 'stop' => ''}}}) np.where_values.should == [] np = NobelPrize.with_filters({'nobel_prizes' => {'year' => {'stop' => 1930}}}) np.where_values.should == [] end end context 'where value is a boolean (and the column on the table is a :boolean)' do it 'filters when "on" or "off" is passed' do np = NobelPrize.with_filters({'nobel_prizes' => {'shared' => 'on'}}) np.length.should == 7 np = NobelPrize.with_filters({'nobel_prizes' => {'shared' => 'off'}}) np.length.should == 9 end end context 'where value is a date' do context 'and the column on the table is a :date' do it 'filters on the date value' do npw = NobelPrizeWinner.with_filters({'nobel_prize_winners' => {'birthdate' => '19140325'}}) npw.length.should == 1 npw.first.birthdate.should == '19140325'.to_date end end context 'and the column on the table is a :datetime or :timestamp' do it 'filters on the date value' do date = '2012-01-01' ddt = DateTimeTester.with_filters({'date_time_testers' => {'test' => date}}).order('test ASC') ddt.length.should == 8 ddt.first.test.to_s.should =~ /^#{date}/ ddt.last.test.to_s.should =~ /^#{date}/ end end end context 'where value is a date range' do context 'and the column on the table is a :date' do it 'filters between :start and :stop' do start_date = '1914-03-25' stop_date = '1928-04-06' npw = NobelPrizeWinner. with_filters({'nobel_prize_winners' => {'birthdate' => {'start' => start_date, 'stop' => stop_date}}}). order('birthdate ASC') npw.length.should == 4 npw.first.birthdate.should == start_date.to_date npw.last.birthdate.should == stop_date.to_date end end context 'and the column on the table is a :datetime or :timestamp' do it 'filters between :start and :stop' do start_date = '2012-01-01' stop_date = '2012-01-01' ddt = DateTimeTester. with_filters({'date_time_testers' => {'test' => {'start' => start_date, 'stop' => stop_date}}}). order('test ASC') ddt.length.should == 8 ddt.first.test.to_s.should =~ /^#{start_date}/ ddt.last.test.to_s.should =~ /^#{stop_date}/ end end end context 'where value is a datetime with microseconds (and the column on the table is a :datetime or :timestamp)' do it 'filters on the datetime value' do time = '2012-01-01 00:00:01.654321' ddt = DateTimeTester.with_filters({'date_time_testers' => {'test' => time}}) ddt.length.should == 1 ddt.first.test.to_s.should == Time.parse(time).to_s end end context 'where value is a datetime (and the column on the table is a :datetime or :timestamp)' do it 'filters on the datetime value' do time = '2012-01-01 00:00:01' ddt = DateTimeTester.with_filters({'date_time_testers' => {'test' => time}}).order('test ASC') ddt.length.should == 4 do |test| test.to_s.should =~ /^#{time}/ end end end context 'where value is a datetime range with microseconds (and the column on the table is a :datetime or :timestamp)' do it 'filters between :start and :stop' do start_time = '2012-01-01 00:00:01.123456' stop_time = '2012-01-01 00:00:01.654300' ddt = DateTimeTester. with_filters({'date_time_testers' => {'test' => {'start' => start_time, 'stop' => stop_time}}}). order('test ASC') ddt.length.should == 2 ddt.first.test.to_s.should == Time.parse(start_time).to_s ddt.last.test.to_s.should == Time.parse(stop_time).to_s end end context 'where value is a datetime range (and the column on the table is a :datetime or :timestamp)' do it 'filters between :start and :stop' do start_time = '2012-01-01 00:00:01' stop_time = '2012-01-01 00:00:02' ddt = DateTimeTester. with_filters({'date_time_testers' => {'test' => {'start' => start_time, 'stop' => stop_time}}}). order('test ASC') ddt.length.should == 5 ddt.first.test.to_s.should =~ /^#{start_time}/ ddt.last.test.to_s.should =~ /^#{stop_time}/ end end it 'accepts more than one field' do np = NobelPrize.with_filters({'nobel_prizes' => {'year' => {'start' => 1900, 'stop' => 1930}, 'category' => 'Physics'}}) np.length.should == 3 end end context 'options' do context ':param_namespace' do it 'finds the params from the hash using the namespace' do npw = NobelPrizeWinner.with_filters({'foo' => {'first_name' => 'Albert'}}, {param_namespace: :foo}) npw.with_filters_data[:param_namespace].should == :foo end end context 'no :param_namespace' do it 'defaults to the primary table name' do npw = NobelPrizeWinner.with_filters({'nobel_prize_winners' => {'first_name' => 'Albert'}}) npw.with_filters_data[:param_namespace].should == :nobel_prize_winners end end context ':fields' do context 'value is a hash of options' do context ':column' do it 'uses the passed column name' do npw = NobelPrizeWinner.with_filters({'nobel_prize_winners' => {'fname' => 'Albert'}}, { fields: { fname: {column: :first_name} } }) npw.length.should == 1 npw.first.first_name.should == 'Albert' npw = NobelPrizeWinner.with_filters({'nobel_prize_winners' => {'fname' => 'Albert'}}, { fields: { fname: {column: 'nobel_prize_winners.first_name'} } }) npw.length.should == 1 npw.first.first_name.should == 'Albert' end end context ':match' do context ':exact' do it 'handles matches for a single entry' do npw = NobelPrizeWinner.with_filters( {'nobel_prize_winners' => {'first_name' => 'Paul'}}, {fields: { first_name: {match: :exact} }} ).order('first_name ASC') npw.length.should == 2 npw.each do |n| n.first_name.should == 'Paul' end end it 'handles matches for a multiple entries' do npw = NobelPrizeWinner.with_filters( {'nobel_prize_winners' => {'first_name' => ['Paul', 'Erwin']}}, {fields: { first_name: {match: :exact} }} ).order('first_name ASC') npw.length.should == 3 npw.first.first_name.should == 'Erwin' npw.second.first_name.should == 'Paul' npw.last.first_name.should == 'Paul' end end context ':contains' do it 'handles matches for a single entry' do npw = NobelPrizeWinner.with_filters( {'nobel_prize_winners' => {'first_name' => 'el'}}, {fields: { first_name: {match: :contains} }} ).order('first_name ASC') npw.length.should == 3 npw.first.first_name.should == 'Nelson' npw.second.first_name.should == 'Niels' npw.last.first_name.should == 'Samuel' end it 'handles matches for a multiple entries' do npw = NobelPrizeWinner.with_filters( {'nobel_prize_winners' => {'first_name' => ['ert', 'mu'] }}, {fields: { first_name: {match: :contains} }} ).order('first_name ASC') npw.length.should == 3 npw.first.first_name.should == 'Albert' npw.second.first_name.should == 'Bertrand' npw.last.first_name.should == 'Samuel' end end context ':begins_with' do it 'handles matches for a single entry' do npw = NobelPrizeWinner.with_filters( {'nobel_prize_winners' => {'first_name' => 'ja'}}, {fields: { first_name: {match: :begins_with} }} ).order('first_name ASC') npw.length.should == 2 npw.first.first_name.should == 'Jacques' npw.last.first_name.should == 'James' end it 'handles matches for a multiple entries' do npw = NobelPrizeWinner.with_filters( {'nobel_prize_winners' => {'first_name' => ['ja', 'ri']}}, {fields: { first_name: {match: :begins_with} }} ).order('first_name ASC') npw.length.should == 3 npw.first.first_name.should == 'Jacques' npw.second.first_name.should == 'James' npw.last.first_name.should == 'Richard' end end context ':ends_with' do it 'handles matches for a single entry' do npw = NobelPrizeWinner.with_filters( {'nobel_prize_winners' => {'first_name' => 'es'}}, {fields: { first_name: {match: :ends_with} }} ).order('first_name ASC') npw.length.should == 2 npw.first.first_name.should == 'Jacques' npw.last.first_name.should == 'James' end it 'handles matches for a multiple entries' do npw = NobelPrizeWinner.with_filters( {'nobel_prize_winners' => {'first_name' => ['es', 'ie']}}, {fields: { first_name: {match: :ends_with} }} ).order('first_name ASC') npw.length.should == 3 npw.first.first_name.should == 'Jacques' npw.second.first_name.should == 'James' npw.last.first_name.should == 'Marie' end end end end context 'value is a Proc' do it 'returns the value from the proc' do npw = NobelPrizeWinner.with_filters( {'nobel_prize_winners' => {'full_name' => 'Albert Einstein'}}, {fields: { full_name: ->(value, scope) { first_word, second_word = value.strip.split(/\s+/) if second_word scope.where(['first_name LIKE ? OR last_name LIKE ?', first_word, first_word]) else scope.where(['first_name LIKE ? AND last_name LIKE ?', first_word, second_word]) end } }} ) npw.length.should == 1 npw.first.first_name.should == 'Albert' npw.first.last_name.should == 'Einstein' end end end end context 'provides with_filters_data attr' do it 'has :param_namespace' do npw = NobelPrizeWinner.with_filters({'nobel_prize_winners' => {'first_name' => 'Albert'}}) npw.with_filters_data[:param_namespace].should == :nobel_prize_winners end context 'has :column_types' do let(:column_types) { { id: :integer, nobel_prize_winner_id: :integer, category: :string, year: :integer, shared: :boolean, first_name: :string, last_name: :string, birthdate: :date, created_at: :datetime, updated_at: :datetime } } it 'joins an association' do npw = NobelPrizeWinner. joins(:nobel_prizes). with_filters({'nobel_prize_winners' => {'first_name' => 'Albert'}}) npw.with_filters_data[:column_types].should == column_types end it 'manually joins a table' do npw = NobelPrizeWinner.joins('join nobel_prizes ON nobel_prizes.nobel_prize_winner_id =').with_filters npw.with_filters_data[:column_types].should == column_types end it 'includes an association' do npw = NobelPrizeWinner.includes(:nobel_prizes).with_filters npw.with_filters_data[:column_types].should == column_types end context 'selects the column type when the field is aliased' do it 'is alias to a field name' do npw = NobelPrizeWinner.with_filters({}, fields: {foo: {column: :birthdate}}) npw.with_filters_data[:column_types][:foo].should == :date end it 'is aliased to a field on the primary table' do npw = NobelPrizeWinner.with_filters({}, fields: {foo: {column: 'nobel_prize_winners.birthdate'}}) npw.with_filters_data[:column_types][:foo].should == :date end it 'is aliased to a field on a joined table' do npw = NobelPrizeWinner.joins(:nobel_prizes).with_filters({}, fields: {foo: {column: 'nobel_prizes.year'}}) npw.with_filters_data[:column_types][:foo].should == :integer end end end it 'stays when converted to an array' do npw = NobelPrizeWinner.with_filters({'nobel_prize_winners' => {'first_name' => 'Albert'}}).to_a npw.with_filters_data[:param_namespace].should == :nobel_prize_winners npw.with_filters_data[:column_types].should == { id: :integer, first_name: :string, last_name: :string, birthdate: :date, created_at: :datetime, updated_at: :datetime } end end context 'limit the need for specifying table names to resolve ambiguity' do it 'prepends the table name to the field if the field is in the primary table' do npw = NobelPrizeWinner.joins(:nobel_prizes).with_filters({'nobel_prize_winners' => {'birthdate' => '19140325'}}) npw.where_values.first.should =~ /^#{npw.table_name}\./ end it 'does not affect non-primary fields' do npw = NobelPrizeWinner.joins(:nobel_prizes).with_filters({'nobel_prize_winners' => {'year' => '1903'}}) npw.where_values.first.should =~ /^#{npw.connection.quote_column_name('year')}/ end end it 'quotes column names' do npw = NobelPrizeWinner.joins(:nobel_prizes).with_filters({'nobel_prize_winners' => {'year' => '1903'}}) npw.where_values.first.should =~ /^#{npw.connection.quote_column_name('year')}/ end it 'does not break the chain' do npw = NobelPrizeWinner.with_filters.limit(1) npw.length.should == 1 end end end