class FirstController < UIViewController stylesheet :first layout :root do subview(CustomView, :background) do @welcome = subview(UILabel, :welcome) subview(UILabel, :footer) @button = subview(UIButton.buttonWithType(UIButtonTypeRoundedRect), :next_message) end @button.addTarget(self, action: :next_message, forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside) end # used in testing def landscape_only[0].rootViewController = LandscapeOnlyController.alloc.init end def next_view landscape_only end def next_message msg = messages.shift if msg @welcome.text = msg else @welcome.text = 'Next example...' @button.removeTarget(self, action: :next_view, forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside) @button.addTarget(self, action: :next_view, forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside) end end def messages @messages ||= [ 'This is teacup', 'Welcome', 'This is teacup', 'Welcome to teacup', 'You can do anything at teacup', 'Anything at all', 'The only limit is yourself ', 'Welcome to teacup', 'Welcome to teacup', 'This is teacup', 'Welcome to teacup', 'This is teacup, Welcome', 'Yes, this is teacup', 'This is teacup and welcome to you who have come to teacup', 'Anything is possible at teacup', 'You can to anything teacup', 'The infinite is possible at teacup', 'The unattainable is unknown at teacup', 'Welcome to teacup', 'This is teacup', 'Welcome to teacup', 'Welcome', 'This is teacup', 'Welcome to teacup', 'Welcome to teacup', ] end def shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation(orientation) autorotateToOrientation(orientation) end end