#include #if defined(GOSU_IS_IPHONE) #include "GosuViewController.hpp" #include struct Gosu::Window::Impl : Gosu::Noncopyable { UIWindow* window; GosuViewController* controller; std::unique_ptr graphics; std::unique_ptr input; double update_interval; std::string caption; }; Gosu::Window::Window(int width, int height, unsigned window_flags, double update_interval) : m_impl{new Impl} { m_impl->window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[UIScreen mainScreen].bounds]; m_impl->controller = [GosuViewController new]; m_impl->controller.gosuWindow = this; m_impl->window.rootViewController = m_impl->controller; // It is important to (implicitly) load the view before creating the Graphics instance. [m_impl->controller view]; m_impl->graphics.reset(new Graphics(screen_width(), screen_height())); m_impl->graphics->set_resolution(width, height); m_impl->input.reset(new Input((__bridge void*) m_impl->controller.view, update_interval)); m_impl->input->set_mouse_factors(1.0 * width / available_width(), 1.0 * height / available_height()); m_impl->input->on_touch_began = [this](Gosu::Touch touch) { touch_began(touch); }; m_impl->input->on_touch_moved = [this](Gosu::Touch touch) { touch_moved(touch); }; m_impl->input->on_touch_ended = [this](Gosu::Touch touch) { touch_ended(touch); }; m_impl->input->on_touch_cancelled = [this](Gosu::Touch touch) { touch_cancelled(touch); }; // Now let the controller know about our Input instance. [m_impl->controller trackTextInput:*m_impl->input]; m_impl->update_interval = update_interval; } Gosu::Window::~Window() = default; int Gosu::Window::width() const { return graphics().width(); } int Gosu::Window::height() const { return graphics().height(); } bool Gosu::Window::fullscreen() const { return true; } bool Gosu::Window::resizable() const { return false; } void Gosu::Window::set_resizable(bool) { } bool Gosu::Window::borderless() const { return true; } void Gosu::Window::set_borderless(bool) { } void Gosu::Window::resize(int, int, bool) { throw std::logic_error{"Cannot resize windows on iOS"}; } double Gosu::Window::update_interval() const { return m_impl->update_interval; } void Gosu::Window::set_update_interval(double) { throw std::logic_error{"Cannot change the update interval on iOS"}; } std::string Gosu::Window::caption() const { return m_impl->caption; } void Gosu::Window::set_caption(const std::string& caption) { m_impl->caption = caption; } const Gosu::Graphics& Gosu::Window::graphics() const { return *m_impl->graphics; } Gosu::Graphics& Gosu::Window::graphics() { return *m_impl->graphics; } const Gosu::Input& Gosu::Window::input() const { return *m_impl->input; } Gosu::Input& Gosu::Window::input() { return *m_impl->input; } void Gosu::Window::show() { } bool Gosu::Window::tick() { return true; } void Gosu::Window::close() { throw std::logic_error{"Cannot close windows manually on iOS"}; } void Gosu::Window::button_down(Button button) { } void* Gosu::Window::uikit_window() const { return (__bridge void*) m_impl->window; } int Gosu::screen_width(Window*) { return available_width() * [UIScreen mainScreen].scale; } int Gosu::screen_height(Window*) { return available_height() * [UIScreen mainScreen].scale; } int Gosu::available_width(Window*) { static CGSize screen_size = [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size; static CGFloat width = MAX(screen_size.width, screen_size.height); return width; } int Gosu::available_height(Window*) { static CGSize screen_size = [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size; static CGFloat height = MIN(screen_size.width, screen_size.height); return height; } #endif