{ "tls_cert_request": { "full_properties": { "dns_names": { "description": "List of DNS names for which a certificate is being requested.", "required": false }, "ip_addresses": { "description": "List of IP addresses for which a certificate is being requested.", "required": false }, "key_algorithm": { "description": "The name of the algorithm for the key provided", "required": true }, "private_key_pem": { "description": "PEM-encoded private key data. This can be", "required": true }, "subject": { "description": "The subject for which a certificate is being requested. This is", "required": true } }, "path": "/docs/providers/tls/r/cert_request.html", "properties": [ "key_algorithm", "private_key_pem", "subject", "dns_names", "ip_addresses" ] }, "tls_locally_signed_cert": { "full_properties": { "allowed_uses": { "description": "List of keywords each describing a use that is permitted", "required": true }, "ca_cert_pem": { "description": "PEM-encoded certificate data for the CA.", "required": true }, "ca_key_algorithm": { "description": "The name of the algorithm for the key provided", "required": true }, "ca_private_key_pem": { "description": "PEM-encoded private key data for the CA.", "required": true }, "cert_request_pem": { "description": "PEM-encoded request certificate data.", "required": true }, "early_renewal_hours": { "description": "If set, the resource will consider the certificate to", "required": false }, "is_ca_certificate": { "description": "Boolean controlling whether the CA flag will be set in the", "required": false }, "validity_period_hours": { "description": "The number of hours after initial issuing that the", "required": true } }, "path": "/docs/providers/tls/r/locally_signed_cert.html", "properties": [ "cert_request_pem", "ca_key_algorithm", "ca_private_key_pem", "ca_cert_pem", "validity_period_hours", "allowed_uses", "early_renewal_hours", "is_ca_certificate" ] }, "tls_private_key": { "full_properties": { "algorithm": { "description": "The name of the algorithm to use for", "required": true }, "ecdsa_curve": { "description": "When algorithm is \"ECDSA\", the name of the elliptic", "required": false }, "rsa_bits": { "description": "When algorithm is \"RSA\", the size of the generated", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/tls/r/private_key.html", "properties": [ "algorithm", "rsa_bits", "ecdsa_curve" ] }, "tls_self_signed_cert": { "full_properties": { "aws_iam_server_certificate": { "description": "to register certificates for use with AWS Elastic", "required": false }, "heroku_cert": { "description": "to register certificates for applications deployed on Heroku.", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/tls/r/self_signed_cert.html", "properties": [ "aws_iam_server_certificate", "heroku_cert" ] } }