require 'karo/config' require 'thor' require 'yaml' require 'erb' require 'ap' module Karo class DB < Thor include Thor::Actions method_option :migrate, aliases: "-m", desc: "run migrations after sync", default: true desc "pull", "syncs MySQL database from server to localhost" def pull configuration = Config.load_configuration(options) local_db_config_file = File.expand_path("config/database.yml") unless File.exists?(local_db_config_file) raise Thor::Error, "Please make sure that this file exists locally? '#{local_db_config_file}'" end local_db_config = YAML.load('config/database.yml')) if local_db_config["development"].nil? || local_db_config["development"].empty? raise Thor::Error, "Please make sure MySQL development configuration exists within this file? '#{local_db_config_file}'" end local_db_config = local_db_config["development"] say "Loading local database configuration", :green server_db_config_file = File.join(configuration["path"], "shared/config/database.yml") host = "deploy@#{configuration["host"]}" cmd = "ssh #{host} 'cat #{server_db_config_file}'" server_db_config_output = `#{cmd}` yaml_without_any_ruby = server_db_config = YAML.load(yaml_without_any_ruby) if server_db_config[options[:environment]].nil? || server_db_config[options[:environment]].empty? raise Thor::Error, "Please make sure MySQL development configuration exists within this file? '#{server_db_config_file}'" end server_db_config = server_db_config[options[:environment]] say "Loading #{options[:environment]} server database configuration", :green # Drop local database and re-create system "mysql -v -h #{local_db_config["host"]} -u#{local_db_config["username"]} -p#{local_db_config["password"]} -e 'DROP DATABASE `#{local_db_config["database"]}`; CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `#{local_db_config["database"]}`;'" ssh = "ssh #{configuration["user"]}@#{configuration["host"]}" system "#{ssh} \"mysqldump --opt -C -u#{server_db_config["username"]} -p#{server_db_config["password"]} #{server_db_config["database"]}\" | mysql -v -h #{local_db_config["host"]} -C -u#{local_db_config["username"]} -p#{local_db_config["password"]} #{local_db_config["database"]}" if options[:migrate] say "Running rake db:migrations", :green system "bundle exec rake db:migrate" end say "Database sync complete", :green end desc "push", "syncs MySQL database from localhost to server" def push say "Pending Implementation...", :yellow end desc "console", "open rails dbconsole for a given server environment" def console configuration = Config.load_configuration(options) path = File.join(configuration["path"], "current") ssh = "ssh #{configuration["user"]}@#{configuration["host"]} -t" cmd = "cd #{path} && bundle exec rails dbconsole #{options[:environment]} -p" system "#{ssh} '#{cmd}'" end end end