# frozen_string_literal: true require "stimulus_reflex/cable_readiness" # TODO remove xpath_controller and xpath_element for v4 ClientAttributes = Struct.new(:id, :tab_id, :reflex_controller, :xpath_controller, :xpath_element, :permanent_attribute_name, :version, :suppress_logging, keyword_init: true) class StimulusReflex::Reflex class VersionMismatchError < StandardError; end prepend StimulusReflex::CableReadiness include ActiveSupport::Rescuable include StimulusReflex::Callbacks include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper include CableReady::Identifiable attr_accessor :payload, :headers attr_reader :channel, :url, :element, :selectors, :method_name, :broadcaster, :client_attributes, :logger alias_method :action_name, :method_name # for compatibility with controller libraries like Pundit that expect an action name delegate :connection, :stream_name, to: :channel delegate :controller_class, :flash, :session, to: :request delegate :broadcast, :broadcast_halt, :broadcast_forbid, :broadcast_error, to: :broadcaster # TODO remove xpath_controller and xpath_element for v4 delegate :id, :tab_id, :reflex_controller, :xpath_controller, :xpath_element, :permanent_attribute_name, :version, :suppress_logging, to: :client_attributes def initialize(channel, url: nil, element: nil, selectors: [], method_name: nil, params: {}, client_attributes: {}) @channel = channel @url = url @element = element @selectors = selectors @method_name = method_name @params = params @client_attributes = ClientAttributes.new(client_attributes) @broadcaster = StimulusReflex::PageBroadcaster.new(self) @logger = suppress_logging ? nil : StimulusReflex::Logger.new(self) @payload = {} @headers = {} if version != StimulusReflex::VERSION && StimulusReflex.config.on_failed_sanity_checks != :ignore raise VersionMismatchError.new("stimulus_reflex gem / NPM package version mismatch") end self.params end # TODO: remove this for v4 def reflex_id warn "Deprecation warning: reflex_id will be removed in v4. Use id instead!" if Rails.env.development? id end # END TODO: remove def request @request ||= begin uri = URI.parse(url) path = ActionDispatch::Journey::Router::Utils.normalize_path(uri.path) query_hash = Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query(uri.query) mock_env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for(uri.to_s) mock_env.merge!( "rack.request.query_hash" => query_hash, "rack.request.query_string" => uri.query, "ORIGINAL_SCRIPT_NAME" => "", "ORIGINAL_FULLPATH" => path, Rack::SCRIPT_NAME => "", Rack::PATH_INFO => path, Rack::REQUEST_PATH => path, Rack::QUERY_STRING => uri.query ) env = connection.env.merge(mock_env) middleware = StimulusReflex.config.middleware if middleware.any? stack = middleware.build(Rails.application.routes) stack.call(env) end req = ActionDispatch::Request.new(env) # fetch path params (controller, action, ...) and apply them request_params = StimulusReflex::RequestParameters.new(params: @params, req: req, url: url) req = request_params.apply! req end end def morph(selectors, html = nil) case selectors when :page raise StandardError.new("Cannot call :page morph after :#{broadcaster.to_sym} morph") unless broadcaster.page? when :nothing raise StandardError.new("#{broadcaster.to_sym} morph type has already been set") if broadcaster.selector? @broadcaster = StimulusReflex::NothingBroadcaster.new(self) unless broadcaster.nothing? else raise StandardError.new("#{broadcaster.to_sym} morph type has already been set") if broadcaster.nothing? @broadcaster = StimulusReflex::SelectorBroadcaster.new(self) unless broadcaster.selector? broadcaster.append_morph(selectors, html) end end def controller @controller ||= controller_class.new.tap do |c| request.headers.merge!(headers) c.instance_variable_set :@stimulus_reflex, true c.set_request! request c.set_response! controller_class.make_response!(request) end instance_variables.each { |name| @controller.instance_variable_set name, instance_variable_get(name) } @controller end def controller? !!defined? @controller end def render(*args) options = args.extract_options! (options[:locals] ||= {}).reverse_merge!(params: params) args << options.reverse_merge(layout: false) controller_class.renderer.new(connection.env.merge("SCRIPT_NAME" => "")).render(*args) end # Invoke the reflex action specified by `name` and run all callbacks def process(name, *args) run_callbacks(:process) { public_send(name, *args) } end # Indicates if the callback chain was halted via a throw(:abort) in a before_reflex callback. # SEE: https://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveSupport/Callbacks.html # IMPORTANT: The reflex will not re-render the page if the callback chain is halted def halted? !!@halted end # Indicates if the callback chain was halted via a throw(:forbidden) in a before_reflex callback. def forbidden? !!@forbidden end def default_reflex # noop default reflex to force page reloads end def params @_params ||= ActionController::Parameters.new(request.parameters) end # morphdom needs content to be wrapped in an element with the same id when children_only: true # Oddly, it doesn't matter if the target element is a div! See: https://docs.stimulusreflex.com/appendices/troubleshooting#different-element-type-altogether-who-cares-so-long-as-the-css-selector-matches # Used internally to allow automatic partial collection rendering, but also useful to library users # eg. `morph dom_id(@posts), render_collection(@posts)` def render_collection(resource, content = nil) content ||= render(resource) tag.div(content.html_safe, id: dom_id(resource).from(1)) end end